विद्यार्जन संसाधन केंद्र, भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान इन्दौर
Learning Resource Center, Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Sr.No. | Journal Name | Click Here | Publisher | Access from | Access upto | Subscription Remark | Type |
1 | 14th Century English Mystics Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
2 | 19th-Century Music | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3 | 291 | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1916 | eSS | E-Journal |
4 | 3 Biotech | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5 | 3C ON-LINE | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
6 | 3D Research | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
7 | 4OR | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
8 | 4S Review | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
9 | A.A.V. Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
10 | A.I.H.P. Notes | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
11 | a/b: Auto/Biography Studies | view | Project Muse | 2009 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
12 | AA Files | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
13 | AAPS PharmSciTech | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
14 | AATSEEL Journal | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
15 | AAUP Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
16 | AAV Today | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
17 | Ab Imperio | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
18 | ABA Journal | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
19 | ABA Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
20 | ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
21 | Abaco | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
22 | Abdominal Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
23 | Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
24 | Abstract of Sanitary Reports | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 1895 | eSS | E-Journal |
25 | Abstracta Botanica | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
26 | Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1843 | 1850 | eSS | E-Journal |
27 | Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1800 | 1837 | eSS | E-Journal |
28 | ACA Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
29 | Academe | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
30 | Academic Psychiatry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
31 | Academy of Management Learning & Education | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
32 | Academy of Management Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
33 | Acadiensis | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
34 | Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region / Revue dhistoire de la region atlantique | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
35 | Accident Analysis & Prevention | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
36 | Accounts of Chemical Research | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
37 | Accounts of Materials Research | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
38 | Accreditation and Quality Assurance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
39 | ACM Communications in Computer Algebra | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1967 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
40 | ACM Computing Surveys | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
41 | ACM Inroads | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
42 | ACM Journal of Computer Documentation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
43 | ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
44 | ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1992 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
45 | ACM Lisp Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
46 | ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
47 | ACM SIGACT News | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
48 | ACM SIGAda Ada Letters | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1981 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
49 | ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
50 | ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1993 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
51 | ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1972 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
52 | ACM SIGART Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
53 | ACM SIGBED Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
54 | ACM SIGBIO Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1976 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
55 | ACM SIGBioinformatics Record | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
56 | ACM SIGCAPH Computers and the Physically Handicapped | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
57 | ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
58 | ACM SIGCHI Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1982 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
59 | ACM SIGCHI Bulletin - a supplement to interactions | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
60 | ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
61 | ACM SIGCPR Computer Personnel | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1964 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
62 | ACM SIGCSE Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
63 | ACM SIGCSIM Installation Management Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
64 | ACM SIGCUE Outlook | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
65 | ACM SIGDA Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
66 | ACM SIGDOC Asterisk Journal of Computer Documentation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1975 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
67 | ACM SIGecom Exchanges | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
68 | ACM SIGEVOlution | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
69 | ACM SIGFORTH Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1989 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
70 | ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
71 | ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1997 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
72 | ACM SIGHIT Record | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2011 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
73 | ACM SIGHPC Connect | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
74 | ACM SIGICE Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
75 | ACM SIGIR Forum | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
76 | ACM SIGITE Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
77 | ACM SIGITE Research in IT | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
78 | ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
79 | ACM SIGLASH Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1976 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
80 | ACM SIGLOG News | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
81 | ACM SIGMAP Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
82 | ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1972 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
83 | ACM SIGMICRO Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
84 | ACM SIGMINI Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1975 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
85 | ACM SIGMIS Database | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
86 | ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
87 | ACM SIGMOD Record | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
88 | ACM SIGMultimedia Records | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
89 | ACM SIGNUM Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1966 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
90 | ACM SIGOA Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1980 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
91 | ACM SIGOIS Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1986 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
92 | ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
93 | ACM SIGPC Notes | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1978 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
94 | ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1982 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
95 | ACM SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1987 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
96 | ACM SIGPLAN Notices | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1966 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
97 | ACM SIGPLAN OOPS Messenger | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1990 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
98 | ACM SIGSAC Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1981 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
99 | ACM SIGSAM Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1967 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
100 | ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
101 | ACM SIGSMALL Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1978 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
102 | ACM SIGSMALL/PC Notes | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1985 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
103 | ACM SIGSOC Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
104 | ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1976 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
105 | ACM SIGUCCS Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1965 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
106 | ACM SIGUCCS plugged in | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2012 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
107 | ACM SIGWEB Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1992 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
108 | ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
109 | ACM Transactions on Algorithms | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
110 | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
111 | ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
112 | ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
113 | ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2002 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
114 | ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
115 | ACM Transactions on Computation Theory | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
116 | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
117 | ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1983 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
118 | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
119 | ACM Transactions on Computing Education | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
120 | ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
121 | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1976 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
122 | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1996 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
123 | ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
124 | ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
125 | ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | Current | eSS | E-Journal | |
126 | ACM Transactions on Graphics | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1982 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
127 | ACM Transactions on Information and System Security | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
128 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1983 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
129 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
130 | ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
131 | ACM Transactions on Internet of Things | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
132 | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
133 | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
134 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
135 | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1975 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
136 | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1991 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
137 | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
138 | ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
139 | ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1979 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
140 | ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
141 | ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
142 | ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
143 | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1992 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
144 | ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
145 | ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
146 | ACM Transactions on Storage | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
147 | ACM Transactions on the Web | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
148 | ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
149 | Acoustical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
150 | Acoustics Australia | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
151 | Acquisitions (Fogg Art Museum) | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
152 | ACS Agricultural Science & Technology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
153 | ACS Applied Bio Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
154 | ACS Applied Electronic Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
155 | ACS Applied Energy Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
156 | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
157 | ACS Applied Nano Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
158 | ACS Applied Polymer Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
159 | ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
160 | ACS Catalysis | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2011 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
161 | ACS Chemical Biology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
162 | ACS Chemical Health & Safety | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
163 | ACS Chemical Neuroscience | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
164 | ACS Combinatorial Science | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2011 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
165 | ACS Earth and Space Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2017 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
166 | ACS Energy Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
167 | ACS ES&T Engineering | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
168 | ACS ES&T Water | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
169 | ACS Food Science & Technology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
170 | ACS Infectious Diseases | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
171 | ACS Macro Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
172 | ACS Materials Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
173 | ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
174 | ACS Nano | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
175 | ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
176 | ACS Photonics | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
177 | ACS Sensors | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
178 | ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
179 | ACS Synthetic Biology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
180 | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
181 | Acta Analytica | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
182 | Acta Applicandae Mathematicae | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
183 | Acta Astronautica | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
184 | Acta Biotheoretica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
185 | Acta Botanica Gallica : Botany Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
186 | Acta Botanica Venezuelica | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
187 | Acta Classica | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
188 | Acta Criminologica | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
189 | Acta Diabetologica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
190 | Acta Endoscopica | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
191 | acta ethologica | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
192 | Acta Geochimica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
193 | Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
194 | Acta Geophysica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
195 | Acta Geotechnica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
196 | Acta Informatica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
197 | Acta Koreana | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
198 | Acta Materialia | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
199 | Acta Mathematica Hungarica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
200 | Acta Mathematica Scientia | view | Springer Nature | 2019 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
201 | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
202 | Acta Mathematica Vietnamica | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
203 | Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
204 | Acta Mechanica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
205 | Acta Mechanica Sinica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
206 | Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
207 | Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
208 | Acta Musicologica | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
209 | Acta Musicologica | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
210 | Acta Neurochirurgica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
211 | Acta Neurologica Belgica | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
212 | Acta Neuropathologica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
213 | Acta Oceanologica Sinica | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
214 | Acta Oeconomica | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
215 | Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
216 | Acta Parasitologica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
217 | Acta Physica Hungarica B) Quantum Electronics | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
218 | Acta Physica Hungarica Series A, Heavy Ion Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
219 | Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
220 | Acta Sociologica | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
221 | Acta Turistica | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
222 | Ad Hoc Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
223 | Ad Hoc Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
224 | Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
225 | Additive Manufacturing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
226 | ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
227 | adhesion ADHESIVES + SEALANTS | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
228 | Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
229 | Administrative Law Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
230 | Administrative Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
231 | Administrative Science Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
232 | Administrative Theory & Praxis | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
233 | Adolescent Research Review | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
234 | Adoption & Culture | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
235 | Adsorption | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
236 | Advanced Composite Materials | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
237 | Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials | view | Springer Nature | 2018 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
238 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
239 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
240 | Advanced Fiber Materials | view | Springer Nature | 2019 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
241 | Advanced Robotics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
242 | Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
243 | Advances in Applied Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
244 | Advances in Applied Probability | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
245 | Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
246 | Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2018 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
247 | Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
248 | Advances in Building Energy Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
249 | Advances in Colloid and Interface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
250 | Advances in Colloid and Interface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
251 | Advances in Computational Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
252 | Advances in Data Analysis and Classification | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
253 | Advances in Engineering Software | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
254 | Advances in Engineering Software | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
255 | Advances in Gerontology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
256 | Advances in Health Sciences Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
257 | Advances in Horticultural Science | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
258 | Advances in Life Course Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
259 | Advances in Manufacturing | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
260 | Advances in Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
261 | Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders | view | Springer Nature | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
262 | Advances in Physics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
263 | Advances in Sex Research | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
264 | Advances in Space Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
265 | Advances in Traditional Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
266 | Advertising & Society Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
267 | Advocate of Peace (1847-1884) | view | JSTOR | 1847 | 1884 | eSS | E-Journal |
268 | Advocate of Peace through Justice | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 1932 | eSS | E-Journal |
269 | Aegyptus | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
270 | Aequationes mathematicae | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
271 | Aequatoria | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
272 | Aerobiologia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
273 | Aerosol Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
274 | Aerospace Science and Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
275 | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
276 | Aevum | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
277 | Afers Internacionals | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
278 | Africa Spectrum | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
279 | Africa Today | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
280 | Africa Today | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
281 | Africa: Journal of the International African Institute | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
282 | Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
283 | Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
284 | African Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
285 | African American Review | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
286 | African American Review | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
287 | African Archaeological Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
288 | African Arts | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
289 | African Arts | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
290 | African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
291 | African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
292 | African Economic History | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
293 | African Economic History | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
294 | African Economic History Review | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
295 | African Historical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
296 | African Issues | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
297 | African Journal of Aquatic Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
298 | African Journal of Herpetology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
299 | African Journal of Marine Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
300 | African Journal of Political Economy / Revue Africaine d'Economie Politique | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
301 | African Journal of Political Science / Revue Africaine de Science Politique | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
302 | African Journal of Range & Forage Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
303 | African Journal of Reproductive Health / La Revue Africaine de la Sante Reproductive | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
304 | African Languages and Cultures | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
305 | African Languages and Cultures. Supplement | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
306 | African Music | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
307 | African Review of Money Finance and Banking | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
308 | African Studies Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
309 | African Studies Review | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
310 | African Studies Review | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
311 | African Zoology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
312 | Afrika Matematika | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
313 | Afro-Hispanic Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
314 | Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
315 | Ageing International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
316 | Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
317 | Aging Clinical and Experimental Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
318 | Agni | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
319 | Agricultural History | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
320 | Agricultural Research | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
321 | Agriculture and Human Values | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
322 | Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
323 | Agroforestry Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
324 | Agronomy for Sustainable Development | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
325 | AI & SOCIETY | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
326 | AI Matters | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
327 | AIBS Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
328 | AIDS and Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
329 | AIHA Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
330 | AIHAJ - American Industrial Hygiene Association | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
331 | Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
332 | AJAS | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
333 | AJS Review | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
334 | AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
335 | Al-Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
336 | ALA Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
337 | Alabama Review | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
338 | Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
339 | Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
340 | Alei Sefer: Studies in Bibliography and in the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
341 | Aleph | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
342 | Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
343 | Algebra and Logic | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
344 | Algebra universalis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
345 | Algebras and Representation Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
346 | ALGOL Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1959 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
347 | Algorithmica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
348 | Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
349 | All Ireland Review | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 1902 | eSS | E-Journal |
350 | Allertonia | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
351 | Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
352 | Alpine Botany | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
353 | Alternatives: Global, Local, Political | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
354 | Ambio | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
355 | Ambio | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
356 | Ambio Special Report | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
357 | Ambix | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
358 | American Academy Notes | view | JSTOR | 1881 | 1881 | eSS | E-Journal |
359 | American Advocate of Peace (1834-1836) | view | JSTOR | 1834 | 1836 | eSS | E-Journal |
360 | American Advocate of Peace (1892-1893) | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1893 | eSS | E-Journal |
361 | American Annals of the Deaf | view | Project Muse | 1980 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
362 | American Anthropologist | view | JSTOR | 1888 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
363 | American Antiquity | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
364 | American Art | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
365 | American Art Illustrated | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1886 | eSS | E-Journal |
366 | American Art News | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
367 | American Bar Association Journal | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
368 | American Bar Foundation Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
369 | American Book Review | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
370 | American Catholic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
371 | American Economic Association Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1910 | eSS | E-Journal |
372 | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
373 | American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
374 | American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
375 | American Economic Journal: Microeconomics | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
376 | American Educational Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
377 | American Ethnologist | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
378 | American Fern Journal | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
379 | American Imago | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
380 | American Indian Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
381 | American Indian Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
382 | American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1999 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
383 | American Jewish Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
384 | American Jewish History | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
385 | American Jewish History | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
386 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
387 | American Journal of Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
388 | American Journal of Botany | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
389 | American Journal of Criminal Justice | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
390 | American Journal of Dance Therapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
391 | American Journal of Education | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
392 | American Journal of Irish Studies | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
393 | American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
394 | American Journal of Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1878 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
395 | American Journal of Mathematics | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
396 | American Journal of Philology | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
397 | American Journal of Physics | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
398 | American Journal of Political Science | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
399 | American Journal of Potato Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
400 | American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
401 | American Journal of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
402 | American Journal of Theology & Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
403 | American Journal of Theology & Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
404 | American Law and Economics Review | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
405 | American Libraries | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
406 | American Literary History | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
407 | American Literary History | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
408 | American Literary Realism | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
409 | American Literary Realism | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
410 | American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
411 | American Literary Scholarship | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
412 | American Literature | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
413 | American Literature | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
414 | American Marketing Journal | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
415 | American Music | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
416 | American Music | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
417 | American Periodicals | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
418 | American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
419 | American Philosophical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
420 | American Political Thought | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
421 | American Presbyterians | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
422 | American Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
423 | American Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
424 | American Religion | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
425 | American Scientist | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
426 | American Secondary Education | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
427 | American Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
428 | American Speech | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
429 | American Speech | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
430 | American Statistical Association Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
431 | American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
432 | American Studies | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
433 | American Studies International | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
434 | American Zoologist | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
435 | Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal | view | Project Muse | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
436 | Amerikastudien / American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
437 | Amino Acids | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
438 | AMS Review | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
439 | Amtliche Berichte aus den Koniglichen Kunstsammlungen | view | JSTOR | 1880 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
440 | Amtliche Berichte aus den Preuszischen Kunstsammlungen | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
441 | An Sionnach: A Journal of Literature, Culture, and the Arts | view | Project Muse | 2009 | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
442 | Analecta Hibernica | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
443 | Anales de la literatura espanola contemporanea | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
444 | Anales de la narrativa espanola contemporanea | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
445 | Anales de la novela de posguerra | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
446 | Anales Galdosianos | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
447 | Analise Social | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
448 | Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
449 | Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
450 | Analysis and Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
451 | Analysis Mathematica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
452 | Analyst | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1876 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
453 | Analytic Methods in Accident Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
454 | Analytica Chimica Acta | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
455 | Analytical Abstracts | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IITI-Self | Literature Updating Services | ||
456 | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
457 | Analytical Biochemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
458 | Analytical Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
459 | Analytical Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
460 | Analytical Methods | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
461 | Anatolian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
462 | Anatomical Science International | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
463 | Angiogenesis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
464 | Anglican and Episcopal History | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
465 | Angol Filologiai Tanulmanyok / Hungarian Studies in English | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
466 | Animal Biotechnology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
467 | Animal Cognition | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
468 | Annalen der Philosophie | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
469 | Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1929 | eSS | E-Journal |
470 | Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
471 | Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie A fur Mineralogie und Petrographie, Geologie und Palaontologie, Anthropologie und Prihistorie | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
472 | Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie B fur Botanik und Zoologie | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
473 | Annales Aequatoria | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
474 | Annales Botanici Fennici | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
475 | Annales d'Economie et de Statistique | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
476 | Annales d'histoire economique et sociale | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
477 | Annales d'histoire sociale (1939-1941) | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
478 | Annales d'histoire sociale (1945) | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
479 | Annales de Geographie | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
480 | Annales de l'insee | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
481 | Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) : International Journal of Entomology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
482 | Annales de la Societe d'ethnographie francaise | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
483 | Annales Henri Poincare | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
484 | Annales historiques de la Revolution francaise | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
485 | Annales mathematiques du Quebec | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
486 | Annales revolutionnaires | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
487 | Annales sociologiques. Serie A. Sociologie generale | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
488 | Annales sociologiques. Serie B. Sociologie religieuse | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
489 | Annales sociologiques. Serie C. Sociologie juridique et morale | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
490 | Annales sociologiques. Serie D. Sociologie economique | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
491 | Annales sociologiques. Serie E. Morphologie sociale, langage, technologie, esthetique | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1942 | eSS | E-Journal |
492 | Annales Zoologici Fennici | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
493 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
494 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales (French Edition) | view | Project Muse | 2014 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
495 | ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITA' DI FERRARA | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
496 | Annali di Economia | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
497 | Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -) | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
498 | Annali di scienze politiche | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
499 | Annals of Behavioral Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
500 | Annals of Biomedical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
501 | Annals of Botany | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
502 | Annals of Combinatorics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
503 | Annals of Data Science | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
504 | Annals of Dyslexia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
505 | Annals of Dyslexia | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
506 | Annals of Economics and Statistics | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
507 | Annals of Finance | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
508 | Annals of Forest Science | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2021 | eSS | E-Journal |
509 | Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
510 | Annals of Hematology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
511 | Annals of Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
512 | Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
513 | Annals of Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
514 | Annals of Nuclear Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
515 | Annals of Operations Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
516 | Annals of PDE | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
517 | Annals of Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
518 | Annals of Pure and Applied Logic | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
519 | Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
520 | Annals of Surgical Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
521 | Annals of Telecommunications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
522 | Annals of the Association of American Geographers | view | JSTOR | 1911 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
523 | Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
524 | Annals of the History of Computing | view | IEEE | 1979 | 1991 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
525 | Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
526 | Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
527 | Annuaire historique pour l'annee ... | view | JSTOR | 1837 | 1863 | eSS | E-Journal |
528 | Annuaire-Bulletin de la Societe de l'histoire de France | view | JSTOR | 1863 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
529 | Annual Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of International and Comparative Law) | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1942 | eSS | E-Journal |
530 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
531 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California (1888) | view | JSTOR | 1888 | 1888 | eSS | E-Journal |
532 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California (1891) | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 1891 | eSS | E-Journal |
533 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1904 | eSS | E-Journal |
534 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register, Los Angeles | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1901 | eSS | E-Journal |
535 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1896 | eSS | E-Journal |
536 | Annual Report (Fogg Art Museum) | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
537 | Annual Report (Harvard University Art Museums) | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
538 | Annual Report of the Dante Society, with Accompanying Papers | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
539 | Annual Report of the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art | view | JSTOR | 1871 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
540 | Annual Reports of the Dante Society | view | JSTOR | 1882 | 1954 | eSS | E-Journal |
541 | Annual Review of Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
542 | Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
543 | Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
544 | Annual Review of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
545 | Annual Reviews in Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
546 | Anthropologica | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
547 | Anthropologica | view | Project Muse | 2014 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
548 | Anthropological Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
549 | Anthropological Linguistics | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
550 | Anthropological Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
551 | Anthropological Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
552 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
553 | Anthropology & Education Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
554 | Anthropology Design Series | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
555 | Anthropology Leaflet | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
556 | Anthropology Now | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
557 | Anthropology Today | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
558 | Anthropology, Memoirs | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
559 | Anthropos | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
560 | Antike Kunst | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
561 | Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
562 | Antipodes | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
563 | Antisemitism Studies | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
564 | Antitrust Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
565 | Antonie van Leeuwenhoek | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
566 | Anuario | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
567 | Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
568 | Anuario Interamericano de Investigacion Musical | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
569 | ANY: Architecture New York | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
570 | Apidologie | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
571 | Apoptosis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
572 | Appalachian Journal | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
573 | Appalachian Review | view | Project Muse | 1973 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
574 | Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
575 | Applicable Analysis : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
576 | Applications of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
577 | Applied Acoustics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
578 | Applied Acoustics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
579 | Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
580 | Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
581 | Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
582 | Applied Biological Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
583 | Applied Categorical Structures | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
584 | Applied Clay Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
585 | Applied Composite Materials | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
586 | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
587 | Applied Energy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
588 | Applied Entomology and Zoology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
589 | Applied Ergonomics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
590 | Applied Ergonomics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
591 | Applied Geomatics | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
592 | Applied Geophysics | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
593 | Applied Intelligence | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
594 | Applied Magnetic Resonance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
595 | Applied Mathematical Modelling | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
596 | Applied Mathematical Modelling | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
597 | Applied Mathematics & Optimization | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
598 | Applied Mathematics and Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
599 | Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
600 | Applied Mathematics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
601 | Applied Mathematics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
602 | Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
603 | Applied Mechanics Reviews | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
604 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
605 | Applied Numerical Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
606 | Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
607 | Applied Ocean Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
608 | Applied Physics A | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
609 | Applied Physics B | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
610 | Applied Physics Letters | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1962 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
611 | Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
612 | Applied Radiation and Isotopes | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
613 | Applied Research in Quality of Life | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
614 | Applied Soft Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
615 | Applied Soft Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
616 | Applied Solar Energy | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
617 | Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
618 | Applied Spectroscopy Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
619 | Applied Surface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
620 | Applied Surface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
621 | Applied Thermal Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
622 | Applied Vegetation Science | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
623 | APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
624 | AQ: Australian Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
625 | Aquaculture Economics & Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
626 | Aquaculture International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
627 | Aquatic Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
628 | Aquatic Geochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
629 | Aquatic Insects : International Journal of Freshwater Entomology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
630 | Aquatic Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
631 | Arab Law Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
632 | Arab Studies Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
633 | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
634 | Arabian Journal of Geosciences | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
635 | Arabica | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
636 | Arbeit und Recht | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
637 | Arboricultural Journal : The International Journal of Urban Forestry | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
638 | Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
639 | Archaeological Method and Theory | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
640 | Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund) | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1911 | eSS | E-Journal |
641 | Archaeological Reports | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
642 | Archaeologies | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
643 | Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
644 | Archaeology & Physical Anthropology in Oceania | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
645 | Archaeology in Oceania | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
646 | Archaeology Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
647 | Archaeology of Eastern North America | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
648 | Architectural Engineering and Design Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
649 | Architectural History | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
650 | Architectural Science Review | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
651 | Archiv der Mathematik | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
652 | Archiv des Volkerrechts | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
653 | Archiv fur die civilistische Praxis | view | JSTOR | 1818 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
654 | Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1928 | eSS | E-Journal |
655 | Archiv fur Keilschriftforschung | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
656 | Archiv fur Musikwissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
657 | Archiv fur Orientforschung | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
658 | Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
659 | Archiv fur Rechts- und Wirtschaftsphilosophie | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1933 | eSS | E-Journal |
660 | Archival Issues | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
661 | Archival Science | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
662 | Archivaria | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
663 | Archive for History of Exact Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
664 | Archive for History of Exact Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
665 | Archive for Mathematical Logic | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
666 | Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
667 | Archive of Applied Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
668 | Archives and Museum Informatics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
669 | Archives de sciences sociales des religions | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
670 | Archives de sociologie des religions | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
671 | Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
672 | Archives of American Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
673 | Archives of Animal Nutrition | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
674 | Archives of Asian Art | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
675 | Archives of Asian Art | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
676 | Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
677 | Archives of Dermatological Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
678 | Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
679 | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
680 | Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
681 | Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
682 | Archives of Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
683 | Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
684 | Archives of Osteoporosis | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
685 | Archives of Pharmacal Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
686 | Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
687 | Archives of Sexual Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
688 | Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
689 | Archives of Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
690 | Archives of Virology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
691 | Archives of Women's Mental Health | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
692 | Archivium Hibernicum | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
693 | Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
694 | Arctic | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
695 | Arctic and Alpine Research | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
696 | Arctic Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
697 | Arctic Anthropology | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
698 | Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
699 | Area | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
700 | Arethusa | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
701 | Argumentation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
702 | Arid Ecosystems | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
703 | Arid Land Research and Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
704 | Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
705 | ariel: A Review of International English Literature | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
706 | Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
707 | Arion: A Journal of the Humanities and the Classics | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
708 | Arizona and the West | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
709 | Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
710 | Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies | view | Project Muse | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
711 | Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory | view | Project Muse | 1988 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
712 | Arizoniana | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
713 | ARLIS/NA Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
714 | Arms Control Today | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
715 | Arnold Mathematical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
716 | Arnoldia | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
717 | Arris | view | Project Muse | 1989 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
718 | Ars Islamica | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
719 | Ars Judaica The Bar Ilan Journal of Jewish Art | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
720 | Ars Orientalis | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
721 | ARSP: Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie / Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
722 | Art & Life | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
723 | Art and Progress | view | JSTOR | 1909 | 1915 | eSS | E-Journal |
724 | Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
725 | Art Education | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
726 | Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
727 | Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
728 | Arthropod-Plant Interactions | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
729 | Arthurian Interpretations | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
730 | Arthuriana | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
731 | Arthuriana | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
732 | Artibus Asiae | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
733 | Artibus Asiae. Supplementum | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
734 | Artibus et Historiae | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
735 | Artificial Intelligence | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
736 | Artificial Intelligence | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
737 | Artificial Intelligence and Law | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
738 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
739 | Artificial Intelligence Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
740 | Artificial Life and Robotics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
741 | Artivate | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
742 | Arts & Decoration (1910-1918) | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
743 | Arts et traditions populaires | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
744 | ASA Review of Books | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
745 | ASAP/Journal | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
746 | ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
747 | ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
748 | ASEAN Economic Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
749 | Asia Europe Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
750 | Asia Major | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
751 | Asia Pacific Education Review | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
752 | Asia Pacific Journal of Management | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
753 | Asia Policy | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
754 | Asia-Pacific Financial Markets | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
755 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
756 | Asian Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
757 | Asian Bioethics Review | view | Project Muse | 2008 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
758 | Asian Ethnology | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
759 | Asian Folklore Studies | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
760 | Asian Journal of Business Ethics | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
761 | Asian Journal of Criminology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
762 | Asian Journal of English Language Teaching | view | Project Muse | 2013 | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
763 | Asian Journal of Social Science | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
764 | Asian Music | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
765 | Asian Music | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
766 | Asian Perspective | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
767 | Asian Perspective | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
768 | Asian Perspectives | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
769 | Asian Survey | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
770 | Asian Theatre Journal | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
771 | Asian Theatre Journal | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
772 | ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2021 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
773 | Assemblage | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
774 | Assistive Technology : The Official Journal of RESNA | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
775 | Association Medical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1853 | 1856 | eSS | E-Journal |
776 | AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
777 | AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
778 | Astronomy and Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
779 | Astronomy and Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
780 | Astronomy Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
781 | Astronomy Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
782 | Astroparticle Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
783 | Astrophysical Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
784 | Astrophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
785 | Astrophysics and Space Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
786 | AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal | view | IEEE | 1984 | 1984 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
787 | AT&T Technical Journal | view | IEEE | 1985 | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
788 | Atlantic Economic Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
789 | Atlantis | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
790 | Atmosphere-Ocean | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
791 | Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
792 | Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
793 | Atomic Energy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
794 | Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
795 | AUDEM: The International Journal of Higher Education and Democracy | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
796 | Audio Visual Communication Review | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
797 | Aula | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
798 | Aula-Historia Social | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
799 | Australasian Historical Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
800 | Australasian Journal of American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
801 | Australasian Journal of Engineering Education | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
802 | Australasian Journal of Environmental Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
803 | Australasian Journal of Water Resources | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
804 | Australasian Plant Disease Notes | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
805 | Australasian Plant Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
806 | Australian Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
807 | Australian Forestry | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
808 | Australian Journal of Civil Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
809 | Australian Journal of Earth Sciences : An International Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of Australia | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
810 | Australian Journal of Environmental Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
811 | Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
812 | Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
813 | Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
814 | Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
815 | Australian Surveyor | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
816 | Austrian Studies | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
817 | Austrian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
818 | Austrobaileya | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
819 | Automated Software Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
820 | Automatic Control and Computer Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
821 | Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
822 | Automatica | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
823 | Automation and Remote Control | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
824 | Automation in Construction | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
825 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
826 | Autonomous Robots | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
827 | Autophagy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
828 | AV Communication Review | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
829 | Avian Diseases | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
830 | Avian Pathology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
831 | Axiomathes | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
832 | Ayer | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
833 | Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
834 | Écoscience | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
835 | B.B.A.A. Boletin Bibliografico de Antropologia Americana | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
836 | Bach | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
837 | BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
838 | Background | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
839 | Background on World Politics | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
840 | Bar-Ilan Law Studies | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
841 | Bartonia | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
842 | Basic Research in Cardiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
843 | Bealoideas | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
844 | Bears: Their Biology and Management | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
845 | Bee World | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
846 | Before I Forget...: Journal of the Poyntzpass and District Local History Society | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
847 | Behavior and Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
848 | Behavior Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
849 | Behavior Research Methods | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
850 | Behavioral Disorders | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
851 | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
852 | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
853 | Behavioral Science & Policy | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
854 | Behaviorism | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
855 | Behaviour | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
856 | Behaviour & Information Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
857 | Behaviour. Supplement | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
858 | Beit Mikra: Journal for the Study of the Bible and Its World | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
859 | Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
860 | Beitrage zur biblischen Landes- und Altertumskunde | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
861 | Beitrage zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawischen Sprachen | view | JSTOR | 1858 | 1876 | eSS | E-Journal |
862 | Belgian Journal of Botany | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
863 | Bell Labs Technical Journal | view | IEEE | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
864 | Berkeley Journal of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
865 | Berliner Museen | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
866 | Bernoulli | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
867 | Best of ABA Sections: General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
868 | Beyond Behavior | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
869 | Bibliotheque d'Humanisme et Renaissance | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
870 | Biennial Review of Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
871 | Big Data Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
872 | Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
873 | Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
874 | Bilingual Review / La Revista Bilingue | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
875 | Bioacoustics : The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
876 | Biochemical Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
877 | Biochemical Systematics and Ecology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
878 | Biochemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
879 | Biochemistry (Moscow) | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
880 | Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
881 | Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
882 | BioChip Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
883 | Bioconjugate Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
884 | BioControl | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
885 | Biocontrol Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
886 | Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
887 | Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
888 | Biodegradation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
889 | Biodiversity | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
890 | Biodiversity and Conservation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
891 | Biodiversity Letters | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
892 | Bioelectrochemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
893 | BioEnergy Research | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
894 | Biofouling : The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
895 | Biofuels | view | Taylor & Francis | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
896 | Biogeochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
897 | Biogeochemistry | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
898 | Biogerontology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
899 | Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
900 | Biography | view | Project Muse | 1978 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
901 | Biointerphases | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
902 | Biologia Plantarum | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
903 | Biological Agriculture & Horticulture : An International Journal for Sustainable Production Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
904 | Biological Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
905 | Biological Cybernetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
906 | Biological Invasions | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
907 | Biological Rhythm Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
908 | Biological Theory | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
909 | Biological Trace Element Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
910 | Biology & Philosophy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
911 | Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
912 | Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
913 | Biology and Fertility of Soils | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
914 | Biology Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
915 | Biology Bulletin Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
916 | Biomacromolecules | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
917 | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
918 | Biomaterials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
919 | Biomaterials Science | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
920 | Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
921 | Biomedical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
922 | Biomedical Engineering Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
923 | Biomedical Microdevices | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
924 | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
925 | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
926 | BioMetals | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
927 | Biometrics | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
928 | Biometrics Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
929 | Biometrika | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
930 | Biomolecular NMR Assignments | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
931 | BioNanoScience | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
932 | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
933 | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
934 | Bioorganic Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
935 | Biophysical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
936 | Biophysical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
937 | Biophysical Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
938 | Biophysics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
939 | Bioprinting | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
940 | Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
941 | Bioremediation Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
942 | Bios | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
943 | BioScience | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
944 | Biosemiotics | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
945 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
946 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
947 | Biosystems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
948 | Biosystems Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
949 | Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
950 | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
951 | Biotechnology Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
952 | Biotechnology Techniques | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
953 | Biotribology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
954 | Biotropica | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
955 | Bird Study | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
956 | Bird-Banding | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
957 | BIT Numerical Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
958 | Black American Literature Forum | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
959 | Black Camera | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
960 | Black Camera | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
961 | Black History Bulletin | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
962 | Black Music Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
963 | Black Music Research Journal | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
964 | Black Women, Gender & Families | view | Project Muse | 2009 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
965 | Black Women, Gender + Families | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
966 | Blatter der DGVFM | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
967 | BMJ: British Medical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
968 | BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology / Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
969 | Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Botanica | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
970 | Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
971 | Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana (1937-1948) | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
972 | Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana (1973-1979) | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
973 | Boletín de Antropología Americana | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
974 | Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
975 | Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
976 | Boletín Informativo Sobre Estudios Latinoamericanos en Europa | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
977 | BOMB | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
978 | Bonplandia | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
979 | Book History | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
980 | Book History | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
981 | Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
982 | Books Abroad | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
983 | Books Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
984 | Boom: A Journal of California | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
985 | Boston Museum Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
986 | Botanical Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1875 | 1876 | eSS | E-Journal |
987 | Botanical Gazette | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
988 | Botanical Journal of Scotland | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
989 | Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
990 | Botanical Review | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
991 | Botany Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
992 | Botswana Notes and Records | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
993 | boundary 2 | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
994 | boundary 2 | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
995 | Boundary-Layer Meteorology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
996 | Bouwsteenen | view | JSTOR | 1869 | 1874 | eSS | E-Journal |
997 | Bradley, His Book | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1897 | eSS | E-Journal |
998 | Brain Imaging and Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
999 | Brain Structure and Function | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1000 | Brain Topography | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1001 | Brain Tumor Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1002 | Brain-Computer Interfaces | view | Taylor & Francis | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1003 | Brazilian Journal of Botany | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1004 | Brazilian Journal of Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1005 | Breast Cancer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1006 | Breast Cancer Research and Treatment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1007 | Bridges | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1008 | Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2011 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1009 | Britannia | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1010 | British Actuarial Journal | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1011 | British Cactus & Succulent Journal | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
1012 | British Educational Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1013 | British Journal for the History of Mathematics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1014 | British Journal of Canadian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1015 | British Journal of Educational Studies | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1016 | British Journal of Ethnomusicology | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
1017 | British Journal of Industrial Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
1018 | British Journal of International Studies | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
1019 | British Journal of Law and Society | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
1020 | British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1021 | British Journal of Political Science | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1022 | British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1023 | British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
1024 | British Journal of Social Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
1025 | British Journal of Sociology of Education | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1026 | British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition) | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
1027 | British Poultry Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1028 | British School at Athens Studies | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1029 | British Society for the History of Mathematics. Newsletter | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1030 | Brittonia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1031 | Brittonia | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1032 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
1033 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1034 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
1035 | Brookings Papers on Education Policy | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1036 | Brookings Papers on Education Policy | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1037 | Brookings Trade Forum | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
1038 | Brookings Trade Forum | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1039 | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1040 | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1041 | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1042 | Browning Institute Studies | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
1043 | Brush and Pencil | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1907 | eSS | E-Journal |
1044 | BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1045 | Buddhist-Christian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1046 | Buddhist-Christian Studies | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1047 | Buffalo Criminal Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1048 | Building and Environment | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1049 | Building Material | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1050 | Building Simulation | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1051 | Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1052 | Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1053 | Built Environment (1972-1975) | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
1054 | Built Environment (1978-) | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1055 | Built Environment Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
1056 | Bulletin (Archives of American Art) | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
1057 | Bulletin (Association for Tropical Biology) | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
1058 | Bulletin (British Association for American Studies) | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
1059 | Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies) | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
1060 | Bulletin (Canadian Archaeological Association) | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
1061 | Bulletin (Linguistic Society of America) | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
1062 | Bulletin (Shaw Society of America) | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1958 | eSS | E-Journal |
1063 | Bulletin (St. Louis Art Museum) | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
1064 | Bulletin annuel de l'Institut français d'histoire sociale | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
1065 | Bulletin d'études orientales | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1066 | Bulletin d'Information (International Association of Music Libraries) | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
1067 | Bulletin de l'Institut de Recherches Économiques | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
1068 | Bulletin de l'Institut de Recherches Économiques et Sociales | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
1069 | Bulletin de l'Institut des Sciences Économiques | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1937 | eSS | E-Journal |
1070 | Bulletin de la Société d'Études Philosophiques du Sud-Est | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1927 | eSS | E-Journal |
1071 | Bulletin de la Société de Botanique de Belgique | view | JSTOR | 1862 | 1862 | eSS | E-Journal |
1072 | Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de France | view | JSTOR | 1834 | 1861 | eSS | E-Journal |
1073 | Bulletin de la Société française de musicologie | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
1074 | Bulletin de la Société préhistorique de France | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
1075 | Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1076 | Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. Comptes rendus des séances mensuelles | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1077 | Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. Études et travaux | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1078 | Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Botanische Vereniging | view | JSTOR | 1862 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
1079 | Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1080 | Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'État a Bruxelles | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
1081 | Bulletin du Jardin botanique National de Belgique / Bulletin van de Nationale Plantentuin van België | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
1082 | Bulletin of African Studies in Canada / Bulletin des Études Africaines au Canada | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
1083 | Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1084 | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1085 | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1086 | Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1087 | Bulletin of Friends Historical Association | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
1088 | Bulletin of Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
1089 | Bulletin of International News | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
1090 | Bulletin of Latin American Research | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1091 | Bulletin of Materials Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1092 | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1093 | Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1094 | Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
1095 | Bulletin of Popular Information (Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University) | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
1096 | Bulletin of Sung and Yüan Studies | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
1097 | Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1098 | Bulletin of the American Art-Union | view | JSTOR | 1849 | 1853 | eSS | E-Journal |
1099 | Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Italian | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1925 | eSS | E-Journal |
1100 | Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
1101 | Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavonic and East European Languages | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
1102 | Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors (1915-1955) | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
1103 | Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors (2010-) | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1104 | Bulletin of the American Geographical Society | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1915 | eSS | E-Journal |
1105 | Bulletin of the American Group. International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
1106 | Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
1107 | Bulletin of the American Library Association | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
1108 | Bulletin of the American Musicological Society | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
1109 | Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
1110 | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research | view | JSTOR | 1921 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1111 | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Supplementary Studies | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
1112 | Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago (1907-1951) | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
1113 | Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago (1973-1982) | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
1114 | Bulletin of the Associates in Fine Arts at Yale University | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
1115 | Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
1116 | Bulletin of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
1117 | Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1118 | Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
1119 | Bulletin of the Business Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
1120 | Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1121 | Bulletin of the City Art Museum of St. Louis | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
1122 | Bulletin of the Comediantes | view | Project Muse | 1949 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1123 | Bulletin of the Committee on Canadian Labour History / Bulletin du Comité sur l'Histoire Ouvrière Canadienne | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
1124 | Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1899 | eSS | E-Journal |
1125 | Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1126 | Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1127 | Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts of the City of Detroit | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
1128 | Bulletin of the Detroit Museum of Art | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
1129 | Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1130 | Bulletin of the Fogg Art Museum | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
1131 | Bulletin of the Gray Memorial Botanical Chapter of the Agassiz Association | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1893 | eSS | E-Journal |
1132 | Bulletin of the History of Medicine | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1133 | Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1134 | Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
1135 | Bulletin of the National Association for Nursery Education | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
1136 | Bulletin of the New England Art Union | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 1852 | eSS | E-Journal |
1137 | Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1929 | eSS | E-Journal |
1138 | Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 1883 | eSS | E-Journal |
1139 | Bulletin of the Orton Society | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
1140 | Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Museum | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
1141 | Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
1142 | Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1143 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1144 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
1145 | Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club | view | JSTOR | 1870 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
1146 | Bulletin of Volcanology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1147 | Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
1148 | Bulletins from the Ecological Research Committee/NFR | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
1149 | Bullettino della R. Società Toscana di Orticultura | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
1150 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1151 | Business & Professional Ethics Journal | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1152 | Business Ethics Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1153 | Business Law Memo | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
1154 | Business Law Today | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1155 | Butler University Botanical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
1156 | C&EN Global Enterprise | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1157 | Ça Parle | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
1158 | CAA Slides & Photographs Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
1159 | CactusWorld | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1160 | Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1161 | Cahiers d'Études Africaines | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1162 | Cahiers d'histoire de la guerre | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
1163 | Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1164 | Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
1165 | Cahiers du Monde russe | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1166 | Cahiers du Monde russe et soviétique | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
1167 | Cahiers du Séminaire d'Économétrie | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
1168 | Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1169 | Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
1170 | Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
1171 | Calcified Tissue International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1172 | Calcolo | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1173 | Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1174 | Caldasia | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
1175 | Calendar of the Art Institute of Chicago | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
1176 | California Folklore Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
1177 | California Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1178 | California Historical Society Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
1179 | California History | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1180 | California Journal of Teacher Education | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
1181 | California Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1182 | California Studies in Classical Antiquity | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
1183 | Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1184 | Callaloo | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1185 | Callaloo | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1186 | Cambridge Opera Journal | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1187 | Camera Obscura | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1188 | Canadian Electrical Engineering Journal | view | IEEE | 1976 | 1988 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1189 | Canadian Ethnic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1190 | Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1191 | Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1192 | Canadian Journal of Archaeology / Journal Canadien d'Archéologie | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1193 | Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1194 | Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1195 | Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | view | IEEE | 1988 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1196 | Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1197 | Canadian Journal of Health History | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1198 | Canadian Journal of History | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1199 | Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1200 | Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
1201 | Canadian Journal of Law and Society | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1202 | Canadian Journal of Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1203 | Canadian Journal of Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1204 | Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1205 | Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1206 | Canadian Journal of Public Health / Revue Canadienne de Santé Publique | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1207 | Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing : Journal canadien de télédétection | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1208 | Canadian Journal of Social Work Education / Revue canadienne d'éducation en service social | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
1209 | Canadian Journal of Women and the Law | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1210 | Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1211 | Canadian Public Health Journal | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1942 | eSS | E-Journal |
1212 | Canadian Public Policy | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1213 | Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1214 | Canadian Review of American Studies | view | Project Muse | 1970 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1215 | Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1216 | Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne des Slavistes | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1217 | Canadian Social Work Review / Revue canadienne de service social | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1218 | Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1219 | Canadian Theatre Review | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1220 | Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1221 | Cancer and Metastasis Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1222 | Cancer Causes & Control | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1223 | Cancer Causes & Control | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1224 | Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1225 | Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1226 | Cancer Microenvironment | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
1227 | Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1228 | Caravelle (1963-1965) | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
1229 | Caravelle (1988-) | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1230 | Carbohydrate Polymers | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1231 | Carbohydrate Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1232 | Carbonates and Evaporites | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1233 | Cardiac Electrophysiology Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
1234 | CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1235 | Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1236 | Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1237 | Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1238 | Cardiovascular Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1239 | Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
1240 | Caribbean Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
1241 | Caribbean Studies | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1242 | Caribbean Studies | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1243 | Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1244 | Cartography | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1245 | Cartography and Geographic Information Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1246 | Cartography and Geographic Information Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1998 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1247 | Case Studies on Transport Policy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1248 | Castanea | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1249 | Catalysis in Industry | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1250 | Catalysis Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1251 | Catalysis Reviews : Science and Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1252 | Catalysis Science & Technology | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1253 | Catalysis Surveys from Asia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1254 | Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1255 | CEA Critic | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1256 | CEAS Aeronautical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1257 | CEAS Space Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1258 | Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1259 | Cell and Tissue Banking | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1260 | Cell and Tissue Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1261 | Cell and Tissue Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1262 | Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1263 | Cell Biology and Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1264 | Cell Cycle | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1265 | Cell Stress & Chaperones | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1266 | Cell Stress and Chaperones | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1267 | Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1268 | Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1269 | Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1270 | Cellular Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1271 | Cellulose | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1272 | Cement and Concrete Composites | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1273 | Cement and Concrete Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1274 | CEN Case Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1275 | Center House Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
1276 | Central European History | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1277 | Central European Journal of Operations Research | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1278 | Cereal Research Communications | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1279 | Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1280 | Ceska literatura | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1281 | Cesky lid | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1282 | Challenge | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1283 | CHANCE | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1284 | Change | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1285 | Change in Higher Education | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
1286 | Change Over Time | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1287 | Chaos, Solitons & Fractals | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1288 | Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1991 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
1289 | Charity Organisation Review | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
1290 | Chasqui | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1291 | Chemical and Petroleum Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1292 | Chemical Communications | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1293 | Chemical Data Collections | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1294 | Chemical Engineering Communications | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1295 | Chemical Hazards in Industry | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IITI-Self | Literature Updating Services | ||
1296 | Chemical Health & Safety | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1994 | 1998 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1297 | Chemical Health & Safety | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1999 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1298 | Chemical Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1299 | Chemical Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1300 | Chemical Physics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1301 | Chemical Physics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1302 | Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1303 | Chemical Research in Toxicology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1304 | Chemical Reviews | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1305 | Chemical Science | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1306 | Chemical Society Reviews | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1972 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1307 | Chemistry and Ecology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1308 | Chemistry and Physics of Lipids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1309 | Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1310 | Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1311 | Chemistry of Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1312 | Chemistry of Natural Compounds | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1313 | Chemoecology | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1314 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1315 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1316 | Chemosensory Perception | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1317 | ChemTexts | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1318 | Chesapeake Science | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1319 | Chicago Review | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1320 | Chicana/Latina Studies | view | JSTOR | 2004 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1321 | Child & Youth Care Forum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1322 | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1323 | Child Development | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1324 | Child Indicators Research | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1325 | Child Psychiatry & Human Development | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1326 | Child's Nervous System | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1327 | Children's Environments | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
1328 | Children's Environments Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
1329 | Children's Literature | view | Project Muse | 1972 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1330 | Children's Literature Association Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 1976 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1331 | Children's Literature in Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1332 | Children, Youth and Environments | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1333 | Children, Youth and Environments | view | Project Muse | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1334 | China Communications | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1335 | China Foundry | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1336 | China Ocean Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1337 | China Review | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
1338 | China Review | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1339 | China Review International | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1340 | China Review International | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1341 | China-EU Law Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1342 | China: An International Journal | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1343 | Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1344 | Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1345 | Chinese Chemical Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1346 | Chinese Geographical Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1347 | Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1348 | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
1349 | Chinese Journal of Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1350 | Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1351 | Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1352 | CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature | view | Project Muse | 1969 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1353 | Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1354 | Christian Education | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
1355 | Christianity & Literature | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1356 | Christoffel | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 1958 | eSS | E-Journal |
1357 | Chromatographia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1358 | Chromosoma | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1359 | Chromosome Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1360 | Chronology of International Events | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
1361 | Chronology of International Events and Documents | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
1362 | Chungara: Revista de Antropología Chilena | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1363 | Church History | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1364 | Chymia | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
1365 | CIM Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1366 | Cina | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
1367 | Cinéaste | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1368 | Cinema Journal | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1369 | Circa | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
1370 | Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1371 | CIRP Annals | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1372 | CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1373 | Cités | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1374 | Cityscape | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1375 | Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1376 | Civil Engineering Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1377 | Civil War History | view | Project Muse | 1955 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1378 | Civilisations | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1379 | CLA Journal | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1380 | Classical Antiquity | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1381 | Classical Journal | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1382 | Classical Philology | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1383 | Classical World | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1384 | Classics Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1385 | Classroom Interaction Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
1386 | Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1387 | Cleveland Studies in the History of Art | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
1388 | Climate Dynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1389 | Climate Policy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1390 | Climatic Change | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1391 | Clinical & Experimental Metastasis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1392 | Clinical and Experimental Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1393 | Clinical and Experimental Nephrology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1394 | Clinical and Translational Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1395 | Clinical Autonomic Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1396 | Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1397 | Clinical Infectious Diseases | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1398 | Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1399 | Clinical Neuroradiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1400 | Clinical Oral Investigations | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1401 | Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
1402 | Clinical Research in Cardiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1403 | Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1404 | Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1405 | Clinical Rheumatology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1406 | Clinical Social Work Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1407 | Cliometrica | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1408 | Clogher Record | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
1409 | Cluster Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1410 | Coal Preparation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1411 | Coastal Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1412 | Coastal Engineering Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1413 | Coastal Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1414 | CoDesign : International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1415 | Coenoses | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
1416 | Cognition and Emotion | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1417 | Cognition and Instruction | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1418 | Cognition, Technology & Work | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1419 | Cognitive Computation | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1420 | Cognitive Neurodynamics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1421 | Cognitive Processing | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1422 | Cognitive Systems Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1423 | Cognitive Therapy and Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1424 | Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1425 | Coke and Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1426 | Coleopterists Society Monographs. Patricia Vaurie Series | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1427 | Collaborative Anthropologies | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1428 | Collectanea Hibernica | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1429 | Collectanea Mathematica | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1430 | Collective Intelligence | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | Current | eSS | E-Journal | |
1431 | College Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
1432 | College Composition and Communication | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1433 | College English | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1434 | College Literature | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1435 | College Literature | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1436 | College Music Symposium | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1437 | College Student Affairs Journal | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1438 | College Teaching | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1439 | Colloid and Polymer Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1440 | Colloid Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1441 | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1442 | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1443 | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1444 | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1445 | Colonial Waterbirds | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
1446 | Colorado Review | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1447 | Columbia Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
1448 | Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1449 | Combinatorica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1450 | Combustion and Flame | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1451 | Combustion Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1452 | Combustion Theory and Modelling | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1453 | Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1454 | Comhar | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1455 | Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1456 | Comments on Inorganic Chemistry : A Journal of Critical Discussion of the Current Literature | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1457 | Comments on Toxicology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1458 | Common Knowledge | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1459 | Communication Design Quarterly Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1460 | Communications in Algebra | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1461 | Communications in Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1462 | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1463 | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1464 | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1465 | Communications in Partial Differential Equations | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1466 | Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1467 | Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1468 | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1469 | Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1470 | Communications of the ACM | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1958 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1471 | Communications Society | view | IEEE | 1973 | 1976 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1472 | Community Ecology | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1473 | Community Literacy Journal | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1474 | Community Mental Health Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1475 | Comparative Clinical Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1476 | Comparative Critical Studies | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1477 | Comparative Drama | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1478 | Comparative Drama | view | Project Muse | 1967 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1479 | Comparative Education | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1480 | Comparative Education Review | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1481 | Comparative Literature | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1482 | Comparative Literature Studies | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1483 | Comparative Literature Studies | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1484 | Comparative Politics | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1485 | Comparative Studies in Society and History | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1486 | Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1487 | Comparative Technology Transfer and Society | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1488 | Complex Analysis and Operator Theory | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1489 | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1490 | Complex Variables, Theory and Application: An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1491 | Composite Interfaces | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1492 | Composite Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1493 | Composites Part B: Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1494 | Composites Science and Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1495 | Compost Science & Utilization | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1496 | Computational and Applied Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1497 | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1498 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1499 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1500 | Computational Biology and Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1501 | Computational Biology and Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1502 | computational complexity | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1503 | Computational Condensed Matter | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1504 | Computational Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1505 | Computational Geometry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1506 | Computational Geometry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1507 | Computational Geosciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1508 | Computational Linguistics | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1980 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1509 | Computational Management Science | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1510 | Computational Materials Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1511 | Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1512 | Computational Mathematics and Modeling | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1513 | Computational Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1514 | Computational Methods and Function Theory | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1515 | Computational Optimization and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1516 | Computational Statistics | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1517 | Computational Statistics & Data Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1518 | Computational Statistics & Data Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1519 | Computational Statistics & Data Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1520 | Computational Toxicology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1521 | Computer | view | IEEE | 1970 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1522 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1523 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1524 | Computer Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1525 | Computer Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1526 | Computer Law & Security Review | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1527 | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1528 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1529 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1530 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1531 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1532 | Computer Music Journal | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1533 | Computer Music Journal | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1534 | Computer Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1535 | Computer Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1536 | Computer Physics Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1537 | Computer Physics Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1538 | Computer Physics Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1539 | Computer Science Review | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1540 | Computer Standards & Interfaces | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1541 | Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1542 | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1543 | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1544 | Computer-Aided Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1545 | Computer-Aided Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1546 | Computer-Aided Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1547 | Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1548 | Computers & Chemical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1549 | Computers & Electrical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1550 | Computers & Electrical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1551 | Computers & Fluids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1552 | Computers & Fluids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1553 | Computers & Geosciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1554 | Computers & Graphics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1555 | Computers & Graphics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1556 | Computers & Industrial Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1557 | Computers & Industrial Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1558 | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1559 | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1560 | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1561 | Computers & Operations Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1562 | Computers & Operations Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1563 | Computers & Security | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1564 | Computers & Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1565 | Computers & Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1566 | Computers & Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1567 | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1568 | Computers and Geotechnics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1569 | Computers and Geotechnics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1570 | Computers and the Humanities | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
1571 | Computers and Translation | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
1572 | Computers in Biology and Medicine | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1573 | Computers in Entertainment | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2003 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1574 | Computers in Human Behavior | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1575 | Computers in Industry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1576 | Computers in Industry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1577 | Computers, Environment and Urban Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1578 | Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1579 | Computing and Software for Big Science | view | Springer Nature | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1580 | Computing and Visualization in Science | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
1581 | Computing in Science & Engineering | view | IEEE | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1582 | Configurations | view | Project Muse | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1583 | Conflict Resolution | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
1584 | Confluencia | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1585 | Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1586 | Conradiana | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1587 | Conservation Biology | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1588 | Conservation Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1589 | Conservation Genetics Resources | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1590 | Conservative Judaism | view | Project Muse | 2008 | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1591 | Constitution and By-Laws, New York State Historical Association, with Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1901 | eSS | E-Journal |
1592 | Constitutional Political Economy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1593 | Constraints | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1594 | Construction and Building Materials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1595 | Construction History | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1596 | Constructive Approximation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1597 | Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1598 | Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1599 | Contemporary European History | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1600 | Contemporary Family Therapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1601 | Contemporary Islam | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1602 | Contemporary Jewry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1603 | Contemporary Jewry | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1604 | Contemporary Literature | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1605 | Contemporary Literature | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1606 | Contemporary Marxism | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
1607 | Contemporary Physics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1608 | Contemporary Problems of Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1609 | Contemporary Religions in Japan | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
1610 | Contemporary Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1611 | Contemporary Southeast Asia | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1612 | Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1613 | Contexts | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1614 | Continental Philosophy Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1615 | Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1616 | Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
1617 | Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1618 | Contributions from the United States National Herbarium | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1619 | Contributions to Canadian Economics | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
1620 | Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1621 | Contributions to the History of Concepts | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1622 | Control Engineering Practice | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1623 | Control Theory and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1624 | Coordination Chemistry Reviews | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1625 | Copeia | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1626 | Coral Reefs | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1627 | CORD News | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
1628 | Corinth | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
1629 | Cosmic Research | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1630 | Cosmopolitan Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1856 | 1861 | eSS | E-Journal |
1631 | Council on Anthropology and Education Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
1632 | Council on Anthropology and Education Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
1633 | Counterpoints | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1634 | CR: The New Centennial Review | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1635 | Cream City Review | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1636 | Crime and Justice | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1637 | Crime and Social Justice | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
1638 | Crime, Histoire & Sociétés / Crime, History & Societies | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1639 | Crime, Law and Social Change | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1640 | Criminal Law and Philosophy | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1641 | Criminal Law Forum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1642 | Criminal Science Monographs | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
1643 | Criminologie | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1644 | Crítica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1645 | Critical Criminology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1646 | Critical Inquiry | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1647 | Critical Philosophy of Race | view | JSTOR | 2013 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1648 | Critical Philosophy of Race | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1649 | Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1650 | Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1651 | Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1652 | Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1653 | Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1654 | Critical Survey | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1655 | Criticism | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1656 | Criticism | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1657 | Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review | view | Project Muse | 2012 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1658 | CrossCurrents | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1659 | Crossroads | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1660 | Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
1661 | Crustaceana | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1662 | Crustaceana. Supplement | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
1663 | Cryogenics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1664 | Cryptography and Communications | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1665 | Cryptologia | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1666 | Crystal Growth & Design | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1667 | Crystallography Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1668 | Crystallography Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1669 | CrystEngComm | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1670 | CSI Transactions on ICT | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1671 | Cuadernos de Pensamiento Político | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1672 | Cuban Studies | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1673 | Cultural Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1674 | Cultural Critique | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1675 | Cultural Critique | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1676 | Cultural Politics | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1677 | Cultural Studies of Science Education | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1678 | Culture, Health & Sexuality | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1679 | Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1680 | Culture/Clinic | view | JSTOR | 2013 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1681 | Cultures et Conflits | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
1682 | Current Allergy and Asthma Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1683 | Current Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1684 | Current Applied Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1685 | Current Atherosclerosis Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1686 | Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1687 | Current Breast Cancer Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1688 | Current Cardiology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1689 | Current Cardiovascular Imaging Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1690 | Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1691 | Current Colorectal Cancer Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1692 | Current Dermatology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1693 | Current Diabetes Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1694 | Current Directions in Psychological Science | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1695 | Current Forestry Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1696 | Current Fungal Infection Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1697 | Current Gastroenterology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1698 | Current Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1699 | Current Geriatrics Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1700 | Current Heart Failure Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1701 | Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1702 | Current Hepatology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1703 | Current HIV/AIDS Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1704 | Current Hypertension Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1705 | Current Infectious Disease Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1706 | Current Medical Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1707 | Current Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1708 | Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1709 | Current Nutrition Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1710 | Current Obesity Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1711 | Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1712 | Current Oncology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1713 | Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1714 | Current Opinion in Chemical Biology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1715 | Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1716 | Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1717 | Current Opinion in Electrochemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1718 | Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1719 | Current Opinion in Systems Biology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1720 | Current Osteoporosis Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1721 | Current Pain and Headache Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1722 | Current Pollution Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1723 | Current Psychiatry Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1724 | Current Psychology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1725 | Current Pulmonology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1726 | Current Research on Peace and Violence | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
1727 | Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1728 | Current Rheumatology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1729 | Current Sexual Health Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1730 | Current Stem Cell Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1731 | Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1732 | Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1733 | Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1734 | Current Treatment Options in Neurology | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1735 | Current Treatment Options in Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1736 | Current Urology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1737 | Curriculum Inquiry | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1738 | Curriculum Theory Network | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
1739 | CUSP: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Cultures | view | Project Muse | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1740 | Cyber-Physical Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1741 | Cybernetics and Systems : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1742 | Cybernetics and Systems Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1743 | Cytology and Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1744 | Cytotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1745 | Czech Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
1746 | Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1747 | Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1748 | Czechoslovak Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
1749 | Daat: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
1750 | Daedalus | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1751 | Dairy Science & Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
1752 | Dalhousie French Studies | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
1753 | Dalton Transactions | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1754 | Dance Chronicle | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1755 | Dance Research | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1756 | Dance Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1757 | Dance Research Journal | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1758 | Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1759 | Dante Studies | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1760 | Dante Studies, with the Annual Report of the Dante Society | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1761 | Dao | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1762 | Darwiniana | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1763 | Data & Knowledge Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1764 | Data & Knowledge Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1765 | Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1766 | DCIDOB | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1767 | De Economist | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1768 | De West-Indische Gids | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
1769 | Dead Sea Discoveries | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1770 | Debate Feminista | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1771 | DECISION | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1772 | Decision Support Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1773 | Decisions in Economics and Finance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1774 | Décisions Marketing | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1775 | Democratic Culture | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1776 | Demografía y economía | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
1777 | Demographische Informationen | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
1778 | Demography | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1779 | Demography | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1780 | Demography | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
1781 | Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1782 | Der Globusfreund | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1783 | Desalination | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1784 | Desarrollo Económico | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1785 | Design Automation for Embedded Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1786 | Design Issues | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1787 | Design Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
1788 | Design Studies | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1789 | Design Studies | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1790 | Designs, Codes and Cryptography | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1791 | Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
1792 | Development Genes and Evolution | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1793 | Development in Practice | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
1794 | Diabetologia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1795 | Diabetology International | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1796 | Diacritics | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1797 | Diacritics | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1798 | Dialectical Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1799 | Dialectical Anthropology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1800 | Diálogo | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1801 | Diálogos: Artes, Letras, Ciencias humanas | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
1802 | Dialogue | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
1803 | Diamond and Related Materials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1804 | Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies | view | Project Muse | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1805 | Diatom Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1806 | Dickens Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1807 | Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1808 | Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America | view | Project Muse | 1979 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1809 | Diderot Studies | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1810 | Die Friedens-Warte | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1811 | Die MKG-Chirurgie | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1812 | Die Musikforschung | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1813 | Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1814 | Die Waffen nieder! | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1899 | eSS | E-Journal |
1815 | Die Welt des Islams | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1816 | Die Welt des Orients | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1817 | differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies | view | Project Muse | 1998 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1818 | Differential Equations | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1819 | Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1820 | Differential Geometry and its Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1821 | Digestive Diseases and Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1822 | Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1823 | Digital Discovery | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2022 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1824 | Digital Government: Research and Practice | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1825 | Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1826 | Digital Signal Processing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1827 | Digital Signal Processing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1828 | Digital Threats: Research and Practice | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1829 | Director's Report (Harvard University Art Museums) | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
1830 | Directory of the Association of American Library Schools | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
1831 | Discourse | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1832 | Discourse | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1833 | Discover Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
1834 | Discrete & Computational Geometry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1835 | Discrete Applied Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1836 | Discrete Applied Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1837 | Discrete Event Dynamic Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1838 | Discrete Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1839 | Discrete Optimization | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1840 | Displays | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1841 | Displays | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1842 | Dispositio | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
1843 | Dissent | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1844 | Distributed and Parallel Databases | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1845 | Distributed Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1846 | Diversity and Distributions | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1847 | Docket Call | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
1848 | Documenta Ophthalmologica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1849 | Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1850 | Doklady Biological Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1851 | Doklady Biophysics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
1852 | Doklady Botanical Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
1853 | Doklady Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1854 | Doklady Earth Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1855 | Doklady Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1856 | Doklady Physical Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1857 | Doklady Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1858 | Dossier-CIDOB | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
1859 | Drug Delivery and Translational Research | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1860 | Drying Technology : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1861 | Dublin Historical Record | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1862 | Dublin James Joyce Journal | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1863 | Dublin Journal of Medical Science (1872-1920) | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1864 | Duke Bar Journal | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
1865 | Duke Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1866 | Dumbarton Oaks Papers | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1867 | Durkheimian Studies / Études Durkheimiennes | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1868 | Dynamic Games and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1869 | Dynamical Systems : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1870 | Dynamics and Control | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
1871 | Dynamics and Stability of Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1872 | Dysphagia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1873 | e-Neuroforum | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
1874 | e-Service Journal | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1875 | e-Service Journal | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1876 | Early American Literature | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1877 | Early American Literature | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1878 | Early American Literature Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
1879 | Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1880 | Early Childhood Education Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1881 | Early China | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
1882 | Early Middle English | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1883 | Early Modern Women | view | Project Muse | 2015 | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1884 | Early Music | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1885 | Early Music | view | Project Muse | 2004 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1886 | Early Music History | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1887 | Early Science and Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1888 | Early Theatre: A Journal associated with the Records of Early English Drama | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1889 | Earth Science Informatics | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1890 | Earth, Moon, and Planets | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1891 | Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1892 | East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1893 | East and West | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
1894 | East Asia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1895 | East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal | view | Project Muse | 2007 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1896 | Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1897 | Eastern Economic Journal | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1898 | Eastern European Economics | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1899 | Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1900 | Ecography | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1901 | EcoHealth | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1902 | Ecología Política | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1903 | Ecological Applications | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1904 | Ecological Bulletins | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
1905 | Ecological Monographs | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1906 | Ecological Research | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
1907 | Ecological Restoration | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1908 | Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1909 | Econometric Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1910 | Econometric Theory | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1911 | Econometrica | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1912 | Econometrics and Statistics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1913 | Economía | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1914 | Economía | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1915 | Economia Politica | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1916 | Economic and Political Weekly | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1917 | Economic Botany | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1918 | Economic Botany | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1919 | Economic Change and Restructuring | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1920 | Economic Development and Cultural Change | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1921 | Economic Digest | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
1922 | Economic Geography | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1923 | Economic Policy | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1924 | Economic Theory | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1925 | Economic Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1926 | Economic Theory Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1927 | Economica | view | JSTOR | 1921 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1928 | Economics of Governance | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1929 | Écoscience | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1930 | Ecosystems | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1931 | Ecosystems | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1932 | Ecotone | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1933 | Ecotoxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1934 | Edited Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities) | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
1935 | Edith Wharton Review | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1936 | EDPACS : The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1937 | Education and Culture | view | Project Muse | 1976 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1938 | Education and Information Technologies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1939 | Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1940 | Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1941 | Education and Training in Mental Retardation | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
1942 | Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
1943 | Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
1944 | Education and Treatment of Children | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1945 | Education and Treatment of Children | view | Project Muse | 2007 | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1946 | Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1947 | Educational Communication and Technology | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
1948 | Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1949 | Educational Horizons | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1950 | Educational Psychology Review | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1951 | Educational Psychology Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1952 | Educational Research Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
1953 | Educational Research for Policy and Practice | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1954 | Educational Researcher | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1955 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1956 | Educational Studies in Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1957 | Educational technology research and development | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1958 | Educational Technology Research and Development | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1959 | Educational Theatre Journal | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
1960 | Educational Weekly | view | JSTOR | 1883 | 1885 | eSS | E-Journal |
1961 | Egyetemi Szemle | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
1962 | Eighteenth-Century Fiction | view | Project Muse | 1988 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1963 | Eighteenth-Century Ireland / Iris an dá chultúr | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1964 | Eighteenth-Century Life | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1965 | Eighteenth-Century Studies | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1966 | Eighteenth-Century Studies | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1967 | Éire-Ireland | view | Project Muse | 1994 | 1994 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1968 | Ekonomisk Tidskrift | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
1969 | El Ciervo | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1970 | El Trimestre Económico | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1971 | eLearn | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1972 | Electric Machines & Power Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1973 | Electric Power Components and Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1974 | Electric Power Systems Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1975 | Electric Power Systems Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1976 | Electrical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1977 | Electrical Engineering | view | IEEE | 1931 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1978 | Electrocatalysis | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1979 | Electrochimica Acta | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1980 | Electromagnetics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1981 | Electronic Commerce Research | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1982 | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1983 | Electronic Markets | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1984 | Electronic Materials Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1985 | Electronics and Power | view | IEEE | 1964 | 1987 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1986 | Elementary English | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
1987 | Elementary School Guidance & Counseling | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
1988 | ELH | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1989 | ELH | view | Project Muse | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1990 | Emergency Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1991 | Emerging Markets Finance & Trade | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1992 | Empire Forestry Journal | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
1993 | Empire Forestry Review | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
1994 | Empirica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1995 | Empirical Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1996 | Empirical Software Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1997 | Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1998 | Emu - Austral Ornithology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1999 | Endocrine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2000 | Endocrine Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2001 | Energy & Environmental Science | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2002 | Energy & Fuels | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
2003 | Energy Advances | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2022 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2004 | Energy and Buildings | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2005 | Energy Conversion and Management | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2006 | Energy Efficiency | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2007 | Energy Sources | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2008 | Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2009 | Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2010 | Energy Systems | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2011 | EnergyChem | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2012 | Engineering & Technology | view | IEEE | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2013 | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2014 | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2015 | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2016 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2017 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2018 | Engineering Failure Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2019 | Engineering Fracture Mechanics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2020 | Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine | view | IEEE | 1982 | 1983 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2021 | Engineering Management Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2022 | Engineering Optimization | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2023 | Engineering Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2024 | Engineering with Computers | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2025 | Englera | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2026 | English Education | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2027 | English in Africa | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2028 | English Language Notes | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2029 | English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 | view | Project Muse | 1957 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2030 | Enterprise & Society | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2031 | Enterprise Information Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2032 | Entertainment Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2033 | Entomologica Americana | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2034 | Entomological Review | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2035 | Environment and History | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2036 | Environment Systems and Decisions | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2037 | Environment, Development and Sustainability | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2038 | Environment, Space, Place | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2039 | Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2040 | Environmental and Ecological Statistics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2041 | Environmental and Resource Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2042 | Environmental Biology of Fishes | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2043 | Environmental Chemistry Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2044 | Environmental Earth Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2045 | Environmental Economics and Policy Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2046 | Environmental Engineering and Policy | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
2047 | Environmental Fluid Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2048 | Environmental Forensics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2049 | Environmental Geochemistry and Health | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2050 | Environmental Geology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2051 | Environmental Hazards | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2052 | Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2053 | Environmental Health Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2054 | Environmental History | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2055 | Environmental History Review | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
2056 | Environmental Management | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2057 | Environmental Modeling & Assessment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2058 | Environmental Modelling & Software | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2059 | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2060 | Environmental Processes | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2061 | Environmental Review: ER | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
2062 | Environmental Science & Technology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
2063 | Environmental Science & Technology Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
2064 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2065 | Environmental Science, Process & Impacts | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2066 | Environmental Science: Advances | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2022 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2067 | Environmental Science: Atmospheres | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2068 | Environmental Science: Nano | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2069 | Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2070 | Environmental Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2071 | Environmental Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2072 | Environmental Technology Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2073 | Environmental Values | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2074 | Eolas: The Journal of the American Society of Irish Medieval Studies | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2075 | EPE Journal : European Power Electronics and Drives | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2076 | Epidemiology | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2077 | Epidemiology and Community Health | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
2078 | Epidemiology and Infection | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2079 | Epigenetics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2080 | Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2081 | EPJ direct | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
2082 | ERA Forum | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2083 | Erato | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
2084 | Erdkunde | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2085 | Ergonomics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2086 | Ériu | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2087 | Ériu | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2088 | Erkenntnis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2089 | Erkenntnis (1930-1938) | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 1937 | eSS | E-Journal |
2090 | Erkenntnis (1975-) | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2091 | ESC: English Studies in Canada | view | Project Muse | 1975 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2092 | Esophagus | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2093 | ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2094 | Essays in Criticism | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2095 | Essays in Medieval Studies | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2096 | Estuaries | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
2097 | Estuaries and Coasts | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2098 | Estuaries and Coasts | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2099 | Estudios Atacameños | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2100 | Estudios de Asia y Africa | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2101 | Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2102 | Estudios Económicos | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2103 | Estudios Internacionales | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2104 | Estudios Orientales | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
2105 | Estudios Sociológicos | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2106 | Ethical Theory and Moral Practice | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2107 | Ethical Theory and Moral Practice | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2108 | Ethics | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2109 | Ethics & the Environment | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2110 | Ethics and Information Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2111 | Ethics and the Environment | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2112 | Ethiopianist Notes | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
2113 | Ethnohistory | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
2114 | Ethnohistory | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2115 | Ethnologie française | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2116 | Ethnology | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2117 | Ethnomusicology | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2118 | Ethnomusicology Forum | view | JSTOR | 2004 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2119 | Ethology Ecology & Evolution | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2120 | Ethos | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2121 | Etnofoor | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2122 | eTransportation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2123 | Etudes d'histoire moderne et contemporaine | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
2124 | Études rurales | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2125 | Études Slaves et Est-Européennes / Slavic and East-European Studies | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
2126 | Eudora Welty Review | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2127 | Eugene O'Neill Review | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2128 | Euphytica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2129 | Eurasian Business Review | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2130 | Eurasian Economic Review | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2131 | Eurasian Soil Science | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2132 | EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
2133 | Europe-Asia Studies | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2134 | European Actuarial Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2135 | European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2136 | European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2137 | European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2138 | European Biophysics Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2139 | European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2140 | European Demographic Information Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
2141 | European Food Research and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2142 | European Journal for Philosophy of Science | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2143 | European Journal of Ageing | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2144 | European Journal of Applied Physiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2145 | European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2146 | European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2147 | European Journal of Combinatorics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2148 | European Journal of Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2149 | European Journal of East Asian Studies | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2150 | European Journal of Education | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2151 | European Journal of Engineering Education | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2152 | European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2153 | European Journal of Epidemiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2154 | European Journal of Epidemiology | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2155 | European Journal of Forest Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2156 | European Journal of Information Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2157 | European Journal of Language Policy | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2158 | European Journal of Law and Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2159 | European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2160 | European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2161 | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2162 | European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2163 | European Journal of Nutrition | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2164 | European Journal of Operational Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2165 | European Journal of Operational Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2166 | European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2167 | European Journal of Pediatrics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2168 | European Journal of Phycology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2169 | European Journal of Plant Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2170 | European Journal of Plastic Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2171 | European Journal of Population | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2172 | European Journal of Population / Revue Européenne de Démographie | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2173 | European Journal of Psychology of Education | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2174 | European Journal of Psychology of Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2175 | European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie / Europäisches Archiv für Soziologie | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2176 | European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2177 | European Journal of Wildlife Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2178 | European Journal of Wood and Wood Products | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2179 | European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2180 | European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2181 | European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2182 | European Polymer Journal | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2183 | European Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2184 | European Radiology Supplements | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2185 | European Review of Economic History | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2186 | European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2187 | European Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2188 | European Spine Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2189 | European Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2190 | Everyday Art Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
2191 | Evolution | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
2192 | Evolutionary Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2193 | Evolutionary Computation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1993 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2194 | Evolutionary Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2195 | Evolutionary Intelligence | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2196 | Evolving Systems | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2197 | Expeditions with MCUP | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2198 | Experimental and Applied Acarology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2199 | Experimental Astronomy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2200 | Experimental Brain Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2201 | Experimental Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2202 | Experimental Heat Transfer : A Journal of Thermal Energy Generation, Transport, Storage, and Conversion | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2203 | Experimental Mathematics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2204 | Experimental Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2205 | Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2206 | Experiments in Fluids | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2207 | Expert Systems with Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2208 | Expert Systems with Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2209 | Expositiones Mathematicae | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2210 | Exposure and Health | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2211 | Expressions maghrébines | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2212 | Extreme Mechanics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2213 | Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
2214 | Extremes | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2215 | Extremophiles | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2216 | Facies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2217 | Fairy Tale Review | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2218 | Familial Cancer | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2219 | Family Advocate | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2220 | Family Law Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2221 | Family Planning Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
2222 | Family Relations | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2223 | Far Eastern Survey | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
2224 | Faraday Discussions | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2225 | Federal Sentencing Reporter | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2226 | Feminist Formations | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2227 | Feminist Formations | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2228 | Feminist German Studies | view | Project Muse | 1985 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2229 | Feminist Legal Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2230 | Feminist Review | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2231 | Feminist Studies | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2232 | Feminist Studies | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2233 | Feminist Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2234 | Feminist Teacher | view | Project Muse | 2007 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2235 | Ferroelectrics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2236 | Ferroelectrics Letters Section | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2237 | Few-Body Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2238 | Fiber and Integrated Optics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2239 | Fibers and Polymers | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2240 | Fibre Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2241 | Field Day Review | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2242 | Fieldiana. Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2243 | Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal | view | Project Muse | 1971 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2244 | Film History | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2245 | Film History: An International Journal | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2246 | Film Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2247 | Finafrica Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
2248 | Finance and Stochastics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2249 | Financial Analysts Journal | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2250 | Financial Management | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2251 | Financial Markets and Portfolio Management | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2252 | FinanzArchiv / Public Finance Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2253 | Fine Arts Journal | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
2254 | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2255 | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2256 | Finite Elements in Analysis and Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2257 | Finite Fields and Their Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2258 | Fire Safety Journal | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2259 | Fire Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2260 | Fire!!! | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2261 | Fish Physiology and Biochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2262 | Fisheries Science | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2263 | FlatChem | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2264 | Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2265 | Flora Neotropica | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2266 | Florilegium | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2267 | Flow Measurement and Instrumentation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2268 | Flow, Turbulence and Combustion | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2269 | Flowering Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
2270 | Fluid Dynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2271 | Fluid Phase Equilibria | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2272 | Focus on Gender | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
2273 | Focus on Powder Coatings | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2274 | Folia Geobotanica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2275 | Folia Geobotanica | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2276 | Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
2277 | Folia Microbiologica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2278 | Folk Music Journal | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2279 | Folklore | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2280 | Folklore Studies | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
2281 | Fontes Artis Musicae | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2282 | Fontes Artis Musicae | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2283 | Food & Function | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2284 | Food Additives & Contaminants | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2285 | Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2286 | Food Analytical Methods | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2287 | Food and Bioprocess Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2288 | Food and Environmental Virology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2289 | Food Biophysics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2290 | Food Biotechnology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2291 | Food Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2292 | Food Engineering Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2293 | Food Reviews International | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2294 | Food Science and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2295 | Food Security | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2296 | For the Learning of Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
2297 | Foreign Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2298 | Foreign Policy | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2299 | Forensic Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2300 | Forensic Science International | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2301 | Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2302 | Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2303 | Forensic Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2304 | Forest & Conservation History | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
2305 | Forest History Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
2306 | Forests, Trees and Livelihoods | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2307 | Formal Aspects of Computing | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2308 | Formal Methods in System Design | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2309 | Foro Internacional | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2310 | Forschungen und Berichte | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
2311 | Fortnight | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2312 | Forum Journal | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2313 | Forum Modernes Theater | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2314 | Foundations of Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2315 | Foundations of Computational Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2316 | Foundations of Language | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
2317 | Foundations of Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2318 | Foundations of Physics Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
2319 | Foundations of Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2320 | Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2321 | Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2322 | Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2323 | Franchise Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2324 | Francis W. Parker School Studies in Education | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
2325 | Francis W. Parker School Year Book | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
2326 | Franciscan Studies | view | Project Muse | 1943 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2327 | Francophonies d'Amérique | view | Project Muse | 2004 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2328 | French Colonial History | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2329 | French Colonial History | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2330 | French Forum | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2331 | French Forum | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2332 | French Historical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
2333 | French Historical Studies | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2334 | French Politics and Society | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
2335 | French Politics, Culture & Society | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2336 | French Studies: A Quarterly Review | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2337 | Freshwater Invertebrate Biology | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
2338 | Freshwater Science | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2339 | Frontiers in Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
2340 | Frontiers in Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
2341 | Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
2342 | Frontiers in Energy | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2343 | Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2344 | Frontiers of Computer Science | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2345 | Frontiers of Earth Science | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2346 | Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2347 | Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2348 | Frontiers of Materials Science | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2349 | Frontiers of Mathematics in China | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2350 | Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2351 | Frontiers of Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2352 | Frontiers of Optoelectronics | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2021 | eSS | E-Journal |
2353 | Frontiers of Philosophy in China | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
2354 | Frontiers of Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2355 | Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2356 | Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2357 | Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2358 | Fuel | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2359 | Fullerene Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2360 | Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2361 | Functional & Integrative Genomics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2362 | Functional Analysis and Its Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2363 | Functional Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2364 | Fungal Diversity | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2365 | Furniture History | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2366 | Fusion Engineering and Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2367 | Future Anterior | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2368 | Future Anterior: Journal of Historic Preservation, History, Theory, and Criticism | view | JSTOR | 2004 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2369 | Future Generation Computer Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2370 | Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2371 | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2372 | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2373 | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2374 | Gadelica: A Journal of Modern Irish Studies | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 1913 | eSS | E-Journal |
2375 | Garden History | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2376 | Gastric Cancer | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2377 | Gastronomica | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2378 | GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2379 | Gender and Development | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
2380 | Gender and Society | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2381 | Gender Issues | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2382 | Gendered Perspectives on International Development | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2383 | General Relativity and Gravitation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2384 | General Report (Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching) | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 1893 | eSS | E-Journal |
2385 | General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2386 | Genes & Genomics | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2387 | Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2388 | Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2389 | Genetica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2390 | Genocide Studies and Prevention | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2391 | Genocide Studies International | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2392 | Genus | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2393 | Geo-Marine Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2394 | Geocarto International | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2395 | Geochemistry International | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2396 | Geografiska Annaler | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
2397 | Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2398 | Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2399 | Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2400 | Geographical Analysis | view | Project Muse | 2002 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2401 | Geographical Review | view | JSTOR | 1916 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2402 | Geographische Zeitschrift | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2403 | Geography | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2404 | Geography and Natural Resources | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2405 | Geoheritage | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2406 | GeoInformatica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2407 | GeoJournal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2408 | GeoJournal | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2409 | Geology of Ore Deposits | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2410 | Geomagnetism and Aeronomy | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2411 | Geomechanics and Geoengineering : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2412 | Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2413 | Geometriae Dedicata | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2414 | Geometric and Functional Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2415 | Geomicrobiology Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2416 | Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2417 | George Herbert Journal | view | Project Muse | 1977 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2418 | Georgetown Journal of International Affairs | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2419 | Georgia Government Review | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
2420 | Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2421 | Geosciences Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2422 | Geosystem Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2423 | Geotechnical and Geological Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2424 | Geotectonics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2425 | Geotextiles and Geomembranes | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2426 | Geriatric Nephrology and Urology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
2427 | German Politics & Society | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2428 | German Studies Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
2429 | German Studies Review | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2430 | German Studies Review | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2431 | German Yearbook of Contemporary History | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2432 | Germanic Museum Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
2433 | GeroScience | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2434 | Geschichte und Gesellschaft | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2435 | Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Sonderheft | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2436 | Gesta | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2437 | GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2438 | Getty Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2439 | Gettysburg Magazine | view | Project Muse | 2015 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2440 | GFF | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2441 | Ghana Studies | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2442 | Giornale degli Economisti | view | JSTOR | 1875 | 1909 | eSS | E-Journal |
2443 | Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2444 | Giornale degli Economisti e Rivista di Statistica | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
2445 | GIScience & Remote Sensing | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2446 | Glasgow Archaeological Journal | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
2447 | Glass and Ceramics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2448 | Glass Physics and Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2449 | Global Change and Human Health | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
2450 | Global Ecology and Biogeography | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2451 | Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
2452 | Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2453 | Global Environmental Politics | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2454 | Global Governance | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2455 | Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2456 | Global Social Welfare | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2457 | Globe Studies | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2458 | Glotta | view | JSTOR | 1909 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2459 | GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2460 | Glycoconjugate Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2461 | Gnomon | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2462 | Goethe Yearbook | view | Project Muse | 1982 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2463 | Goodwin Series | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2464 | GP, Solo & Small Firm Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
2465 | GPS Solutions | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2466 | GPSolo | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2467 | Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2468 | Grana | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2469 | Grand Street | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
2470 | Granular Matter | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2471 | Graphs and Combinatorics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2472 | Gravitation and Cosmology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2473 | Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
2474 | Great Plains Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2475 | Great Plains Research | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2476 | Greece & Rome | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2477 | Green Chemistry | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2478 | Grey Room | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2479 | Grial | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2480 | Group | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2481 | Group | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2482 | Group Decision and Negotiation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2483 | Guaraguao | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2484 | Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2485 | Guide (Field Museum of Natural History) | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1933 | eSS | E-Journal |
2486 | Guide to Programs in Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
2487 | Gynecological Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2488 | Gyroscopy and Navigation | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2489 | Harvard Art Museum Annual Report | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
2490 | Harvard Book Review | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
2491 | Harvard International Review | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2492 | Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2493 | Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2494 | Harvard Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2495 | Harvard Papers in Botany | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2496 | Harvard Review | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2497 | Harvard Studies in Classical Philology | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2498 | Harvard Ukrainian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2499 | Harvard University Art Museums Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
2500 | Hastings Center Report | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2011 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2501 | Hawaiian Journal of History | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2502 | Head and Neck Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2503 | Health and History | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2504 | Health and History | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2505 | Health and Human Rights | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2506 | Health and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2507 | Health Care Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2508 | Health Care Management Science | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2509 | Health Economics in Prevention and Care | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
2510 | Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2511 | Health Services Reports | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
2512 | Health Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2513 | Health Transition Review | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
2514 | Heart and Vessels | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2515 | Heart Failure Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2516 | Heat and Mass Transfer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2517 | Heat Transfer Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2518 | Hebraica | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 1895 | eSS | E-Journal |
2519 | Hebrew Abstracts | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
2520 | Hebrew Studies | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2521 | Hebrew Studies | view | Project Muse | 1990 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2522 | Hebrew Union College Annual | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2523 | HEC Forum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2524 | Helios | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2525 | Hellenic Journal of Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
2526 | Hematology and Cell Therapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
2527 | Hepatology International | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2528 | Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2529 | Hermathena | view | JSTOR | 1873 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2530 | Hermes | view | JSTOR | 1866 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2531 | Hernia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2532 | Herpetologica | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2533 | Herpetological Monographs | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2534 | Hesperia Supplements | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2535 | Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2536 | Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2537 | High Energy Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2538 | High Energy Density Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2539 | High Pressure Research : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2540 | High Temperature | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | 2021 | eSS | E-Journal |
2541 | Higher Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2542 | Higher Education | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2543 | Hispamérica | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2544 | Hispania | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2545 | Hispania | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2546 | Hispanic American Historical Review | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2547 | Hispanic Review | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2548 | Hispanic Review | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2549 | Hispanófila | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2550 | Histochemistry and Cell Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2551 | Histoire de l'education | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2552 | Histoire sociale / Social History | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2553 | Histoire, Économie et Société | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2554 | Historia Mathematica | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2555 | Historia Mexicana | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2556 | Historia Social | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2557 | Historia y Fuente Oral | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
2558 | Historia, Antropología y Fuentes Orales | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
2559 | Historia: Journal of the Historical Society of Israel | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2560 | Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2561 | Historical Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2562 | Historical Biology : An International Journal of Paleobiology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2563 | Historical Geography | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2564 | Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
2565 | Historical Performance | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2566 | Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2567 | Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2568 | Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung. Supplement | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2569 | Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 1887 | eSS | E-Journal |
2570 | Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles (1890) | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 1890 | eSS | E-Journal |
2571 | Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2572 | Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
2573 | Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
2574 | Historically Speaking | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2575 | Histories of Anthropology Annual | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2011 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2576 | Historische Sprachforschung / Historical Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2577 | Historische Zeitschrift | view | JSTOR | 1859 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
2578 | Historische Zeitschrift. Beihefte | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
2579 | History & Memory | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2580 | History and Memory | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2581 | History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2582 | History and Theory | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2583 | History in Africa | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2584 | History in Africa | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2585 | History Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2586 | History of Education Journal | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
2587 | History of Education Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2588 | History of Philosophy Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2589 | History of Political Economy | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2590 | History of Religions | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2591 | History of the Present | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2592 | History Workshop | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
2593 | History Workshop Journal | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2594 | History Workshop Journal | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2595 | Hitchcock Annual | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2596 | Holarctic Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
2597 | Hollywood Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
2598 | Holocaust and Genocide Studies | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2599 | Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2600 | Home Front Studies | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2601 | Hoosier Folklore | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
2602 | Hoosier Folklore Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
2603 | HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2604 | Hopscotch: A Cultural Review | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2605 | Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2606 | HSMHA Health Reports | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
2607 | HSS Journal ® | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
2608 | Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2609 | Human Biology | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2610 | Human Biology | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2611 | Human Cell | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2612 | Human Dimensions of Wildlife : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2613 | Human Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2614 | Human Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2615 | Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2616 | Human Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2617 | Human Nature | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2618 | Human Performance | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2619 | Human Physiology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2620 | Human Rights | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2621 | Human Rights Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2622 | Human Rights Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2623 | Human Rights Review | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2624 | Human Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2625 | Human Studies | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2626 | Human–Computer Interaction | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2627 | Humanisme et Renaissance | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
2628 | Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2629 | Humboldt Journal of Social Relations | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2630 | Hume Studies | view | Project Muse | 1975 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2631 | Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies (HJEAS) | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2632 | Hungarian Studies in English | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
2633 | Huntington Library Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2634 | Huntington Library Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2635 | Husserl Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2636 | HVAC&R Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2637 | Hydrobiologia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2638 | Hydrogeology Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2639 | Hydrological Sciences Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2640 | Hypatia | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2641 | Hypatia | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2642 | Hyperfine Interactions | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2643 | I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2644 | I.C.I.R.I. Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
2645 | IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2646 | IAHCCJ Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
2647 | IAHCCJ Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
2648 | Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
2649 | Iberoamericana (1977-2000) | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
2650 | Iberoamericana (2001-) | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
2651 | Icarus | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2652 | Ichnos : An International Journal for Plant and Animal Traces | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2653 | Ichthyological Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2654 | IEE Review | view | IEEE | 1988 | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2655 | IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Newsletter | view | IEEE | 1974 | 1983 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2656 | IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine | view | IEEE | 1986 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2657 | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | view | IEEE | 1992 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2658 | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2659 | IEEE Antennas and Propagation Group Newsletter | view | IEEE | 1964 | 1973 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2660 | IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine | view | IEEE | 1990 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2661 | IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Newsletter | view | IEEE | 1973 | 1989 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2662 | IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters | view | IEEE | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2663 | IEEE ASSP Magazine | view | IEEE | 1984 | 1990 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2664 | IEEE Audio and Electroacoustics Newsletter | view | IEEE | 1970 | 1973 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2665 | IEEE BITS the Information Theory Magazine | view | IEEE | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2666 | IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | view | IEEE | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2667 | IEEE Circuits & Systems Magazine | view | IEEE | 1979 | 1984 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2668 | IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine | view | IEEE | 1985 | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2669 | IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine | view | IEEE | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2670 | IEEE Cloud Computing | view | IEEE | 2014 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2671 | IEEE Communications Letters | view | IEEE | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2672 | IEEE Communications Magazine | view | IEEE | 1979 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2673 | IEEE Communications Society Magazine | view | IEEE | 1977 | 1978 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2674 | IEEE Communications Standards Magazine | view | IEEE | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2675 | IEEE Communications Surveys | view | IEEE | 1998 | 1999 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2676 | IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials | view | IEEE | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2677 | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine | view | IEEE | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2678 | IEEE Computational Science and Engineering | view | IEEE | 1994 | 1998 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2679 | IEEE Computer Applications in Power | view | IEEE | 1988 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2680 | IEEE Computer Architecture Letters | view | IEEE | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2681 | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications | view | IEEE | 1981 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2682 | IEEE Concurrency | view | IEEE | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2683 | IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine | view | IEEE | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2684 | IEEE Control Systems | view | IEEE | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2685 | IEEE Control Systems Letters | view | IEEE | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2686 | IEEE Control Systems Magazine | view | IEEE | 1981 | 1990 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2687 | IEEE CSIT Newsletter | view | IEEE | 1972 | 1976 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2688 | IEEE Design & Test | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2689 | IEEE Design & Test of Computers | view | IEEE | 1984 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2690 | IEEE Distributed Systems Online | view | IEEE | 2004 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2691 | IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine | view | IEEE | 1985 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2692 | IEEE Electrification Magazine | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2693 | IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine | view | IEEE | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2694 | IEEE Electron Device Letters | view | IEEE | 1980 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2695 | IEEE Embedded Systems Letters | view | IEEE | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2696 | IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine | view | IEEE | 1982 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2697 | IEEE Engineering Management Review | view | IEEE | 1973 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2698 | IEEE Expert | view | IEEE | 1986 | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2699 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | view | IEEE | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2700 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2701 | IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine | view | IEEE | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2702 | IEEE Industry Applications Magazine | view | IEEE | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2703 | IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine | view | IEEE | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2704 | IEEE Intelligent Systems | view | IEEE | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2705 | IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications | view | IEEE | 1998 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2706 | IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine | view | IEEE | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2707 | IEEE Internet Computing | view | IEEE | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2708 | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | view | IEEE | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2709 | IEEE Internet of Things Magazine | view | IEEE | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2710 | IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2711 | IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology | view | IEEE | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2712 | IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics | view | IEEE | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2713 | IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2714 | IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering | view | IEEE | 1976 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2715 | IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics | view | IEEE | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2716 | IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | view | IEEE | 1965 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2717 | IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification | view | IEEE | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2718 | IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics | view | IEEE | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2719 | IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing | view | IEEE | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2720 | IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits | view | IEEE | 1966 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2721 | IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems | view | IEEE | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2722 | IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics | view | IEEE | 2022 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2723 | IEEE Journal on Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems | view | IEEE | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2724 | IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques | view | IEEE | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2725 | IEEE Journal on Robotics and Automation | view | IEEE | 1985 | 1988 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2726 | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | view | IEEE | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2727 | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory | view | IEEE | 2020 | 2022 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2728 | IEEE Latin America Transactions | view | IEEE | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2729 | IEEE LCS | view | IEEE | 1990 | 1991 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2730 | IEEE Letters of the Computer Society | view | IEEE | 2018 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2731 | IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications | view | IEEE | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2732 | IEEE LTS | view | IEEE | 1991 | 1992 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2733 | IEEE Magnetics Letters | view | IEEE | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2734 | IEEE Micro | view | IEEE | 1981 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2735 | IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters | view | IEEE | 1991 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2736 | IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters | view | IEEE | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2737 | IEEE Microwave Magazine | view | IEEE | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2738 | IEEE MultiMedia | view | IEEE | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2739 | IEEE Nanotechnology Express | view | IEEE | 2015 | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2740 | IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine | view | IEEE | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2741 | IEEE Network | view | IEEE | 1987 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2742 | IEEE Networking Letters | view | IEEE | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2743 | IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications | view | IEEE | 1993 | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2744 | IEEE Personal Communications | view | IEEE | 1994 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2745 | IEEE Pervasive Computing | view | IEEE | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2746 | IEEE Photonics Technology Letters | view | IEEE | 1989 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2747 | IEEE Potentials | view | IEEE | 1982 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2748 | IEEE Power and Energy Magazine | view | IEEE | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2749 | IEEE Power Electronics Letters | view | IEEE | 2003 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2750 | IEEE Power Electronics Magazine | view | IEEE | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2751 | IEEE Power Engineering Review | view | IEEE | 1981 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2752 | IEEE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2753 | IEEE Professional Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2754 | IEEE Pulse | view | IEEE | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2755 | IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering | view | IEEE | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2756 | IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2757 | IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine | view | IEEE | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2758 | IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters | view | IEEE | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2759 | IEEE Security & Privacy | view | IEEE | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2760 | IEEE Sensors Journal | view | IEEE | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2761 | IEEE Sensors Letters | view | IEEE | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2762 | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | view | IEEE | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2763 | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | view | IEEE | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2764 | IEEE Software | view | IEEE | 1984 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2765 | IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters | view | IEEE | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2766 | IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine | view | IEEE | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2767 | IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Newsletter | view | IEEE | 2000 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2768 | IEEE Spectrum | view | IEEE | 1964 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2769 | IEEE Systems Journal | view | IEEE | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2770 | IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine | view | IEEE | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2771 | IEEE Technology and Society Magazine | view | IEEE | 1982 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2772 | IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing | view | IEEE | 1974 | 1990 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2773 | IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging | view | IEEE | 1999 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2774 | IEEE Transactions on Aerospace | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1965 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2775 | IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems | view | IEEE | 1965 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2776 | IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1965 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2777 | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | view | IEEE | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2778 | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2779 | IEEE Transactions on Applications and Industry | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1964 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2780 | IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | view | IEEE | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2781 | IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence | view | IEEE | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2782 | IEEE Transactions on Audio | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1965 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2783 | IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics | view | IEEE | 1966 | 1973 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2784 | IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing | view | IEEE | 2006 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2785 | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2786 | IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering | view | IEEE | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2787 | IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development | view | IEEE | 2009 | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2788 | IEEE Transactions on Big Data | view | IEEE | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2789 | IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Electronics | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2790 | IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems | view | IEEE | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2791 | IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering | view | IEEE | 1964 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2792 | IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science | view | IEEE | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2793 | IEEE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1974 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2794 | IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2795 | IEEE Transactions on Cable Television | view | IEEE | 1976 | 1980 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2796 | IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1973 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2797 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems | view | IEEE | 1974 | 1991 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2798 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | view | IEEE | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2799 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications | view | IEEE | 1992 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2800 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers | view | IEEE | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2801 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing | view | IEEE | 1992 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2802 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs | view | IEEE | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2803 | IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2804 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems | view | IEEE | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2805 | IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking | view | IEEE | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2806 | IEEE Transactions on Communication and Electronics | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1964 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2807 | IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology | view | IEEE | 1964 | 1971 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2808 | IEEE Transactions on Communications | view | IEEE | 1972 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2809 | IEEE Transactions on Communications Systems | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1964 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2810 | IEEE Transactions on Component Parts | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1965 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2811 | IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies | view | IEEE | 1999 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2812 | IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology | view | IEEE | 1978 | 1993 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2813 | IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology | view | IEEE | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2814 | IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part A | view | IEEE | 1994 | 1998 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2815 | IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part B | view | IEEE | 1994 | 1998 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2816 | IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology: Part C | view | IEEE | 1996 | 1998 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2817 | IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging | view | IEEE | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2818 | IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games | view | IEEE | 2009 | 2017 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2819 | IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems | view | IEEE | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2820 | IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems | view | IEEE | 1982 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2821 | IEEE Transactions on Computers | view | IEEE | 1968 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2822 | IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics | view | IEEE | 1975 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2823 | IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems | view | IEEE | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2824 | IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology | view | IEEE | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2825 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2826 | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | view | IEEE | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2827 | IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability | view | IEEE | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2828 | IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation | view | IEEE | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2829 | IEEE Transactions on Education | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2830 | IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation | view | IEEE | 1965 | 1993 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2831 | IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility | view | IEEE | 1964 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2832 | IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2833 | IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1967 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2834 | IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing | view | IEEE | 1999 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2835 | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence | view | IEEE | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2836 | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2837 | IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion | view | IEEE | 1986 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2838 | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2839 | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1971 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2840 | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | view | IEEE | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2841 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | view | IEEE | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2842 | IEEE Transactions on Games | view | IEEE | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2843 | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | view | IEEE | 1980 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2844 | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Electronics | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1979 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2845 | IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking | view | IEEE | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2846 | IEEE Transactions on Haptics | view | IEEE | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2847 | IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1967 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2848 | IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2849 | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | view | IEEE | 1992 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2850 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | view | IEEE | 1982 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2851 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation | view | IEEE | 1964 | 1981 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2852 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics [May 1963] | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2853 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | view | IEEE | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2854 | IEEE Transactions on Industry and General Applications | view | IEEE | 1965 | 1971 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2855 | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications | view | IEEE | 1972 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2856 | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | view | IEEE | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2857 | IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine | view | IEEE | 1997 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2858 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2859 | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2860 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems | view | IEEE | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2861 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | view | IEEE | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2862 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | view | IEEE | 1989 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2863 | IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies | view | IEEE | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2864 | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics | view | IEEE | 1965 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2865 | IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems | view | IEEE | 1968 | 1970 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2866 | IEEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology | view | IEEE | 1972 | 1977 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2867 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | view | IEEE | 1982 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2868 | IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics | view | IEEE | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2869 | IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2870 | IEEE Transactions on Military Electronics | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1965 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2871 | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing | view | IEEE | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2872 | IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications | view | IEEE | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2873 | IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems | view | IEEE | 2015 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2874 | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | view | IEEE | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2875 | IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience | view | IEEE | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2876 | IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology | view | IEEE | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2877 | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management | view | IEEE | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2878 | IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering | view | IEEE | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2879 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | view | IEEE | 1990 | 2011 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2880 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | view | IEEE | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2881 | IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2882 | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | view | IEEE | 1990 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2883 | IEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging | view | IEEE | 1971 | 1977 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2884 | IEEE Transactions on Parts, Materials and Packaging | view | IEEE | 1965 | 1971 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2885 | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence | view | IEEE | 1979 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2886 | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | view | IEEE | 1973 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2887 | IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1985 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2888 | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | view | IEEE | 1986 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2889 | IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics | view | IEEE | 1986 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2890 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | view | IEEE | 1986 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2891 | IEEE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1965 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2892 | IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication | view | IEEE | 1972 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2893 | IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences | view | IEEE | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2894 | IEEE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2895 | IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering | view | IEEE | 1993 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2896 | IEEE Transactions on Reliability | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2897 | IEEE Transactions on Robotics | view | IEEE | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2898 | IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation | view | IEEE | 1989 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2899 | IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing | view | IEEE | 1988 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2900 | IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Technology Modeling and Simulation | view | IEEE | 1996 | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2901 | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | view | IEEE | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2902 | IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks | view | IEEE | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2903 | IEEE Transactions on Signal and Power Integrity | view | IEEE | 2022 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2904 | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | view | IEEE | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2905 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | view | IEEE | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2906 | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | view | IEEE | 1975 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2907 | IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics | view | IEEE | 1964 | 1985 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2908 | IEEE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1965 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2909 | IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing | view | IEEE | 1993 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2910 | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing | view | IEEE | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2911 | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy | view | IEEE | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2912 | IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics | view | IEEE | 1965 | 1970 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2913 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics | view | IEEE | 1971 | 1995 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2914 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans | view | IEEE | 1996 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2915 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) | view | IEEE | 1996 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2916 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews) | view | IEEE | 1998 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2917 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2918 | IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society | view | IEEE | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2919 | IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology | view | IEEE | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2920 | IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification | view | IEEE | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2921 | IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2922 | IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control | view | IEEE | 1986 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2923 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Communications | view | IEEE | 1963 | 1966 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2924 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | view | IEEE | 1967 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2925 | IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems | view | IEEE | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2926 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | view | IEEE | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2927 | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | view | IEEE | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2928 | IEEE Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japan | view | IEEE | 1985 | 1994 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2929 | IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine | view | IEEE | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2930 | IEEE Wireless Communications | view | IEEE | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2931 | IEEE Wireless Communications Letters | view | IEEE | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2932 | IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine | view | IEEE | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2933 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2934 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing | view | IEEE | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2935 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2936 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | view | IEEE | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2937 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1993 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2938 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | view | IEEE | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2939 | IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | view | IEEE | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2940 | IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica | view | IEEE | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2941 | IETE Journal of Education | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2942 | IETE Journal of Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2943 | IETE Technical Review | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2944 | IFAC Journal of Systems and Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2945 | IFAC Journal of Systems and Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2946 | Iggud: Selected Essays in Jewish Studies | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
2947 | IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2948 | IIE Transactions | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2949 | IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2011 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2950 | IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors | view | Taylor & Francis | 2013 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2951 | IISE Transactions | view | Taylor & Francis | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2952 | IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2953 | IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors | view | Taylor & Francis | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2954 | IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2955 | Il Flauto dolce | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
2956 | Il Foro Italiano | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2957 | Il Giappone | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
2958 | Il Nuovo Cimento (1924-1942) | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
2959 | Il Nuovo Cimento (1943-1954) | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
2960 | Il Nuovo Cimento (1955-1965) | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2961 | Il Nuovo Cimento A (1971-1996) | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2962 | Il Nuovo Cimento B (1971-1996) | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
2963 | Il Nuovo Cimento D | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
2964 | Il Politico | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
2965 | Illinois Agricultural Economics | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
2966 | Illinois Classical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2967 | Illinois Classical Studies | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2968 | Illinois Historical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
2969 | Illustrated Art Notes upon the Annual Exhibition of the National Academy of Design | view | JSTOR | 1882 | 1883 | eSS | E-Journal |
2970 | ILR Review | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2971 | Image and Vision Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2972 | Image and Vision Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2973 | Imagine | view | Project Muse | 1996 | 1999 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2974 | Imago Mundi | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
2975 | IMF Economic Review | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
2976 | IMF Staff Papers | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
2977 | Immunogenetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2978 | Immunologic Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2979 | Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2980 | Improving College and University Teaching | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
2981 | In Defense of the Alien | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
2982 | In Vitro | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
2983 | In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
2984 | In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2985 | In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2986 | In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Animal | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2987 | In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Plant | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2988 | Indagationes Mathematicae | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2989 | India International Centre Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2990 | Indian Anthropologist | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2991 | Indian Chemical Engineer | view | Taylor & Francis | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
2992 | Indian Economic Review | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
2993 | Indian Geotechnical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2994 | Indian Journal of Asian Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
2995 | Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2996 | Indian Journal of Gastroenterology | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2997 | Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
2998 | Indian Journal of Industrial Relations | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
2999 | Indian Journal of Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3000 | Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3001 | Indian Journal of Pediatrics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3002 | Indian Journal of Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3003 | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3004 | Indian Journal of Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3005 | Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3006 | Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3007 | Indian Literature | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3008 | Indian Pediatrics | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3009 | Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3010 | Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3011 | Indiana Magazine of History | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3012 | Indiana Magazine of History | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3013 | Indiana Theory Review | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3014 | Indonesia | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3015 | Indonesia | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3016 | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
3017 | Infection | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3018 | Infection Control | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
3019 | Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3020 | Inflammation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3021 | Inflammation Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3022 | Inflammopharmacology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3023 | INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3024 | Information & Culture | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3025 | Information & Culture | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3026 | Information & Management | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3027 | Information and Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3028 | Information and Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3029 | Information and Organization | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3030 | Information and Software Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3031 | Information Fusion | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3032 | Information Fusion | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3033 | Information Processing & Management | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3034 | Information Processing Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3035 | Information Professional | view | IEEE | 2004 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3036 | Information Retrieval Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
3037 | Information Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3038 | Information Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3039 | Information Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3040 | Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3041 | Information Strategy: The Executive's Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3042 | Information Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3043 | Information Systems and e-Business Management | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3044 | Information Systems Frontiers | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3045 | Information Systems Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3046 | Information Systems Research | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
3047 | Information Systems Security | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3048 | Information Technology & Tourism | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3049 | Information Technology and Management | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3050 | Information Technology for Development | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3051 | Infrared Physics & Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3052 | Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3053 | Inland Water Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3054 | Inland Waters | view | Taylor & Francis | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3055 | Inner Asia | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3056 | Innovation Policy and the Economy | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3057 | Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3058 | Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3059 | Innovative Higher Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3060 | Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3061 | Inorganic Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
3062 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3063 | Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3064 | Inorganic Materials | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3065 | Inorganic Materials: Applied Research | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3066 | Inorganica Chimica Acta | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3067 | Inquiry | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3068 | Insectes Sociaux | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3069 | Instant Research on Peace and Violence | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
3070 | Instructional Science | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3071 | Instructional Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3072 | Instrumentation Science & Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3073 | Instruments and Experimental Techniques | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3074 | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3075 | Intégral | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3076 | Integral Equations and Operator Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3077 | Integral Transforms and Special Functions | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3078 | Integrated Ferroelectrics : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3079 | Integration | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3080 | Integration | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3081 | Integrative and Comparative Biology | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3082 | Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3083 | intelligence | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
3084 | Intelligent Buildings International | view | Taylor & Francis | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3085 | Intelligent Service Robotics | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3086 | Intensive Care Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3087 | interactions | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3088 | Interchange | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3089 | Interdisciplinary Literary Studies | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3090 | Interdisciplinary Literary Studies | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3091 | Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3092 | Intereconomics | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
3093 | Interface Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
3094 | Interfaces | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3095 | Internal and Emergency Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3096 | International Advances in Economic Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3097 | International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1931-1939) | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 1939 | eSS | E-Journal |
3098 | International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3099 | International Affairs Review Supplement | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 1943 | eSS | E-Journal |
3100 | International Applied Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3101 | International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3102 | International Cancer Conference Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3103 | International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3104 | International Economic Review | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3105 | International Economics and Economic Policy | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3106 | International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3107 | International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3108 | International Family Planning Digest | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
3109 | International Family Planning Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
3110 | International Family Planning Perspectives and Digest | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
3111 | International Geology Review | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3112 | International Journal | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3113 | International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3114 | International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3115 | International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
3116 | International Journal for Philosophy of Religion | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3117 | International Journal for Philosophy of Religion | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3118 | International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3119 | International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3120 | International Journal of Acarology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3121 | International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3122 | International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3123 | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3124 | International Journal of Ambient Energy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3125 | International Journal of American Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3126 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3127 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3128 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3129 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3130 | International Journal of Arts Management | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3131 | International Journal of Automotive Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3132 | International Journal of Behavioral Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3133 | International Journal of Biometeorology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3134 | International Journal of Canadian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3135 | International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3136 | International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
3137 | International journal of clinical monitoring and computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
3138 | International Journal of Clinical Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3139 | International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3140 | International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3141 | International Journal of Colorectal Disease | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3142 | International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3143 | International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3144 | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3145 | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3146 | International Journal of Computer Vision | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3147 | International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3148 | International Journal of Construction Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3149 | International Journal of Control | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3150 | International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3151 | International Journal of Crashworthiness | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3152 | International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3153 | International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3154 | International Journal of Cuban Studies | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3155 | International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3156 | International Journal of Dynamics and Control | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3157 | International Journal of Early Childhood | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3158 | International Journal of Earth Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3159 | International Journal of Electronic Commerce | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3160 | International Journal of Electronics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3161 | International Journal of Engineering Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3162 | International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3163 | International Journal of Environmental Health Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3164 | International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3165 | International Journal of Ethics | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
3166 | International Journal of Ethiopian Studies | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
3167 | International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics | view | Project Muse | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3168 | International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3169 | International Journal of Fatigue | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3170 | International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3171 | International Journal of Food Properties | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3172 | International Journal of Forest Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3173 | International Journal of Fracture | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3174 | International Journal of Fruit Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3175 | International Journal of Game Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3176 | International Journal of General Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3177 | International Journal of Geographical Information Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3178 | International Journal of Geomechanics | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3179 | International Journal of Green Energy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3180 | International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3181 | International Journal of Health Economics and Management | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
3182 | International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3183 | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3184 | International Journal of Hematology | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3185 | International Journal of Hindu Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3186 | International Journal of Hindu Studies | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3187 | International Journal of Historical Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3188 | International Journal of Historical Archaeology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3189 | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3190 | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3191 | International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3192 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3193 | International Journal of Impact Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3194 | International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3195 | International Journal of Information Security | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3196 | International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3197 | International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education | view | Taylor & Francis | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3198 | International Journal of Legal Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3199 | International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications : A Leading Journal of Supply Chain Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3200 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3201 | International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3202 | International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3203 | International Journal of Mass Spectrometry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3204 | International Journal of Mass Spectrometry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3205 | International Journal of Material Forming | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3206 | International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3207 | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3208 | International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3209 | International Journal of Medical Informatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3210 | International Journal of Mental Health | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3211 | International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3212 | International Journal of Middle East Studies | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3213 | International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3214 | International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3215 | International Journal of Modelling and Simulation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3216 | International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3217 | International Journal of Multiphase Flow | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3218 | International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3219 | International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3220 | International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3221 | International Journal of Parallel Programming | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3222 | International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3223 | International Journal of Pavement Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3224 | International Journal of Peace Studies | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3225 | International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3226 | International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3227 | International Journal of Pest Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3228 | International Journal of Phytoremediation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3229 | International Journal of Plant Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3230 | International Journal of Plasticity | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3231 | International Journal of Plastics Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
3232 | International Journal of Political Economy | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3233 | International Journal of Politics | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
3234 | International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3235 | International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3236 | International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3237 | International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3238 | International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3239 | International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3240 | International Journal of Primatology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3241 | International Journal of Production Economics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3242 | International Journal of Production Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3243 | International Journal of Project Management | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3244 | International Journal of Public Health | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
3245 | International Journal of Refrigeration | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3246 | International Journal of Remote Sensing | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3247 | International Journal of River Basin Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3248 | International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3249 | International Journal of Salt Lake Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
3250 | International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3251 | International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3252 | International Journal of Smart Engineering System Design | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3253 | International Journal of Social Robotics | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3254 | International Journal of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3255 | International Journal of Sociology of the Family | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3256 | International Journal of Solar Energy | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3257 | International Journal of Solids and Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3258 | International Journal of Speech Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3259 | International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3260 | International Journal of Steel Structures | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3261 | International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Environment | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3262 | International Journal of Sustainable Energy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3263 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3264 | International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3265 | International Journal of Systems Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3266 | International Journal of Technology and Design Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3267 | International Journal of the Classical Tradition | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3268 | International Journal of the Classical Tradition | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3269 | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3270 | International Journal of Thermal Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3271 | International Journal of Thermophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3272 | International Journal of Value-Based Management | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
3273 | International Journal of Vegetable Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3274 | International Journal of Ventilation | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3275 | International Journal of Wireless Information Networks | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3276 | International Journal on Digital Libraries | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3277 | International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3278 | International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3279 | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3280 | International Journal on World Peace | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
3281 | International Labor and Working-Class History | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3282 | International Legal Materials | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3283 | International Ophthalmology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3284 | International Organization | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3285 | International Organization | view | Project Muse | 2002 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3286 | International Orthopaedics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3287 | International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3288 | International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3289 | International Review of Economics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3290 | International Review of Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3291 | International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale de l'Education | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3292 | International Review of Modern Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3293 | International Review of Music Aesthetics and Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
3294 | International Review of Qualitative Research | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3295 | International Review of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
3296 | International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
3297 | International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3298 | International Reviews in Physical Chemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3299 | International Security | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3300 | International Security | view | Project Muse | 1976 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3301 | International Social Science Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
3302 | International Statistical Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3303 | International Studies of Management & Organization | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3304 | International Studies Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3305 | International Studies Review | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3306 | International Supplement to the Women's Studies Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
3307 | International Tax and Public Finance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3308 | International Tree Crops Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3309 | International Union Rights | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3310 | International Urogynecology Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3311 | International Urology and Nephrology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3312 | Internationale Schulbuchforschung | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
3313 | Internationaler phytopathologischer Dienst | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1908 | eSS | E-Journal |
3314 | Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichts- und Geographie-Unterricht | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
3315 | Internationales Jahrbuch für Geschichtsunterricht | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
3316 | Internet of Things | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3317 | Internet of Things | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3318 | Interpretations | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
3319 | Intertexts | view | Project Muse | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3320 | Interventions : International Journal of Postcolonial Studies | view | Taylor & Francis | 2011 | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3321 | INTI | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3322 | Inventiones mathematicae | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3323 | Invertebrate Biology | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3324 | Invertebrate Neuroscience | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
3325 | Invertebrate Reproduction & Development | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3326 | Investigación Económica | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
3327 | Investigational New Drugs | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3328 | Ionics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3329 | Iran | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
3330 | Iran & the Caucasus | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3331 | Iranian Polymer Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3332 | Iranian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3333 | Iraq | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3334 | IRB: Ethics & Human Research | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3335 | IRBM | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3336 | IRBM News | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3337 | IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation Newsletter | view | IEEE | 1958 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3338 | IRE Transactions on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1960 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3339 | IRE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics | view | IEEE | 1961 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3340 | IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3341 | IRE Transactions on Audio | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3342 | IRE Transactions on Automatic Control | view | IEEE | 1956 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3343 | IRE Transactions on Bio-Medical Electronics | view | IEEE | 1961 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3344 | IRE Transactions on Broadcast and Television Receivers | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3345 | IRE Transactions on Broadcast Transmission Systems | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1958 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3346 | IRE Transactions on Broadcasting | view | IEEE | 1959 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3347 | IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory | view | IEEE | 1954 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3348 | IRE Transactions on Communications Systems | view | IEEE | 1956 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3349 | IRE Transactions on Component Parts | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3350 | IRE Transactions on Education | view | IEEE | 1958 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3351 | IRE Transactions on Electron Devices | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3352 | IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3353 | IRE Transactions on Engineering Management | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3354 | IRE Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech | view | IEEE | 1958 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3355 | IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics | view | IEEE | 1960 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3356 | IRE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3357 | IRE Transactions on Information Theory | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3358 | IRE Transactions on Instrumentation | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3359 | IRE Transactions on Medical Electronics | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1960 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3360 | IRE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3361 | IRE Transactions on Military Electronics | view | IEEE | 1957 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3362 | IRE Transactions on Nuclear Science | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3363 | IRE Transactions on Product Engineering and Production | view | IEEE | 1961 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3364 | IRE Transactions on Production Techniques | view | IEEE | 1956 | 1959 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3365 | IRE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference | view | IEEE | 1959 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3366 | IRE Transactions on Reliability and Quality Control | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3367 | IRE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry | view | IEEE | 1959 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3368 | IRE Transactions on Telemetry and Remote Control | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1958 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3369 | IRE Transactions on Ultrasonic Engineering | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3370 | IRE Transactions on Vehicular Communications | view | IEEE | 1955 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3371 | Irish Archaeological Research Forum | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
3372 | Irish Arts Review (1984-1987) | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
3373 | Irish Arts Review (2002-) | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3374 | Irish Arts Review Yearbook | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
3375 | Irish Historical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3376 | Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3377 | Irish Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
3378 | Irish Journal of Agricultural Research | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
3379 | Irish Journal of American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
3380 | Irish Journal of Earth Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3381 | Irish Journal of Earth Sciences | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3382 | Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
3383 | Irish Journal of Medical Science (1922-1925) | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
3384 | Irish Journal of Medical Science (1926-1967) | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
3385 | Irish Journal of Medical Science (1968-1970) | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
3386 | Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3387 | Irish Pages | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3388 | Irish Studies in International Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3389 | Irish Studies in International Affairs | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3390 | Irish University Review | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3391 | Irrigation Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3392 | ISA Transactions | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3393 | ISA Transactions | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3394 | ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3395 | Isis | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3396 | Islamic Africa | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3397 | Islamic Africa | view | Project Muse | 2014 | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3398 | Islamic Law and Society | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3399 | Islamic Studies | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3400 | Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3401 | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3402 | Israel Exploration Journal | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3403 | Israel Journal of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3404 | Israel Studies | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3405 | Israel Studies | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3406 | Israel Studies Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
3407 | Israel Studies Forum | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
3408 | Israel Studies Review | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3409 | Issue: A Journal of Opinion | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
3410 | Issues in Criminology | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
3411 | IT Professional | view | IEEE | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3412 | Italian Americana | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3413 | Italian Culture | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3414 | Italian Economic Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3415 | Italian Journal of Zoology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3416 | Italian Politics | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3417 | Italica | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3418 | ITS Journal - Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3419 | Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3420 | Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3421 | Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3422 | J19: The Journal of Nineteenth-Century Americanists | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3423 | JAC | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3424 | JAE | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
3425 | Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3426 | Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen | view | JSTOR | 1880 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
3427 | Jahrbuch der Preuszischen Kunstsammlungen | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1939 | eSS | E-Journal |
3428 | Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
3429 | Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
3430 | Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1930 | eSS | E-Journal |
3431 | Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
3432 | Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
3433 | Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Review of Economics | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3434 | Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3435 | Jahrbücher für Kultur und Geschichte der Slaven | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1935 | eSS | E-Journal |
3436 | Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3437 | James Joyce Broadsheet | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3438 | James Joyce Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3439 | James Joyce Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3440 | Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3441 | Japan Review | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3442 | Japanese Journal of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3443 | Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3444 | Japanese Journal of Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3445 | Japanese Journal of Religious Studies | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
3446 | Japanese Language and Literature | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3447 | Jazz Education in Research and Practice | view | Project Muse | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3448 | JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3449 | JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3450 | JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3451 | Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3452 | Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3453 | Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3454 | JETP Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3455 | Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3456 | Jewish Film & New Media: An International Journal | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3457 | Jewish Folklore and Ethnology | view | Project Muse | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
3458 | Jewish Historical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3459 | Jewish History | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3460 | Jewish History | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3461 | Jewish Political Studies Review | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3462 | Jewish Quarterly Review | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3463 | Jewish Social Studies | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3464 | Jewish Social Studies | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3465 | Jewish Sociology and Social Research | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
3466 | Jewish Studies | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3467 | Jewish Studies Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3468 | JOM | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3469 | Journal (American Water Works Association) | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3470 | Journal (Thirties Society) | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
3471 | Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation) | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
3472 | Journal d'Analyse Mathématique | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3473 | Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3474 | Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3475 | Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3476 | Journal for General Philosophy of Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3477 | Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3478 | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3479 | Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Monograph | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
3480 | Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society | view | Project Muse | 2003 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3481 | Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3482 | Journal for the Study of Radicalism | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3483 | Journal for the Study of Radicalism | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3484 | Journal of Academic Ethics | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3485 | Journal of Accounting Research | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3486 | Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3487 | Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3488 | Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3489 | Journal of Adult Development | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3490 | Journal of Advanced Composition | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
3491 | Journal of Advanced Military Studies | view | Project Muse | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3492 | Journal of Advertising | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3493 | Journal of Aerospace Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1988 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3494 | Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3495 | Journal of African American Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3496 | Journal of African Cultural Studies | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3497 | Journal of African Law | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3498 | Journal of Africana Religions | view | JSTOR | 2013 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3499 | Journal of Africana Religions | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3500 | Journal of Agricultural & Food Information | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3501 | Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3502 | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
3503 | Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3504 | Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3505 | Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3506 | Journal of Agromedicine | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3507 | Journal of Algebra | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3508 | Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3509 | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3510 | Journal of American Ethnic History | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3511 | Journal of American Folklore | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3512 | Journal of American Indian Education | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3513 | Journal of American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3514 | Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3515 | Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1986 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3516 | Journal of Analytical Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3517 | Journal of Anesthesia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3518 | Journal of Animal Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3519 | Journal of Animal Ethics | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3520 | Journal of Animal Ethics | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3521 | Journal of Anthropological Research | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3522 | Journal of Apicultural Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3523 | Journal of Appalachian Health | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3524 | Journal of Appalachian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3525 | Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3526 | Journal of Applied Animal Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3527 | Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3528 | Journal of Applied Aquaculture | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3529 | Journal of Applied Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3530 | Journal of Applied Econometrics | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3531 | Journal of Applied Electrochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3532 | Journal of Applied Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3533 | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3534 | Journal of Applied Mechanics | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3535 | Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3536 | Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3537 | Journal of Applied Phycology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3538 | Journal of Applied Physics | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1931 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
3539 | Journal of Applied Probability | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3540 | Journal of Applied Social Science | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3541 | Journal of Applied Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
3542 | Journal of Applied Spectroscopy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3543 | Journal of Applied Statistics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3544 | Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3545 | Journal of Approximation Theory | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3546 | Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
3547 | Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3548 | Journal of Arabic Literature | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3549 | Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3550 | Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3551 | Journal of Archaeological Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3552 | Journal of Archaeological Research | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3553 | Journal of Architectural Education (1947-1974) | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
3554 | Journal of Architectural Education (1984-) | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3555 | Journal of Architectural Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3556 | Journal of Arid Land | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3557 | Journal of Arizona History | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3558 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1993 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3559 | Journal of Artificial Organs | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3560 | Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3561 | Journal of Asian American Studies | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3562 | Journal of Asian History | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3563 | Journal of Asian Natural Products Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3564 | Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3565 | Journal of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3566 | Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3567 | Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3568 | Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3569 | Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3570 | Journal of Austrian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3571 | Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3572 | Journal of Automated Reasoning | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3573 | Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2021 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3574 | Journal of Avian Biology | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3575 | Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3576 | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3577 | Journal of Behavioral Education | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3578 | Journal of Behavioral Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3579 | Journal of Behavioral Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3580 | Journal of Bible and Religion | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
3581 | Journal of Biblical Literature | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3582 | Journal of Biblical Literature | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3583 | Journal of Bioeconomics | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3584 | Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3585 | Journal of Bioethical Inquiry | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3586 | Journal of Biogeography | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3587 | Journal of Biological Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3588 | Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature | view | Taylor & Francis | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3589 | Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition | view | Taylor & Francis | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3590 | Journal of Biomechanical Engineering | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3591 | Journal of Biomechanics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3592 | Journal of Biomedical Informatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3593 | Journal of Biomolecular NMR | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3594 | Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3595 | Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3596 | Journal of Biosciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3597 | Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3598 | Journal of Black Studies | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3599 | Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3600 | Journal of Bridge Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3601 | Journal of British Studies | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3602 | Journal of Buddhist Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3603 | Journal of Building Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3604 | Journal of Building Performance Simulation | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3605 | Journal of Burma Studies | view | Project Muse | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3606 | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3607 | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3608 | Journal of Business Analytics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3609 | Journal of Business and Psychology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3610 | Journal of Business and Psychology | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3611 | Journal of Business Economics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3612 | Journal of Business Ethics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3613 | Journal of Business Ethics | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3614 | Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3615 | Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes | view | Project Muse | 1966 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3616 | Journal of Cancer Education | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3617 | Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3618 | Journal of Cancer Survivorship | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3619 | Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3620 | Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3621 | Journal of Caribbean History | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3622 | Journal of Caribbean Literatures | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3623 | Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3624 | Journal of Central South University | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3625 | Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
3626 | Journal of Chemical Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
3627 | Journal of Chemical Crystallography | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3628 | Journal of Chemical Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3629 | Journal of Chemical Education | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1924 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
3630 | Journal of Chemical Health & Safety | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2006 | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3631 | Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3632 | Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
3633 | Journal of Chemical Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3634 | Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
3635 | Journal of Child and Family Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3636 | Journal of Chinese Linguistics | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3637 | Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3638 | Journal of Chinese Overseas | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3639 | Journal of Chinese Political Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3640 | Journal of Chinese Religions | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3641 | Journal of Chromatography A | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3642 | Journal of Chromatography B | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3643 | Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3644 | Journal of Classification | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3645 | Journal of Clinical Immunology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3646 | Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3647 | Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3648 | Journal of Cluster Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3649 | Journal of Coastal Conservation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3650 | Journal of Coastal Conservation | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3651 | Journal of Coastal Research | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
3652 | Journal of Coatings Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
3653 | Journal of Coatings Technology and Research | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3654 | Journal of Cognitive Psychology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3655 | Journal of Cold Regions Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1987 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3656 | Journal of Cold War Studies | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3657 | Journal of College Student Development | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3658 | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3659 | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3660 | Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3661 | Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1999 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3662 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3663 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3664 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3665 | Journal of Communications and Information Networks | view | IEEE | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3666 | Journal of Communications and Networks | view | IEEE | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3667 | Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3668 | Journal of Community Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3669 | Journal of Community Health | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3670 | Journal of Community Health Nursing | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3671 | Journal of Comparative Family Studies | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3672 | Journal of Comparative Family Studies | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3673 | Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
3674 | Journal of Comparative Physiology A | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3675 | Journal of Comparative Physiology B | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3676 | Journal of Complexity | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3677 | Journal of Composites for Construction | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3678 | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3679 | Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3680 | Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3681 | Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3682 | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport | view | Taylor & Francis | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3683 | Journal of Computational Electronics | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3684 | Journal of Computational Neuroscience | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3685 | Journal of Computational Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3686 | Journal of Computational Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3687 | Journal of Computational Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3688 | Journal of Computer and System Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3689 | Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3690 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3691 | Journal of Computer Languages | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3692 | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3693 | Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3694 | Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3695 | Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3696 | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1987 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3697 | Journal of Computing in Higher Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3698 | Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1991 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3699 | Journal of Construction Engineering and Management | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3700 | Journal of Constructional Steel Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3701 | Journal of Consumer Policy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3702 | Journal of Consumer Research | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3703 | Journal of Contemporary History | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3704 | Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences) | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3705 | Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences) | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3706 | Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3707 | Journal of Control and Decision | view | Taylor & Francis | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3708 | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3709 | Journal of Coordination Chemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3710 | Journal of Correctional Education (1974-) | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3711 | Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1931-1951) | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
3712 | Journal of Crop Improvement | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3713 | Journal of Crop Production | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3714 | Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3715 | Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3716 | Journal of Crustacean Biology | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3717 | Journal of Cryptographic Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3718 | Journal of Cryptology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3719 | Journal of Crystal Growth | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3720 | Journal of Culinary Science & Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3721 | Journal of Cultural Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3722 | Journal of Cultural Heritage | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3723 | Journal of Cuneiform Studies | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3724 | Journal of Cyber Security Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3725 | Journal of Daoist Studies | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3726 | Journal of Data and Information Quality | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3727 | Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3728 | Journal of Decision Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3729 | Journal of Democracy | view | Project Muse | 1990 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3730 | Journal of Design History | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3731 | Journal of Developmental & Remedial Education | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
3732 | Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3733 | Journal of Developmental Education | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3734 | Journal of Developmental Reading | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
3735 | Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
3736 | Journal of Difference Equations and Applications | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3737 | Journal of Differential Equations | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3738 | Journal of Digital Imaging | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3739 | Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3740 | Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3741 | Journal of Display Technology | view | IEEE | 2005 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3742 | Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3743 | Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3744 | Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3745 | Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3746 | Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3747 | Journal of Early Christian Studies | view | Project Muse | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3748 | Journal of Earth Science | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3749 | Journal of Earth Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
3750 | Journal of Earth System Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3751 | Journal of Earthquake Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3752 | Journal of East Asian Linguistics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3753 | Journal of East Asian Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3754 | Journal of East Asian Studies | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3755 | Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology & Heritage Studies | view | JSTOR | 2013 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3756 | Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3757 | Journal of Echocardiography | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3758 | Journal of Ecohydraulics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3759 | Journal of Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3760 | Journal of Econometrics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3761 | Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3762 | Journal of Economic Growth | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3763 | Journal of Economic Growth | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3764 | Journal of Economic Integration | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
3765 | Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3766 | Journal of Economic Issues | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
3767 | Journal of Economic Literature | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3768 | Journal of Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3769 | Journal of Economics and Finance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3770 | Journal of Ecumenical Studies | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3771 | Journal of Education Finance | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3772 | Journal of Education Finance | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3773 | Journal of Education for Librarianship | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
3774 | Journal of Education for Library and Information Science | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3775 | Journal of Education for Social Work | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
3776 | Journal of Education in Muslim Societies | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3777 | Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3778 | Journal of Educational Change | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3779 | Journal of Educational Measurement | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3780 | Journal of Educational Media, Memory & Society | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3781 | Journal of Educational Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
3782 | Journal of Educational Technology & Society | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
3783 | Journal of Elasticity | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3784 | Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3785 | Journal of Electroceramics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3786 | Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3787 | Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3788 | Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3789 | Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3790 | Journal of Electronic Materials | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3791 | Journal of Electronic Packaging | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3792 | Journal of Electronic Testing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3793 | Journal of Electrostatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3794 | Journal of Electrostatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3795 | Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics: An International Journal | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3796 | Journal of Energetic Materials | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3797 | Journal of Energy Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3798 | Journal of Energy Resources Technology | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3799 | Journal of Energy Storage | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3800 | Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2018 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3801 | Journal of Engineering Design | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3802 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3803 | Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Citites | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2019 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3804 | Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3805 | Journal of Engineering Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3806 | Journal of Engineering Mechanics | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3807 | Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3808 | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3809 | Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3810 | Journal of Environmental Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3811 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3812 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3813 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A : Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3814 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B : Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3815 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C : Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3816 | Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C : Toxicology and Carcinogenesis | view | Taylor & Francis | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3817 | Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3818 | Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1978) | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
3819 | Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979-) | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3820 | Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3821 | Journal of Essential Oil Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3822 | Journal of Ethiopian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
3823 | Journal of Ethology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3824 | Journal of Evolution Equations | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3825 | Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3826 | Journal of Evolutionary Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3827 | Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3828 | Journal of Experimental Algorithmics | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1996 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3829 | Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3830 | Journal of Experimental Botany | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3831 | Journal of Experimental Criminology | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3832 | Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3833 | Journal of Family and Economic Issues | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3834 | Journal of Family Violence | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3835 | Journal of Farm Economics | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
3836 | Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3837 | Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3838 | Journal of Field Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
3839 | Journal of Field Ornithology | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3840 | Journal of Film and Video | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3841 | Journal of Film and Video | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3842 | Journal of Financial Services Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3843 | Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3844 | Journal of Fluids and Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3845 | Journal of Fluids Engineering | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3846 | Journal of Fluorescence | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3847 | Journal of Fluorine Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3848 | Journal of Folklore Research | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3849 | Journal of Folklore Research | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3850 | Journal of Food Composition and Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3851 | Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
3852 | Journal of Food Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3853 | Journal of Forest Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3854 | Journal of Forest History | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
3855 | Journal of Forest Research | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
3856 | Journal of Forest Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3857 | Journal of Forestry Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3858 | Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3859 | Journal of Freshwater Ecology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3860 | Journal of Friction and Wear | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3861 | Journal of Functional Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3862 | Journal of Fusion Energy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3863 | Journal of Gambling Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3864 | Journal of Gastroenterology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3865 | Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3866 | Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3867 | Journal of General Internal Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3868 | Journal of General Plant Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3869 | Journal of Genetic Counseling | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
3870 | Journal of Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3871 | Journal of Geodesy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3872 | Journal of Geographical Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3873 | Journal of Geographical Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3874 | Journal of Geometry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3875 | Journal of Geometry and Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3876 | Journal of Geometry and Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3877 | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3878 | Journal of Global Optimization | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3879 | Journal of Global South Studies | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3880 | Journal of Grid Computing | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3881 | Journal of Haitian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3882 | Journal of Haitian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3883 | Journal of Happiness Studies | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3884 | Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (formerly Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management) | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3885 | Journal of Health and Human Behavior | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
3886 | Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
3887 | Journal of Health and Human Services Administration | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3888 | Journal of Health and Social Behavior | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3889 | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved | view | Project Muse | 1990 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3890 | Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3891 | Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
3892 | Journal of Heat Transfer | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3893 | Journal of Hematopathology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3894 | Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3895 | Journal of Herpetology | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3896 | Journal of Heuristics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3897 | Journal of High Energy Astrophysics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3898 | Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, English Edition | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3899 | Journal of Historical Research in Music Education | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3900 | Journal of Histotechnology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3901 | Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3902 | Journal of Housing and the Built Environment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3903 | Journal of Housing and the Built Environment | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3904 | Journal of Human Capital | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3905 | Journal of Human Resources | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3906 | Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3907 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3908 | Journal of Hydraulic Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3909 | Journal of Hydrodynamics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3910 | Journal of Hydrologic Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3911 | Journal of Ichthyology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3912 | Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3913 | Journal of Immunoassay | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3914 | Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3915 | Journal of Immunology and Regenerative Medicine | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3916 | Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3917 | Journal of Indian Philosophy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3918 | Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3919 | Journal of Industrial Hemp | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3920 | Journal of Industrial Information Integration | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3921 | Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
3922 | Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3923 | Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3924 | Journal of Information Security and Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3925 | Journal of Informetrics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3926 | Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3927 | Journal of Infrastructure Systems | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3928 | Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
3929 | Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3930 | Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3931 | Journal of Insect Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3932 | Journal of Insect Conservation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3933 | Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE) / Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3934 | Journal of Instructional Development | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
3935 | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3936 | Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3937 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3938 | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3939 | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems : Technology, Planning, and Operations | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3940 | Journal of Inter-American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
3941 | Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
3942 | Journal of Interdisciplinary History | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3943 | Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3944 | Journal of International Business Studies | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3945 | Journal of International Business Studies | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3946 | Journal of International Economic Integration | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
3947 | Journal of International Entrepreneurship | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3948 | Journal of International Marketing | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3949 | Journal of International Migration and Integration | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3950 | Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3951 | Journal of Irish Studies | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3952 | Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3953 | Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3954 | Journal of Japanese Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3955 | Journal of Jewish Identities | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3956 | Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
3957 | Journal of Korean Religions | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3958 | Journal of Korean Studies | view | Project Muse | 1969 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3959 | Journal of Korean Studies (1969-1971) | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
3960 | Journal of Labor Economics | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3961 | Journal of Labor Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3962 | Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
3963 | Journal of Late Antiquity | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3964 | Journal of Latin American Geography | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3965 | Journal of Latin American Geography | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3966 | Journal of Latin American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3967 | Journal of Law and Courts | view | JSTOR | 2013 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3968 | Journal of Law and Religion | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
3969 | Journal of Law and Society | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3970 | Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3971 | Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3972 | Journal of Legal Education | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
3973 | Journal of Library History, Philosophy, and Comparative Librarianship | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
3974 | Journal of Lightwave Technology | view | IEEE | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3975 | Journal of Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
3976 | Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3977 | Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3978 | Journal of Literature and Trauma Studies | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3979 | Journal of Location Based Services | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3980 | Journal of Logic, Language and Information | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3981 | Journal of Logic, Language, and Information | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3982 | Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3983 | Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3984 | Journal of Low Temperature Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3985 | Journal of Luminescence | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3986 | Journal of Luminescence | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3987 | Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3988 | Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A : Pure and Applied Chemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3989 | Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B : Physics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3990 | Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C : Polymer Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3991 | Journal of Magazine Media | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3992 | Journal of Magnetic Resonance | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3993 | Journal of Magnetic Resonance | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3994 | Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3995 | Journal of Mammalian Evolution | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3996 | Journal of Mammalogy | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3997 | Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
3998 | Journal of Management Analytics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
3999 | Journal of Management and Governance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4000 | Journal of Management Control | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4001 | Journal of Management in Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1985 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4002 | Journal of Management Information Systems | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4003 | Journal of Managerial Issues | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4004 | Journal of Manufacturing Processes | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4005 | Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4006 | Journal of Manufacturing Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4007 | Journal of Maps | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4008 | Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4009 | Journal of Marine Science and Application | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4010 | Journal of Marine Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4011 | Journal of Maritime Archaeology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4012 | Journal of Marketing | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4013 | Journal of Marketing & Public Policy | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
4014 | Journal of Marketing Research | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4015 | Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4016 | Journal of Marriage and Family | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4017 | Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4018 | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4019 | Journal of Materials Chemistry B | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4020 | Journal of Materials Chemistry C | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4021 | Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4022 | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1989 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4023 | Journal of Materials Processing Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4024 | Journal of Materials Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4025 | Journal of Materials Science Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
4026 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4027 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
4028 | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4029 | Journal of Mathematical Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4030 | Journal of Mathematical Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4031 | Journal of Mathematical Economics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4032 | Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4033 | Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4034 | Journal of Mathematical Physics | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1960 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
4035 | Journal of Mathematical Psychology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4036 | Journal of Mathematical Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4037 | Journal of Mathematics and Music : Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music Theory, Analysis, Composition and Performance | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4038 | Journal of Mathematics and the Arts | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4039 | Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4040 | Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4041 | Journal of Mechanical Design | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4042 | Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4043 | Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4044 | Journal of Medical Devices | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4045 | Journal of Medical Ethics | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4046 | Journal of Medical Humanities | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4047 | Journal of Medical Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4048 | Journal of Medical Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4049 | Journal of Medical Ultrasonics | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4050 | Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
4051 | Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4052 | Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4053 | Journal of Mediterranean Studies | view | Project Muse | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4054 | Journal of Meteorological Research | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4055 | Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4056 | Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4057 | Journal of Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4058 | Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems | view | IEEE | 1992 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4059 | Journal of Middle East Women's Studies | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4060 | Journal of Middle East Women's Studies | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4061 | Journal of Mining Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4062 | Journal of Modern Greek Studies | view | Project Muse | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4063 | Journal of Modern Literature | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4064 | Journal of Modern Literature | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4065 | Journal of Modern Optics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4066 | Journal of Molecular Evolution | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4067 | Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4068 | Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4069 | Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4070 | Journal of Molecular Histology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4071 | Journal of Molecular Liquids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4072 | Journal of Molecular Liquids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4073 | Journal of Molecular Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4074 | Journal of Molecular Modeling | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4075 | Journal of Molecular Neuroscience | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4076 | Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4077 | Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4078 | Journal of Molecular Structure | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4079 | Journal of Molecular Structure | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4080 | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4081 | Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking | view | Project Muse | 2002 | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4082 | Journal of Moravian History | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4083 | Journal of Moravian History | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4084 | Journal of Mormon History | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4085 | Journal of Mountain Science | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4086 | Journal of Multivariate Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4087 | Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4088 | Journal of Museum Ethnography | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4089 | Journal of Music Theory | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4090 | Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2011 | 2017 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4091 | Journal of Nanoparticle Research | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4092 | Journal of Narrative Theory | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4093 | Journal of Narrative Theory | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4094 | Journal of Natural Fibers | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4095 | Journal of Natural History | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4096 | Journal of Natural Medicines | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4097 | Journal of Natural Products | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
4098 | Journal of Near Eastern Studies | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4099 | Journal of Negro Education | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4100 | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4101 | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4102 | Journal of Network and Systems Management | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4103 | Journal of Neural Transmission | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4104 | Journal of Neuro-Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4105 | Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4106 | Journal of Neurology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4107 | Journal of NeuroVirology | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4108 | Journal of New Seeds | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4109 | Journal of New Zealand Literature: JNZL | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
4110 | Journal of Nietzsche Studies | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4111 | Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4112 | Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4113 | Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2018 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4114 | Journal of Nonlinear Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4115 | Journal of Nonparametric Statistics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4116 | Journal of Nonverbal Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4117 | Journal of Nuclear Cardiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4118 | Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4119 | Journal of Nuclear Materials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4120 | Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4121 | Journal of Number Theory | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4122 | Journal of Nutrition in Recipe & Menu Development | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4123 | Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4124 | Journal of Occupational Behaviour | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
4125 | Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4126 | Journal of Ocean University of China | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4127 | Journal of Oceanography | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4128 | Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4129 | Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4130 | Journal of Omicron Chi Epsilon | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
4131 | Journal of Operational Oceanography | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4132 | Journal of Optical Communications and Networking | view | IEEE | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4133 | Journal of Optics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4134 | Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4135 | Journal of Organizational Behavior | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4136 | Journal of Organizational Behavior Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4137 | Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4138 | Journal of Organometallic Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4139 | Journal of Oriental Studies | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4140 | Journal of Ornithology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4141 | Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4142 | Journal of Orthoptera Research | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4143 | Journal of Packaging Technology and Research | view | Springer Nature | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4144 | Journal of Paleolimnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4145 | Journal of Paleontology | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
4146 | Journal of Palestine Studies | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4147 | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4148 | Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4149 | Journal of Parasitic Diseases | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4150 | Journal of Peace Research | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4151 | Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1987 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4152 | Journal of Pest Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4153 | Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4154 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4155 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4156 | Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4157 | Journal of Phase Equilibria | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
4158 | Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4159 | Journal of Philosophical Logic | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4160 | Journal of Philosophical Logic | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4161 | Journal of Philosophical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
4162 | Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4163 | Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4164 | Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4165 | Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4166 | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4167 | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | view | Institute of Physics (IOP Science) | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4168 | Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | view | Institute of Physics (IOP Science) | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4169 | Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4170 | Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4171 | Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4172 | Journal of Plant Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4173 | Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4174 | Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4175 | Journal of Plant Nutrition | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4176 | Journal of Plant Pathology | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4177 | Journal of Plant Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4178 | Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4179 | Journal of Policy Analysis and Management | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4180 | Journal of Policy History | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4181 | Journal of Political Economy | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4182 | Journal of Polymer Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4183 | Journal of Polymers and the Environment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4184 | Journal of Population | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
4185 | Journal of Population Ageing | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4186 | Journal of Population Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4187 | Journal of Population Economics | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4188 | Journal of Population Research | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4189 | Journal of Population Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4190 | Journal of Porous Materials | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4191 | Journal of Post Keynesian Economics | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4192 | Journal of Postcolonial Writing | view | Taylor & Francis | 2017 | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4193 | Journal of Power Sources | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4194 | Journal of Presbyterian History (1962-1985) | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
4195 | Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4196 | Journal of Prevention | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4197 | Journal of Process Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4198 | Journal of Productivity Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4199 | Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4200 | Journal of Proteome Research | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
4201 | Journal of Proteomics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4202 | Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4203 | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4204 | Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4205 | Journal of Public Administration Education | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
4206 | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4207 | Journal of Public Affairs Education | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4208 | Journal of Public Health | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4209 | Journal of Public Health Policy | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4210 | Journal of Public Policy | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4211 | Journal of Public Policy & Marketing | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4212 | Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4213 | Journal of Quantitative Criminology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4214 | Journal of Quantitative Criminology | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4215 | Journal of Qur'anic Studies | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4216 | Journal of Radiation Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
4217 | Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4218 | Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4219 | Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4220 | Journal of Range Management | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
4221 | Journal of Rare Earths | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4222 | Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4223 | Journal of Reading | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
4224 | Journal of Real-Time Image Processing | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4225 | Journal of Regulatory Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4226 | Journal of Religion and Health | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4227 | Journal of Religion and Health | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4228 | Journal of Religion and Popular Culture | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4229 | Journal of Religion in Africa | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4230 | Journal of Renaissance and Baroque Music | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1947 | eSS | E-Journal |
4231 | Journal of Research in Music Education | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4232 | Journal of Rheology | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4233 | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4234 | Journal of Robotic Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4235 | Journal of Russian Laser Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4236 | Journal of Safety Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4237 | Journal of Scheduling | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4238 | Journal of Scholarly Publishing | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4239 | Journal of Science Education and Technology | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4240 | Journal of Science Education and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4241 | Journal of Science Teacher Education | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
4242 | Journal of Scientific Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4243 | Journal of Seed Technology | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
4244 | Journal of Seismology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4245 | Journal of Service Science Research | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
4246 | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4247 | Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4248 | Journal of Signal Processing Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4249 | Journal of Simulation | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4250 | Journal of Singing | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4251 | Journal of Slavic Linguistics | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4252 | Journal of Small Fruit & Viticulture | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4253 | Journal of Social History | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4254 | Journal of Social History | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4255 | Journal of Social Work Education | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4256 | Journal of Soil Contamination | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4257 | Journal of Soils and Sediments | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4258 | Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4259 | Journal of Solar Energy Engineering | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4260 | Journal of Solid State Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4261 | Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4262 | Journal of Solution Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4263 | Journal of Song-Yuan Studies | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4264 | Journal of Song-Yuan Studies | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4265 | Journal of Sound and Vibration | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4266 | Journal of Sound and Vibration | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4267 | Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4268 | Journal of South Asian Literature | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
4269 | Journal of Southeast Asian Economies | view | JSTOR | 2013 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4270 | Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE) | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4271 | Journal of Southeast Asian History | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
4272 | Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4273 | Journal of Southern African Studies | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4274 | Journal of Southern History | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4275 | Journal of Space Safety Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4276 | Journal of Spanish Studies: Twentieth Century | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
4277 | Journal of Spatial Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4278 | Journal of Sport History | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4279 | Journal of Sport Psychology in Action | view | Taylor & Francis | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4280 | Journal of Sports Media | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4281 | Journal of Sports Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4282 | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4283 | Journal of Statistical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4284 | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4285 | Journal of Statistics and Management Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4286 | Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
4287 | Journal of Structural Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4288 | Journal of Structural Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4289 | Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance | view | Taylor & Francis | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4290 | Journal of Sulfur Chemistry | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4291 | Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4292 | Journal of Superhard Materials | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4293 | Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4294 | Journal of Surfactants and Detergents | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
4295 | Journal of Surveying Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4296 | Journal of Sustainable Agriculture | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4297 | Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4298 | Journal of Sustainable Forestry | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4299 | Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4300 | Journal of Symbolic Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4301 | Journal of Symbolic Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4302 | Journal of Systematic Palaeontology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4303 | Journal of Systems and Software | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4304 | Journal of Systems Architecture | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4305 | Journal of Systems Architecture | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4306 | Journal of Systems Science and Complexity | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4307 | Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4308 | Journal of Technology Computer Aided Design TCAD | view | IEEE | 1996 | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4309 | Journal of Technology in Human Services | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4310 | Journal of Terramechanics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4311 | Journal of the A.I.E.E. | view | IEEE | 1924 | 1930 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4312 | Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4313 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4314 | Journal of the ACM | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1954 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4315 | Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Garden | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4316 | Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. Supplement | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
4317 | Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4318 | Journal of the American Academy of Religion | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4319 | Journal of the American Academy of Religion | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4320 | Journal of the American Association of University Teachers of Insurance | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
4321 | Journal of the American Chemical Society | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
4322 | Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society | view | JSTOR | 1859 | 1870 | eSS | E-Journal |
4323 | Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York | view | JSTOR | 1872 | 1900 | eSS | E-Journal |
4324 | Journal of the American Institute for Conservation | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
4325 | Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
4326 | Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers | view | IEEE | 1920 | 1923 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4327 | Journal of the American Mathematical Society | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4328 | Journal of the American Musicological Society | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4329 | Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
4330 | Journal of the American Oriental Society | view | JSTOR | 1843 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4331 | Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4332 | Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1990 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4333 | Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2011 | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4334 | Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
4335 | Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
4336 | Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1944 | eSS | E-Journal |
4337 | Journal of the American Statistical Association | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4338 | Journal of the American Statistical Association | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4339 | Journal of the Anthropological Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1864 | 1870 | eSS | E-Journal |
4340 | Journal of the Appalachian Studies Association | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
4341 | Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
4342 | Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4343 | Journal of the Arnold Arboretum | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
4344 | Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. Supplementary Series | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
4345 | Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4346 | Journal of the Association of Avian Veterinarians | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
4347 | Journal of the Australian Population Association | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
4348 | Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4349 | Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4350 | Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1926 | eSS | E-Journal |
4351 | Journal of the Central Mississippi Valley American Studies Association | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
4352 | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4353 | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4354 | Journal of the County Louth Archaeological and Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4355 | Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
4356 | Journal of the Department of History (The Presbyterian Historical Society) of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 1942 | eSS | E-Journal |
4357 | Journal of the Early Republic | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4358 | Journal of the Early Republic | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4359 | Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4360 | Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
4361 | Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1848-1856) | view | JSTOR | 1848 | 1856 | eSS | E-Journal |
4362 | Journal of the European Economic Association | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4363 | Journal of the Folk-Song Society | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
4364 | Journal of the Folklore Institute | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
4365 | Journal of the Forum Committee on Franchising | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
4366 | Journal of the Franklin Institute | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4367 | Journal of the Franklin Institute | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4368 | Journal of the Franklin Institute | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4369 | Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
4370 | Journal of the Geological Society of India | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4371 | Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4372 | Journal of the History of Biology | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4373 | Journal of the History of Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4374 | Journal of the History of Ideas | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4375 | Journal of the History of Ideas | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4376 | Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4377 | Journal of the History of Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4378 | Journal of the History of Sexuality | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4379 | Journal of the History of Sexuality | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4380 | Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984) | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
4381 | Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1998-) | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4382 | Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4383 | Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4384 | Journal of the Indian Chemical Society | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4385 | Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4386 | Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1866-1867) | view | JSTOR | 1866 | 1867 | eSS | E-Journal |
4387 | Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1886-1994) | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
4388 | Journal of the Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1867 | 1885 | eSS | E-Journal |
4389 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4390 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4391 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4392 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4393 | Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4394 | Journal of the International Folk Music Council | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
4395 | Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4396 | Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4397 | Journal of the Knowledge Economy | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4398 | Journal of the Korean Physical Society | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4399 | Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
4400 | Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4401 | Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4402 | Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4403 | Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4404 | Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4405 | Journal of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
4406 | Journal of the National Association of Biblical Instructors | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
4407 | Journal of the New York Entomological Society | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
4408 | Journal of the North American Benthological Society | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4409 | Journal of the Ohio Herpetological Society | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
4410 | Journal of the Operational Research Society | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4411 | Journal of the Operational Research Society | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4412 | Journal of the Operations Research Society of America | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
4413 | Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4414 | Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society (1901-1930) | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1930 | eSS | E-Journal |
4415 | Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society (1943-1961) | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
4416 | Journal of the Royal African Society | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1944 | eSS | E-Journal |
4417 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4418 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4419 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka Branch | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
4420 | Journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1930 | eSS | E-Journal |
4421 | Journal of the Royal Musical Association | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4422 | Journal of the Royal Musical Association | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4423 | Journal of the Royal Society of Arts | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
4424 | Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4425 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 1947 | eSS | E-Journal |
4426 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General) | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
4427 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society) | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
4428 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological) | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
4429 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology) | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
4430 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
4431 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D (The Statistician) | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
4432 | Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
4433 | Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Series B, Numerical Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
4434 | Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4435 | Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4436 | Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis | view | JSTOR | 1881 | 1888 | eSS | E-Journal |
4437 | Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4438 | Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1917 | eSS | E-Journal |
4439 | Journal of the Southwest | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4440 | Journal of the Southwest | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4441 | Journal of the Sri Lanka Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
4442 | Journal of the Statistical Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1838 | 1886 | eSS | E-Journal |
4443 | Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society | view | JSTOR | 1878 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
4444 | Journal of the University Film and Video Association | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
4445 | Journal of the University Film Association | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
4446 | Journal of the University Film Producers Association | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
4447 | Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4448 | Journal of the Warburg Institute | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1939 | eSS | E-Journal |
4449 | Journal of Theoretical Probability | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4450 | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4451 | Journal of Thermal Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4452 | Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4453 | Journal of Thermal Spray Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4454 | Journal of Thermal Stresses | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4455 | Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4456 | Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4457 | Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A : Current Issues | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4458 | Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B : Critical Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4459 | Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4460 | Journal of Transport Economics and Policy | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4461 | Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4462 | Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4463 | Journal of Transportation Security | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4464 | Journal of Tree Fruit Production | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4465 | Journal of Tribology | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4466 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4467 | Journal of Tropical Forest Science | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
4468 | Journal of Turbomachinery | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4469 | Journal of Turbulence | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4470 | Journal of Ultrasound | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4471 | Journal of Urban Health | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4472 | Journal of Urban Planning and Development | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4473 | Journal of Usability Studies | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4474 | Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4475 | Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4476 | Journal of Vegetable Crop Production | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4477 | Journal of Vegetable Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4478 | Journal of Vegetation Science | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4479 | Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4480 | Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4481 | Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4482 | Journal of Vibration and Acoustics | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4483 | Journal of Victorian Culture | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4484 | Journal of Vietnamese Studies | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4485 | Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4486 | Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4487 | Journal of Visualization | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4488 | Journal of Volcanology and Seismology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4489 | Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4490 | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4491 | Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4492 | Journal of West African History | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4493 | Journal of West Indian Literature | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4494 | Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4495 | Journal of Women's History | view | Project Muse | 1989 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4496 | Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4497 | Journal of Wood Science | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
4498 | Journal of World History | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4499 | Journal of World History | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4500 | Journal of World Prehistory | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4501 | Journal of World Prehistory | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4502 | Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4503 | Journal of Youth and Adolescence | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4504 | Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4505 | Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4506 | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4507 | Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4508 | Journal on Data Semantics | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4509 | Journal on Data Semantics | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4510 | Journal on Educational Resources in Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4511 | Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4512 | Joyce Studies Annual | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4513 | Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4514 | Junior-Senior High School Clearing House | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
4515 | Jurimetrics | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4516 | Jurimetrics Journal | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
4517 | JuristenZeitung | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4518 | Ka Ho'oilina/The Legacy | view | Project Muse | 2002 | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4519 | Keats-Shelley Journal | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4520 | Keats-Shelley Journal | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4521 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal | view | Project Muse | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4522 | Kenyon Review | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4523 | Kerry Archaeological Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
4524 | Kew Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4525 | Kew Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4526 | KI - Künstliche Intelligenz | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4527 | Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4528 | Kinetics and Catalysis | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4529 | Kirkia | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
4530 | Kiva | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
4531 | Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4532 | Knowledge and Information Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4533 | Knowledge Management Research & Practice | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4534 | Knowledge Management Research & Practice | view | Taylor & Francis | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4535 | Knowledge, Technology & Policy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
4536 | Knowledge-Based Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4537 | Knowledge-Based Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4538 | Knowledge-Based Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4539 | Korea-Australia Rheology Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4540 | Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4541 | Korean Social Science Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
4542 | Korean Studies | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4543 | Korean Studies | view | Project Muse | 1977 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4544 | Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4545 | Kritische Justiz | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4546 | Kritische Ueberschau der deutschen Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1853 | 1859 | eSS | E-Journal |
4547 | Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft (KritV) | view | JSTOR | 1859 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4548 | Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesammte Rechtswissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1853 | 1859 | eSS | E-Journal |
4549 | KritV, CritQ, RCrit. Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft / Critical Quarterly for Legislation and Law / Revue critique trimestrielle de jurisprudence et de législation | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4550 | Kronos | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4551 | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4552 | KulturPoetik | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4553 | Kunst des Orients | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
4554 | L'Actualité de l'histoire | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
4555 | L'Année épigraphique | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4556 | L'Année sociologique (1896/1897-1924/1925) | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
4557 | L'Année sociologique (1940/1948-) | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4558 | L'Antiquité Classique | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4559 | L'Esprit Créateur | view | Project Muse | 1986 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4560 | L'Homme | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4561 | L?šonénu: A Journal for the Study of the Hebrew Language and Cognate Subjects | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4562 | La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4563 | La Linguistique | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4564 | La radiologia medica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4565 | La Rassegna Mensile di Israel | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4566 | La Revue administrative | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4567 | La Ricerca Folklorica | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4568 | La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4569 | La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento (1971-1977) | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
4570 | Lab on a Chip | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4571 | Labor Studies Journal | view | Project Muse | 2002 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4572 | Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4573 | Laboratory Hazards Bulletin | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IITI-Self | Literature Updating Services | ||
4574 | Labour / Le Travail | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4575 | Labour / Le Travail | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4576 | Labour History | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4577 | Labour History: A Journal of Labour and Social History | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4578 | Lake and Reservoir Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4579 | Land Economics | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4580 | Land Economics | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4581 | Landscape and Ecological Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4582 | Landscape Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4583 | Landscape Journal: design, planning, and management of the land | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4584 | Landslides | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4585 | Langages | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4586 | Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4587 | Langmuir | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
4588 | Language | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4589 | Language | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4590 | Language Acquisition | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4591 | Language Arts | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4592 | Language in Society | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4593 | Language Policy | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4594 | Language Resources and Evaluation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4595 | Language Resources and Evaluation | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4596 | Langue Française | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4597 | Lasers in Medical Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4598 | Late Imperial China | view | Project Muse | 1965 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4599 | Latin American Antiquity | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4600 | Latin American Literary Review | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4601 | Latin American Music Review | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4602 | Latin American Music Review / Revista de Música Latinoamericana | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4603 | Latin American Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4604 | Latin American Politics & Society | view | Project Muse | 2004 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4605 | Latin American Politics and Society | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4606 | Latin American Research Review | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4607 | Latin American Research Review | view | Project Muse | 2003 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4608 | Latin American Theatre Review | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4609 | Latomus | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4610 | Law & Social Inquiry | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4611 | Law & Society Review | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4612 | Law and Contemporary Problems | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4613 | Law and Critique | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4614 | Law and History Review | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4615 | Law and Human Behavior | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4616 | Law and Literature | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4617 | Law and Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4618 | Law and Philosophy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4619 | Law Notes for the General Practitioner | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
4620 | Lawyer of the Americas | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
4621 | Le Cahier (Collège international de philosophie) | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
4622 | Le Folklore vivant | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
4623 | Le Mois d'Ethnographie française | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
4624 | Le Mouvement social | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4625 | Le mouvement social | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4626 | Le Travail Humain | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4627 | Leadership and Management in Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2001 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4628 | Leaflet | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
4629 | Learning & Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4630 | Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4631 | Learning Disability Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4632 | Learning Environments Research | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4633 | Lecture Notes Series | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
4634 | Lecture Notes-Monograph Series | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4635 | Legacy | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4636 | Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4637 | Legal Medicine | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4638 | Legislative Studies Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4639 | Lenox Avenue: A Journal of Interarts Inquiry | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
4640 | Leonardo | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4641 | Leonardo | view | Project Muse | 1968 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4642 | Leonardo Music Journal | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4643 | Leonardo Music Journal | view | Project Muse | 1991 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4644 | Leonardo. Supplemental Issue | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
4645 | Les Études philosophiques | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4646 | Letras Femeninas | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4647 | Letters in Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4648 | Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4649 | LEUKOS : The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4650 | Leviathan | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4651 | Leviathan | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4652 | Levinas Studies | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4653 | Lexicography | view | Springer Nature | 2018 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
4654 | Libraries & Culture | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
4655 | Libraries & the Cultural Record | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4656 | Library Trends | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4657 | Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
4658 | Life Sciences in Space Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4659 | Lifetime Data Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4660 | Limnology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4661 | Lindbergia | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
4662 | Linear Algebra and its Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4663 | Linear and Multilinear Algebra | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4664 | Linguistic Inquiry | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4665 | Linguistic Inquiry | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4666 | Linguistics and Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4667 | Linguistics and Philosophy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4668 | Linux Journal | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4669 | Lipids | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
4670 | Liquid Crystals | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4671 | Listy filologické / Folia philologica | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4672 | Listy filologické a paedagogické | view | JSTOR | 1874 | 1886 | eSS | E-Journal |
4673 | Literature and Medicine | view | Project Muse | 1982 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4674 | Lithic Technology | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
4675 | Lithology and Mineral Resources | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4676 | Lithuanian Mathematical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4677 | Litigation | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4678 | Litoralia | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
4679 | Littérature | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4680 | Liverpool Law Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4681 | Living | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
4682 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4683 | Log | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4684 | Logica Universalis | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4685 | Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture | view | Project Muse | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4686 | London Journal of Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1849 | 1852 | eSS | E-Journal |
4687 | Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4688 | Low Temperature Physics | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4689 | LSA Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
4690 | Lung | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4691 | Luso-Brazilian Review | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4692 | Luso-Brazilian Review | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4693 | Lutheran Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4694 | M Bulletin (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
4695 | Machine Intelligence Research | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4696 | Machine Learning | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4697 | Machine Translation | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4698 | Machine Translation | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4699 | Machine Vision and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4700 | Machining Science and Technology : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4701 | Macromolecular Research | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4702 | Macromolecules | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
4703 | Madroño | view | JSTOR | 1916 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4704 | Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4705 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4706 | Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4707 | Mahfil | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
4708 | Maine Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
4709 | Mammal Research | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4710 | Mammalian Genome | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4711 | Mammalian Species | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4712 | Man | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
4713 | Management International | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
4714 | Management International Review | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
4715 | Management International Review | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4716 | Management Review Quarterly | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4717 | Management Science | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4718 | Management Technology | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
4719 | Managerial and Decision Economics | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4720 | Mande Studies | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4721 | Mangroves and Salt Marshes | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
4722 | Manoa | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4723 | Manoa | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4724 | Manufacturing Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4725 | Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4726 | manuscripta mathematica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4727 | MAPAN | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4728 | Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4729 | Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4730 | Marine Biodiversity | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4731 | Marine Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4732 | Marine Biology Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4733 | Marine Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4734 | Marine Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4735 | Marine Corps History | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4736 | Marine Geodesy | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4737 | Marine Geophysical Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4738 | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4739 | Marine Policy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4740 | Marine Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4741 | Mark Twain Journal | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4742 | Mark Twain Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
4743 | Marketing Letters | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4744 | Marketing Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4745 | Marketing Science | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4746 | Marketing: Zeitschrift für Forschung und Praxis | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4747 | Marriage and Family Living | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
4748 | Marvels & Tales | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4749 | Marvels & Tales | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4750 | Maryland Tidewater News | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
4751 | Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4752 | Massachusetts Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4753 | Master Drawings | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4754 | Material Culture | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4755 | Materiales | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
4756 | Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4757 | Materials Advances | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4758 | Materials and Manufacturing Processes | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4759 | Materials and Structures | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4760 | Materials Characterization | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4761 | Materials Chemistry and Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4762 | Materials Chemistry Frontiers | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4763 | Materials Horizons | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4764 | Materials Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4765 | Materials Science and Engineering: B | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4766 | Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4767 | Materials Today | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4768 | Materials Today | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4769 | Materials Today | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4770 | Materials Today Nano | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4771 | Materials Today Nano | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4772 | Materials Today Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4773 | Maternal and Child Health Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4774 | Math Horizons | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4775 | Math Horizons | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4776 | Mathematical Geosciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4777 | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4778 | Mathematical Methods of Statistics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4779 | Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4780 | Mathematical Notes | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4781 | Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4782 | Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4783 | Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4784 | Mathematical Programming | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4785 | Mathematical Programming Computation | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4786 | Mathematical Social Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4787 | Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
4788 | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4789 | Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4790 | Mathematics and Financial Economics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4791 | Mathematics Education Research Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4792 | Mathematics in Computer Science | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4793 | Mathematics in School | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4794 | Mathematics Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4795 | Mathematics Magazine | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4796 | Mathematics News Letter | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
4797 | Mathematics of Computation | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4798 | Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4799 | Mathematics of Operations Research | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4800 | Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4801 | Mathematische Annalen | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4802 | Mathematische Zeitschrift | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4803 | Max Weber Studies | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4804 | Measurement | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4805 | Measurement | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4806 | Measurement Techniques | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4807 | Meccanica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4808 | Mechademia | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4809 | Mechademia | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4810 | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4811 | Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4812 | Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4813 | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4814 | Mechanics of Composite Materials | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4815 | Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4816 | Mechanics of Materials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4817 | Mechanics of Solids | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4818 | Mechanics of Structures and Machines | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4819 | Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4820 | Mechanics Research Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4821 | Mechanism and Machine Theory | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4822 | Mechatronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4823 | Mediaevalia | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4824 | Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4825 | Medical Anthropology Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
4826 | Medical Anthropology Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4827 | Medical Care | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4828 | Medical Engineering & Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4829 | Medical Image Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4830 | Medical Image Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4831 | Medical Microbiology and Immunology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4832 | Medical Molecular Morphology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4833 | Medical Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4834 | Medical Science Educator | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4835 | Medicinal Chemistry Research | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4836 | Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4837 | Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4838 | Mediterranean Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4839 | Mediterranean Studies | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4840 | Mediterranean Studies | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4841 | Medizinhistorisches Journal | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4842 | Meghillot: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4843 | MELA Notes | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4844 | Mélanges d'histoire sociale | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1944 | eSS | E-Journal |
4845 | Mélanges de l'Institut Français de Damas. Section des Arabisants | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1929 | eSS | E-Journal |
4846 | MELUS | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4847 | MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S. | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4848 | Members Newsletter (Museum of Modern Art) | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
4849 | Memetic Computing | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4850 | memo - Magazine of European Medical Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4851 | Memoir (Society of Vertebrate Paleontology) | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4852 | Memoir (The Paleontological Society) | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4853 | Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4854 | Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome. Supplementary Volumes | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4855 | Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1783 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
4856 | Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
4857 | Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
4858 | Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Society | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
4859 | Memorandum (Institute of Pacific Relations, American Council) | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
4860 | Memory | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4861 | Memory & Cognition | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4862 | Mendeleev Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4863 | Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4864 | Mental Disability Law Reporter | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
4865 | Mental Health Services Research | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
4866 | Meridiana | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
4867 | Meridians | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4868 | Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4869 | MERIP Middle East Report | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
4870 | MERIP Reports | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
4871 | Merrill-Palmer Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4872 | Merrill-Palmer Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4873 | Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1954-1958) | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1958 | eSS | E-Journal |
4874 | Merrill-Palmer Quarterly of Behavior and Development | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
4875 | Mershon International Studies Review | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
4876 | Merveilles & contes | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
4877 | Messages from MARS | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
4878 | Metabolic Brain Disease | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4879 | Metabolomics | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4880 | Metacognition and Learning | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4881 | Metal Science and Heat Treatment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4882 | Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4883 | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4884 | Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4885 | Metallurgist | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4886 | Metals and Materials International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4887 | Metascience | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4888 | Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4889 | Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4890 | Methods in Cell Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
4891 | Metrika | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4892 | METRON | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4893 | Metropolitan Museum Journal | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4894 | Metropolitan Museum Studies | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
4895 | Mexican Studies | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4896 | Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4897 | MFA Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
4898 | MFS Modern Fiction Studies | view | Project Muse | 1985 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4899 | Michael: On the History of the Jews in the Diaspora | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
4900 | Michigan Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4901 | Michigan Historical Review | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4902 | Michigan Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4903 | Michigan Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
4904 | Micro and Nanostructures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4905 | Microbial Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4906 | Microbial Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4907 | Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4908 | Microchemical Journal | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4909 | Microchimica Acta | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4910 | Microelectronic Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4911 | Microelectronic Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4912 | Microelectronic Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4913 | Microelectronics Journal | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4914 | Microelectronics Journal | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4915 | Microelectronics Reliability | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4916 | Microelectronics Reliability | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4917 | Microfluidics and Nanofluidics | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4918 | Microgravity Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4919 | Micron | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4920 | Micropaleontology | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4921 | Microprocessors and Microsystems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4922 | Microprocessors and Microsystems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4923 | Microscale Thermophysical Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4924 | Microsystem Technologies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4925 | Mid-American Review of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
4926 | Midcontinent American Studies Journal | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
4927 | Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
4928 | Middle East Journal | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4929 | Middle East Report | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4930 | Middle East Studies Association Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
4931 | Middle Eastern Studies | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
4932 | Middle School Journal | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4933 | Middle West Review | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4934 | Midwest Folklore | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
4935 | Midwest Journal of Political Science | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
4936 | Mientras Tanto | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4937 | Milan Journal of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4938 | Milton Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4939 | Milton Studies | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4940 | Mind | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4941 | Mind & Society | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4942 | Mindfulness | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4943 | Minds and Machines | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4944 | Mine Water and the Environment | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4945 | Mineral Economics | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4946 | Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4947 | Mineralium Deposita | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4948 | Mineralogy and Petrology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4949 | Minerva | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4950 | Minerva | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4951 | Minnesota History | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
4952 | Minnesota History Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
4953 | Minnesota Review | view | Project Muse | 1973 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4954 | MIR: Management International Review | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4955 | MIS Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4956 | Miscellanies (Jewish Historical Society of England) | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
4957 | Mississippi Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4958 | Mississippi Review | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4959 | Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 1912 | eSS | E-Journal |
4960 | Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4961 | Mitteilung (Gesellschaft für Musikforschung) | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
4962 | Mitteilungen aus dem botanischen Garten und Museum Berlin-Dahlem | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
4963 | Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für jüdische Volkskunde | view | JSTOR | 1898 | 1904 | eSS | E-Journal |
4964 | Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft / Bulletin de la Société internationale de Musicologie | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1930 | eSS | E-Journal |
4965 | Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden | view | JSTOR | 1909 | 1926 | eSS | E-Journal |
4966 | Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
4967 | Mitteilungen zur jüdischen Volkskunde | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 1929 | eSS | E-Journal |
4968 | MLN | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4969 | MLN | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4970 | MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4971 | Mnemosyne | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4972 | Mobile Networks and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4973 | Modeling Earth Systems and Environment | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4974 | Modern Art | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1897 | eSS | E-Journal |
4975 | Modern Asian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4976 | Modern China | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4977 | Modern Chinese Literature | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
4978 | Modern Chinese Literature and Culture | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
4979 | Modern Chinese Literature Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
4980 | Modern Drama | view | Project Muse | 1958 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4981 | Modern Judaism | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4982 | Modern Judaism | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
4983 | Modern Language Association of America. Proceedings | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 1885 | eSS | E-Journal |
4984 | Modern Language Notes | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
4985 | Modern Language Review | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4986 | Modern Language Studies | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4987 | Modern Philology | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
4988 | Modernism/modernity | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4989 | Molecular & Cellular Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4990 | Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4991 | Molecular Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4992 | Molecular Biology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4993 | Molecular Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4994 | Molecular Breeding | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4995 | Molecular Catalysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4996 | Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
4997 | Molecular Diversity | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4998 | Molecular Genetics and Genomics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
4999 | Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5000 | Molecular Imaging and Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5001 | Molecular Neurobiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5002 | Molecular Omics | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5003 | Molecular Pharmaceutics | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
5004 | Molecular Physics : An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5005 | Molecular Simulation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5006 | Molecular Systems Design & Engineering | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5007 | Molluscan Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5008 | MoMA | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
5009 | Monatshefte | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5010 | Monatshefte | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5011 | Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5012 | Monatshefte für deutsche Sprache und Pädagogik | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
5013 | Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
5014 | Monatshefte für Kunstwissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1922 | eSS | E-Journal |
5015 | Monatshefte für Mathematik | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5016 | Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1939 | eSS | E-Journal |
5017 | Monographs of the Journal of Consumer Research | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
5018 | Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5019 | Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5020 | Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5021 | Montana: The Magazine of Western History | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5022 | Monumenta Nipponica | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5023 | Monumenta Nipponica | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5024 | Monumenta Serica | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
5025 | Morbidity and Mortality | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
5026 | Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5027 | Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Recommendations and Reports | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5028 | Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Surveillance Summaries | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5029 | Morphologische Arbeiten | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 1898 | eSS | E-Journal |
5030 | Morphology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5031 | Mosaic: an interdisciplinary critical journal | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5032 | Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5033 | Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5034 | Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5035 | Moscow University Geology Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5036 | Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5037 | Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5038 | Moscow University Physics Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5039 | Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5040 | MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
5041 | Motivation and Emotion | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5042 | Mountain Research and Development | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
5043 | Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada | view | Project Muse | 1956 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5044 | MULL: Modern Uses of Logic in Law | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
5045 | Multibody System Dynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5046 | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5047 | Multimedia Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5048 | Multimedia Tools and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5049 | Multiscale Modeling & Simulation | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5050 | Muqarnas | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5051 | MUSCULOSKELETAL SURGERY | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5052 | Museum of Fine Arts Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 1925 | eSS | E-Journal |
5053 | Music & Letters | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5054 | Music Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5055 | Music and Letters | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5056 | Music and the Moving Image | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5057 | Music and the Moving Image | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5058 | Music Educators Journal | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5059 | Music in Art | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5060 | Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5061 | Music Supervisors' Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 1915 | eSS | E-Journal |
5062 | Music Supervisors' Journal | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
5063 | Music Theory Spectrum | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5064 | Music, Sound, and the Moving Image | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5065 | Musica Disciplina | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5066 | Musica Judaica | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
5067 | Musurgia | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
5068 | Mycologia | view | JSTOR | 1909 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5069 | Mycologia | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5070 | Mycological Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1908 | eSS | E-Journal |
5071 | Mycological Progress | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5072 | Mycopathologia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5073 | Mycorrhiza | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5074 | Mycotoxin Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5075 | Mystics Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5076 | Nabokov Studies | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5077 | Nano Communication Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5078 | Nano Communication Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5079 | Nano Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
5080 | Nano Research | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5081 | Nano Today | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5082 | Nano Today | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5083 | Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5084 | Nanobiotechnology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5085 | NanoEthics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5086 | Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5087 | Nanoscale | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5088 | Nanoscale Advances | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5089 | Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5090 | Nanoscale Horizons | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5091 | Narrative | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5092 | Narrative | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5093 | Narrative Culture | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5094 | Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5095 | Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5096 | Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5097 | National Academy Notes including the Complete Catalogue of the Spring Exhibition, National Academy of Design | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 1889 | eSS | E-Journal |
5098 | National Academy Science Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5099 | National Marketing Review | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
5100 | National Mathematics Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
5101 | National News Letter of Phi Delta Kappa | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1916 | eSS | E-Journal |
5102 | Native American and Indigenous Studies | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5103 | Native Plants Journal | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5104 | Native South | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5105 | Natural Computing | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5106 | Natural Hazards | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5107 | Natural Hazards Review | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5108 | Natural Language & Linguistic Theory | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5109 | Natural Language & Linguistic Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5110 | Natural Language Semantics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5111 | Natural Product Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5112 | Natural Product Reports | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1984 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5113 | Natural Product Research : Formerly Natural Product Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5114 | Natural Product Updates | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IITI-Self | Literature Updating Services | ||
5115 | Natural Resources & Environment | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5116 | Natural Resources Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
5117 | Natural Resources Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5118 | Nature | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5119 | Nature | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5120 | Nature Materials | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5121 | Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5122 | Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
5123 | NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics | view | JSTOR | 2004 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5124 | NBER Macroeconomics Annual | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5125 | NDT & E International | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5126 | Near Eastern Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5127 | Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
5128 | Negro American Literature Forum | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
5129 | NEMLA Newsletter (1969-1970) | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
5130 | Neohelicon | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5131 | Neophilologus | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5132 | Neotestamentica | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5133 | Neotropical Entomology | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5134 | Nepantla: Views from South | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5135 | Netherlands Journal of Housing and the Built Environment | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
5136 | NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2021 | eSS | E-Journal |
5137 | Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5138 | netWorker | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1997 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5139 | Networks and Spatial Economics | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5140 | Neue Kriminalpolitik | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5141 | Neural Computing and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5142 | Neural Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5143 | Neural Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5144 | Neural Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5145 | Neural Processing Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5146 | Neurochemical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5147 | Neurochemical Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5148 | Neurocomputing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5149 | Neurocritical Care | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5150 | Neuroethics | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5151 | neurogenetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5152 | Neuroinformatics | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5153 | Neurological Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5154 | NeuroMolecular Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5155 | Neurophysiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5156 | Neuropsychology Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5157 | Neuroradiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5158 | Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5159 | Neuroscience Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5160 | Neurosurgical Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5161 | Neurotherapeutics | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5162 | Neurotoxicity Research | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5163 | Neutron News | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5164 | New Astronomy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5165 | New Astronomy Reviews | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5166 | New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5167 | New England Review | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5168 | New England Review (1978-1982) | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
5169 | New England Review (1990-) | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5170 | New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
5171 | New Forests | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5172 | new formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5173 | New Generation Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5174 | New Geographical Literature and Maps | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
5175 | New German Critique | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5176 | New Hibernia Review | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5177 | New Hibernia Review / Iris Éireannach Nua | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5178 | New Journal of Chemistry | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5179 | New Labor Forum | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5180 | New Labor Forum | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5181 | New Literary History | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5182 | New Literary History | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5183 | New Mexico Anthropologist | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1943 | eSS | E-Journal |
5184 | New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5185 | New York History | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5186 | New York History | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5187 | New Zealand Entomologist | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5188 | New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5189 | New Zealand Journal of Botany | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5190 | New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5191 | New Zealand Journal of Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5192 | New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5193 | New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5194 | New Zealand Journal of History | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5195 | New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5196 | New Zealand Journal of Zoology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5197 | New Zealand Slavonic Journal | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5198 | New Zealand Veterinary Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5199 | Newman Studies Journal | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5200 | News Bulletin (Institute of Pacific Relations) | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1928 | eSS | E-Journal |
5201 | News for the General Practitioner | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
5202 | News-O-Gram (American Bar Association. Section of Insurance, Negligence, and Compensation Law) | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
5203 | Newsletter (African Music Society) | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
5204 | Newsletter (Association for Israel Studies) | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
5205 | Newsletter (Association of American Library Schools) | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
5206 | Newsletter (College Art Association of America, Visual Resources Committee) | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
5207 | Newsletter (Conference Group on French Politics and Society) | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
5208 | Newsletter (Museum Ethnographers Group) | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
5209 | Newsletter (Poe Studies Association) | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
5210 | Newsletter (World Union of Jewish Studies) | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
5211 | Newsletter of Lithic Technology | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
5212 | Newsletter of the Association for Preservation Technology | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
5213 | Newsletter of the Association for Study of American Indian Literatures | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
5214 | Newsletter of the Forum Committee on Franchising | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
5215 | Newsletter of the IRE Professional Group on Audio | view | IEEE | 1950 | 1952 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5216 | Newsletter of the Program on Public Conceptions of Science | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
5217 | Newsletter of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
5218 | Newsletter on Science, Technology, & Human Values | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
5219 | Newsletter: European Labor and Working Class History | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
5220 | Newsletter: Rhetoric Society of America | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
5221 | Nexus Network Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5222 | Nieuwe West-Indische Gids / New West Indian Guide | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
5223 | NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5224 | Nineteenth-Century Fiction | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
5225 | Nineteenth-Century French Studies | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5226 | Nineteenth-Century Literature | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5227 | Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5228 | Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5229 | Nonlinear Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5230 | Nonlinear Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5231 | Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5232 | Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5233 | Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5234 | Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5235 | Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5236 | Nonlinear Dynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5237 | Nonlinear Oscillations | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5238 | Nordic Irish Studies | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
5239 | North American journal of Celtic studies | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5240 | North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
5241 | North Irish Roots | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5242 | Northeast African Studies | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5243 | Northeast African Studies | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5244 | Northeastern Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5245 | Northern Notes & Queries | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 1890 | eSS | E-Journal |
5246 | Northwestern Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5247 | Norwegian-American Studies | view | Project Muse | 1926 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5248 | Notable Acquisitions (Metropolitan Museum of Art) | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
5249 | Notas: Reseñas iberoamericanas. Literatura, sociedad, historia | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
5250 | Notes | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5251 | Notes | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5252 | Notes (Fogg Art Museum) | view | JSTOR | 1921 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
5253 | Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5254 | Notizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 1944 | eSS | E-Journal |
5255 | Notre Dame English Journal | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
5256 | Noûs | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5257 | Nouvelle revue des traditions populaires | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
5258 | Nouvelle Revue du XVIe Siècle | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
5259 | Nouvelles Études Francophones | view | JSTOR | 2004 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5260 | Nouvelles Études Francophones | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5261 | Nouvelles Questions Féministes | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5262 | Nova et vetera | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5263 | Nova Religio | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5264 | Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5265 | NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5266 | Novon | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5267 | Novum Testamentum | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5268 | NS, Northsouth | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
5269 | NSF-CBMS Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5270 | Nuclear Data Sheets | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5271 | Nuclear Engineering and Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5272 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5273 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5274 | Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5275 | Nuclear Physics A | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5276 | Nuclear Physics News | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5277 | Nucleosides and Nucleotides | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1999 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5278 | Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5279 | Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
5280 | Nuevo Texto Crítico | view | Project Muse | 1988 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5281 | Numen | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5282 | Numerical Algorithms | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5283 | Numerical Analysis and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5284 | Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5285 | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications : An International Journal of Computation and Methodology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5286 | Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals : An International Journal of Computation and Methodology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5287 | Numerische Mathematik | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5288 | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5289 | NWIG: New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5290 | NWSA Journal | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5291 | OAH Magazine of History | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5292 | Obesity Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5293 | Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 1954 | eSS | E-Journal |
5294 | Observational Studies | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5295 | Occasional Paper (Garden History Society) | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
5296 | Occasional Papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
5297 | Occasional Papers on Korea | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
5298 | Occupational and Environmental Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5299 | Ocean & Coastal Management | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5300 | Ocean Dynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5301 | Ocean Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5302 | Ocean Science Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5303 | Oceania | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5304 | Oceanic Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5305 | Oceanic Linguistics | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5306 | Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5307 | Oceanology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5308 | October | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5309 | Odontology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5310 | Oecologia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5311 | Oecologia | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5312 | Oesterreichisches Botanisches Wochenblatt | view | JSTOR | 1851 | 1857 | eSS | E-Journal |
5313 | Off Our Backs | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
5314 | Official Architecture and Planning | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
5315 | Ohio History | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5316 | Ohio Mycological Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 1903 | eSS | E-Journal |
5317 | Ohio Valley History | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5318 | Oikos | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5319 | Old Testament Abstracts | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5320 | Online Social Networks and Media | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5321 | Online Social Networks and Media | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5322 | Open Economies Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5323 | Operational Research | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5324 | Operational Research Quarterly (1950-1952) | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
5325 | Operational Research Quarterly (1970-1977) | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
5326 | Operations Management Research | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5327 | Operations Research | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5328 | Operations Research Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5329 | Ophelia | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5330 | OPSEARCH | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5331 | Optical and Quantum Electronics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5332 | Optical Fiber Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5333 | Optical Fiber Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5334 | Optical Materials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5335 | Optical Memory and Neural Networks | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5336 | Optical Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5337 | Optical Switching and Networking | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5338 | Optical Switching and Networking | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5339 | Optics & Laser Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5340 | Optics & Laser Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5341 | Optics and Lasers in Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5342 | Optics and Lasers in Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5343 | Optics and Spectroscopy | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5344 | Optics Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5345 | Optik | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5346 | Optik | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5347 | Optimization : A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5348 | Optimization and Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5349 | Optimization Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5350 | Optimization Methods and Software | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5351 | Optoelectronics Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5352 | Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5353 | OR | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
5354 | OR Spectrum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5355 | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5356 | Oral History | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
5357 | Oral History Review | view | Project Muse | 2008 | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5358 | Oral Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5359 | Oral Tradition | view | Project Muse | 2003 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5360 | Order | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5361 | Oregon Historical Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5362 | Oregon Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5363 | Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5364 | Organic Agriculture | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5365 | Organic Chemistry Frontiers | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5366 | Organic Electronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5367 | Organic Electronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5368 | Organic Geochemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5369 | Organic Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1999 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
5370 | Organic Preparations and Procedures International : The New Journal for Organic Synthesis | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5371 | Organic Process Research & Development | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
5372 | Organisms Diversity & Evolution | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5373 | Organization Science | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5374 | Organometallics | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
5375 | Oriens | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5376 | Oriental Insects | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5377 | Oriente Moderno | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5378 | Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5379 | Ornis Scandinavica (Scandinavian Journal of Ornithology) | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
5380 | Ornithological Monographs | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5381 | Osiris | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5382 | Osteoporosis International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5383 | Ostrich : Journal of African Ornithology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5384 | Oud Holland | view | JSTOR | 1883 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5385 | Oxford Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5386 | Oxford Economic Papers | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5387 | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5388 | Oxford Review of Education | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5389 | Oxidation of Metals | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5390 | Ozone: Science & Engineering : The Journal of the International Ozone Association | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5391 | p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5392 | Pacific Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5393 | Pacific Arts | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5394 | Pacific Arts Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
5395 | Pacific Coast Philology | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5396 | Pacific Coast Philology | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5397 | Pacific Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5398 | Pacific Science | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5399 | Paddy and Water Environment | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5400 | Paedagogica Europaea | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
5401 | Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5402 | PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5403 | PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art | view | Project Muse | 1976 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5404 | Pakistan Economic and Social Review | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5405 | Pakistan Forum | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
5406 | Pakistan Horizon | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5407 | Pakistan Journal of Historical Studies | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5408 | Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5409 | PALAIOS | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5410 | Paleobiology | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5411 | Paleontological Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5412 | Paleontological Monograph | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
5413 | Paléorient | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5414 | Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5415 | Palynology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5416 | Palynology | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5417 | PalZ | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
5418 | Papers of the Abraham Lincoln Association | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
5419 | Papers of the American Musicological Society | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
5420 | Papers of the Bibliographical Society, University of Virginia | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
5421 | Papers of the British School at Rome | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5422 | Papers on Non-Market Decision Making | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
5423 | Papers Read by Members of the American Musicological Society at the Annual Meeting | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 1939 | eSS | E-Journal |
5424 | Paragraph | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5425 | Parallel Algorithms and Applications | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5426 | Parallel Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5427 | Parallel Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5428 | Parasitology Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5429 | Parergon | view | Project Muse | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5430 | Parliamentary History | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5431 | Parnassus | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
5432 | Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5433 | Particulate Science and Technology : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5434 | Pasajes | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5435 | Past & Present | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5436 | Past & Present | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5437 | Pastoral Psychology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5438 | Pathology & Oncology Research | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
5439 | Pattern Analysis and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5440 | Pattern Recognition | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5441 | Pattern Recognition | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5442 | Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5443 | Pattern Recognition Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5444 | Pattern Recognition Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5445 | Pe'amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5446 | Peabody Journal of Education | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5447 | Peace Research | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5448 | Pedagogy | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5449 | Pediatric Cardiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5450 | Pediatric Nephrology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5451 | Pediatric Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5452 | Pediatric Surgery International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5453 | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5454 | Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5455 | Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5456 | Pennsylvania Legacies | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5457 | Performance Evaluation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5458 | Performance Evaluation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5459 | Performance Research : A Journal of the Performing Arts | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5460 | Performing Arts Journal | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
5461 | Periodica Mathematica Hungarica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5462 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5463 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5464 | Perspecta | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5465 | Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5466 | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine | view | Project Muse | 1957 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5467 | Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
5468 | Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
5469 | Perspectives of New Music | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5470 | Perspectives of New Music | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5471 | Perspectives on Politics | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5472 | Perspectives on Psychological Science | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5473 | Perspectives on Science | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5474 | Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5475 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5476 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5477 | Petroleum Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5478 | Petroleum Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5479 | Petrology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5480 | Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5481 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5482 | Pharmaceutical Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5483 | Pharmacy in History | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5484 | Phase Transitions : A Multinational Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5485 | Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5486 | Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5487 | Philanthropy & Education | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5488 | Philip Roth Studies | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5489 | Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5490 | Philippine Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
5491 | Philippine Studies | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5492 | Philippine Studies: Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5493 | Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5494 | philoSOPHIA | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5495 | Philosophia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5496 | Philosophical Issues | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5497 | Philosophical Magazine | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5498 | Philosophical Magazine A | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5499 | Philosophical Magazine B | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5500 | Philosophical Magazine Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5501 | Philosophical Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5502 | Philosophical Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5503 | Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5504 | Philosophical Topics | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5505 | Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678) | view | JSTOR | 1665 | 1677 | eSS | E-Journal |
5506 | Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) | view | JSTOR | 1683 | 1775 | eSS | E-Journal |
5507 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1776 | 1886 | eSS | E-Journal |
5508 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 1895 | eSS | E-Journal |
5509 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 1895 | eSS | E-Journal |
5510 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
5511 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
5512 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
5513 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
5514 | Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5515 | Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5516 | Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
5517 | Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5518 | Philosophy & Public Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5519 | Philosophy & Public Affairs | view | Project Muse | 2001 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5520 | Philosophy & Rhetoric | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5521 | Philosophy & Rhetoric | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5522 | Philosophy & Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5523 | Philosophy and Literature | view | Project Muse | 1976 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5524 | Philosophy and Phenomenological Research | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5525 | Philosophy East and West | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5526 | Philosophy East and West | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5527 | Philosophy of Management | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5528 | Philosophy of Music Education Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
5529 | Philosophy of Music Education Review | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5530 | Philosophy of Music Education Review | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5531 | Philosophy of Science | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5532 | Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5533 | Phoenix | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5534 | Phoenix | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5535 | Phonology | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5536 | Phonology Yearbook | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
5537 | Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5538 | Photonic Network Communications | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5539 | Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5540 | Photosynthesis Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5541 | Photosynthetica | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
5542 | Phronesis | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5543 | Phylon (1940-1956) | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
5544 | Phylon (1960-) | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
5545 | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5546 | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5547 | Physica B: Condensed Matter | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5548 | Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5549 | Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5550 | Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5551 | Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5552 | Physica Medica | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5553 | Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5554 | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5555 | Physical Communication | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5556 | Physical Geography | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5557 | Physical Mesomechanics | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5558 | Physical Review A | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1970 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5559 | Physical Review Accelerators and Beams | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5560 | Physical Review Applied | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5561 | Physical Review B | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1970 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5562 | Physical Review C | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1970 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5563 | Physical Review D | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1970 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5564 | Physical Review E | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1993 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5565 | Physical Review Fluids | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5566 | Physical Review Letters | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1958 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5567 | Physical Review Materials | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5568 | Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1893 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
5569 | Physical Review Physics Education Research | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5570 | Physical Review Research | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 2019 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5571 | Physical Review X | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5572 | Physics | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5573 | Physics and Chemistry of Liquids : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5574 | Physics and Chemistry of Minerals | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5575 | Physics in Perspective | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5576 | Physics Letters A | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5577 | Physics of Atomic Nuclei | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5578 | Physics of Fluids | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1958 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
5579 | Physics of Life Reviews | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5580 | Physics of Metals and Metallography | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5581 | Physics of Particles and Nuclei | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5582 | Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5583 | Physics of Plasmas | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1994 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
5584 | Physics of the Dark Universe | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5585 | Physics of the Solid State | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5586 | Physics of Wave Phenomena | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5587 | Physics Reports | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5588 | Physics Today | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5589 | Physiological and Biochemical Zoology: Ecological and Evolutionary Approaches | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5590 | Physiological Zoology | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
5591 | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5592 | Phytochemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5593 | Phytochemistry Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5594 | Phytochemistry Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5595 | Phytoparasitica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5596 | Phytopathologia Mediterranea | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5597 | Pi Lambda Theta Journal | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
5598 | Pioneer America | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
5599 | Pituitary | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5600 | Plains Anthropologist | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
5601 | Plains Archeological Conference News Letter | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
5602 | Planetary and Space Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5603 | Plant and Soil | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5604 | Plant and Soil | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5605 | Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology : Official Journal of the Societa Botanica Italiana | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5606 | Plant Biotechnology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5607 | Plant Cell Reports | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5608 | Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5609 | Plant Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5610 | Plant Ecology | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5611 | Plant Ecology & Diversity | view | Taylor & Francis | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5612 | Plant Ecology and Evolution | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5613 | Plant Foods for Human Nutrition | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5614 | Plant Growth Regulation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5615 | Plant Molecular Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5616 | Plant Molecular Biology Reporter | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5617 | Plant Physiology | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5618 | Plant Physiology Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5619 | Plant Reproduction | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5620 | Plant Signaling & Behavior | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5621 | Plant Systematics and Evolution | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5622 | Plant Systematics and Evolution | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5623 | Planta | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5624 | Planta | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5625 | Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5626 | Plasma Devices and Operations | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5627 | Plasma Physics Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5628 | Plasmas and Polymers | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
5629 | Plasmonics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5630 | Pleiades: Literature in Context | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5631 | Ploughshares | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5632 | Ploughshares | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5633 | PMLA | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5634 | PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) | view | National Academy of Sciences, USA | 1915 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5635 | Poe Studies | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5636 | Poetics Today | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5637 | Poetics Today | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
5638 | Poetry | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5639 | Polar Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5640 | Polar Geography | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5641 | Policy Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
5642 | Policy Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5643 | Policy Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5644 | Polin Studies in Polish Jewry | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5645 | Polish American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5646 | Polish Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5647 | Política Exterior | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5648 | Political Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5649 | Political Behavior | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5650 | Political Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5651 | Political Methodology | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
5652 | Political Psychology | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5653 | Political Research Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
5654 | Political Science Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5655 | Political Theory | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5656 | Politics and the Life Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5657 | Politique étrangère | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5658 | Polity | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5659 | Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5660 | Polyhedron | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5661 | Polymer | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5662 | Polymer Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5663 | Polymer Chemistry | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5664 | Polymer Degradation and Stability | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5665 | Polymer Reaction Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5666 | Polymer Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5667 | Polymer Science, Series A | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5668 | Polymer Science, Series B | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5669 | Polymer Science, Series C | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | 2021 | eSS | E-Journal |
5670 | Polymer Science, Series D | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5671 | Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5672 | Polytechnica | view | Springer Nature | 2018 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5673 | Popular Economics | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
5674 | Popular Music | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5675 | Popular Series. Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
5676 | Population (English Edition, 2002-) | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5677 | Population (French Edition) | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5678 | Population and Development Review | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5679 | Population and Environment | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5680 | Population and Environment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5681 | Population Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
5682 | Population Index | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
5683 | Population Literature | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
5684 | Population Research and Policy Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5685 | Population Research and Policy Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5686 | Population Review | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5687 | Population Studies | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5688 | Population, English edition | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5689 | Population: An English Selection | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
5690 | portal: Libraries and the Academy | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5691 | Portuguese Economic Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5692 | Portuguese Studies | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5693 | Portuguese Studies | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5694 | Positions | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
5695 | positions: asia critique | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5696 | Positivity | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5697 | Postmodern Culture | view | Project Muse | 1990 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5698 | Potato Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5699 | Potential Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5700 | Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5701 | Power Engineer | view | IEEE | 2003 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5702 | Power Engineering Journal | view | IEEE | 1987 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5703 | Power Technology and Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5704 | Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5705 | Prairie Schooner | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5706 | Prairie Schooner | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5707 | Pramana | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5708 | Precision Agriculture | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5709 | Precision Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5710 | Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5711 | Preservation Education & Research | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5712 | Presidential Studies Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
5713 | Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5714 | Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5715 | Prevention Science | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5716 | Primates | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5717 | Primitive Man | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
5718 | PRIMUS : Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5719 | Print Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5720 | Prion | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5721 | Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5722 | Probability Theory and Related Fields | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5723 | Probate and Trust Legislation | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
5724 | Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5725 | Problems of Information Transmission | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5726 | Problems of the War | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1917 | eSS | E-Journal |
5727 | Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of International and Comparative Law) | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
5728 | Proceedings (New Zealand Ecological Society) | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
5729 | Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5730 | Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5731 | Proceedings and Transactions of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society | view | JSTOR | 1854 | 1855 | eSS | E-Journal |
5732 | Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia | view | JSTOR | 1841 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5733 | Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
5734 | Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1928 | eSS | E-Journal |
5735 | Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2018 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5736 | Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5737 | Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5738 | Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5739 | Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5740 | Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
5741 | Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1846 | 1958 | eSS | E-Journal |
5742 | Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers | view | IEEE | 1905 | 1919 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5743 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5744 | Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1895 | eSS | E-Journal |
5745 | Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society | view | JSTOR | 1838 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5746 | Proceedings of the American Political Science Association | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1913 | eSS | E-Journal |
5747 | Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1907-1917) | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1917 | eSS | E-Journal |
5748 | Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1921-1969) | view | JSTOR | 1921 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
5749 | Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at the Meeting of Its Executive Council | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
5750 | Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists | view | JSTOR | 1878 | 1891 | eSS | E-Journal |
5751 | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Association of University Teachers of Insurance) | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1935 | eSS | E-Journal |
5752 | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5753 | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (Western Farm Economics Association) | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
5754 | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
5755 | Proceedings of the Annual Session (Southern Political Science Association) | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
5756 | Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5757 | Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5758 | Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
5759 | Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts of North America | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
5760 | Proceedings of the Bear Workshop (International Conference on Bear Research and Management) | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
5761 | Proceedings of the Colonial Waterbird Group | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
5762 | Proceedings of the Combustion Institute | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5763 | Proceedings of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
5764 | Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5765 | Proceedings of the IEEE | view | IEEE | 1963 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5766 | Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers | view | IEEE | 1913 | 1938 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5767 | Proceedings of the IRE | view | IEEE | 1939 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5768 | Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1791 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
5769 | Proceedings of the Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
5770 | Proceedings of the Musical Association | view | JSTOR | 1874 | 1943 | eSS | E-Journal |
5771 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5772 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5773 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5774 | Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
5775 | Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
5776 | Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography | view | JSTOR | 1879 | 1892 | eSS | E-Journal |
5777 | Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1857 | 1877 | eSS | E-Journal |
5778 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1836-1869) | view | JSTOR | 1836 | 1866 | eSS | E-Journal |
5779 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1889-1901) | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 1901 | eSS | E-Journal |
5780 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Polite Literature and Antiquities | view | JSTOR | 1879 | 1879 | eSS | E-Journal |
5781 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Science | view | JSTOR | 1870 | 1884 | eSS | E-Journal |
5782 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
5783 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B: Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
5784 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5785 | Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5786 | Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
5787 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1854 | 1904 | eSS | E-Journal |
5788 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
5789 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
5790 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
5791 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
5792 | Proceedings of the Section of International and Comparative Law (American Bar Association) | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
5793 | Proceedings of the Section: Officers, Committees, Roster of Members (American Bar Association. Section of Family Law) | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
5794 | Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5795 | Proceedings of the Statistical Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1834 | 1837 | eSS | E-Journal |
5796 | Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5797 | Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5798 | Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
5799 | Proceedings of the Zoological Society | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5800 | Proceedings, Annual Meeting (Western Agricultural Economics Association) | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
5801 | Proceedings: Biological Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5802 | Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
5803 | Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5804 | Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability | view | Springer Nature | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5805 | Production Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5806 | Production Planning & Control : The Management of Operations | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5807 | Profession | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5808 | Professional School Counseling | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5809 | Programming and Computer Software | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5810 | Progress in Aerospace Sciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5811 | Progress in Artificial Intelligence | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5812 | Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5813 | Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5814 | Progress in Energy and Combustion Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5815 | Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5816 | Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5817 | Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5818 | Progress in Polymer Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5819 | Progress in Quantum Electronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5820 | Progress in Solid State Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5821 | Progress in Surface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5822 | Progress in Surface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5823 | Prooftexts | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5824 | Prooftexts | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5825 | PROSPECTS | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5826 | Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5827 | Protoplasma | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5828 | Provincial Medical & Surgical Journal (1840-1842) | view | JSTOR | 1840 | 1842 | eSS | E-Journal |
5829 | Provincial Medical & Surgical Journal (1844-1852) | view | JSTOR | 1844 | 1852 | eSS | E-Journal |
5830 | Provincial Medical Journal and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1842 | 1844 | eSS | E-Journal |
5831 | PRX Quantum | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5832 | PS | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
5833 | PS: Political Science and Politics | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5834 | PSA Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
5835 | PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
5836 | Psychiatric Quarterly | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5837 | Psychological Injury and Law | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5838 | Psychological Inquiry | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5839 | Psychological Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5840 | Psychological Science | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5841 | Psychological Science in the Public Interest | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5842 | Psychological Studies | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5843 | Psychometrika | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5844 | Psychonomic Bulletin & Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5845 | Psychopharmacology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5846 | Public Administration Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5847 | Public Administration Review | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5848 | Public Affairs Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5849 | Public Choice | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5850 | Public Choice | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5851 | Public Contract Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5852 | Public Culture | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5853 | Public Health Reports (1896-1970) | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
5854 | Public Health Reports (1974-) | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5855 | Public Organization Review | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5856 | Public Performance & Management Review | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
5857 | Public Productivity & Management Review | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
5858 | Public Productivity Review | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
5859 | Public Transport | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5860 | Publication Series (Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers) | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
5861 | Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
5862 | Publications of the American Economic Association | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1907 | eSS | E-Journal |
5863 | Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
5864 | Publications of the American Statistical Association | view | JSTOR | 1888 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
5865 | Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5866 | Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Anthropological Series | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 1922 | eSS | E-Journal |
5867 | Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History. Anthropological Series | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
5868 | Publications of the Florida Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
5869 | Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 1891 | eSS | E-Journal |
5870 | Publications of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study | view | JSTOR | 1911 | 1916 | eSS | E-Journal |
5871 | Publishing Research Quarterly | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5872 | Publius | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5873 | Pure and Applied Geophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5874 | Purinergic Signalling | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5875 | Pushkin Review | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5876 | Pädagogische Monatshefte / Pedagogical Monthly | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1905 | eSS | E-Journal |
5877 | QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5878 | Quaderni di Studi Arabi | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5879 | Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5880 | Quaestiones Disputatae | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5881 | Quaestiones Mathematicae | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5882 | Quaker History | view | Project Muse | 1906 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5883 | Quaker History | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5884 | Qualitative Sociology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5885 | Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5886 | Quality & Quantity | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5887 | Quality and User Experience | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5888 | Quality Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5889 | Quality Management Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5890 | Quality of Life Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5891 | Quality of Life Research | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5892 | Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5893 | Quantitative Marketing and Economics | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5894 | QUANTUM Information | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
5895 | Quantum Information Processing | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5896 | Quarterly Bulletin (Archives of American Art) | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
5897 | Quarterly Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 1876 | eSS | E-Journal |
5898 | Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
5899 | Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
5900 | Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5901 | Quarterly Newsletter (Garden History Society) | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
5902 | Quarterly Publication (Historical Society of Southern California) | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1935 | eSS | E-Journal |
5903 | Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
5904 | Quest | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5905 | Questions Féministes | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
5906 | Queue | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5907 | Queueing Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5908 | Qui Parle | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5909 | Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5910 | Quondam et Futurus | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
5911 | R.M.A. Research Chronicle | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
5912 | Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht / The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5913 | RACAR: revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
5914 | Race and Social Problems | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5915 | Race, Gender & Class | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5916 | Race, Poverty & the Environment | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
5917 | Race, Sex & Class | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
5918 | Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5919 | Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts | view | Project Muse | 2007 | 2011 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5920 | Radharc | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
5921 | Radiation and Environmental Biophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5922 | Radiation Detection Technology and Methods | view | Springer Nature | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5923 | Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids : Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5924 | Radiation Measurements | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5925 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5926 | Radiation Research | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5927 | Radiation Research Supplement | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
5928 | Radical History Review | view | Project Muse | 2001 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5929 | Radical Teacher | view | Project Muse | 2008 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5930 | Radiochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5931 | Radioelectronics and Communications Systems | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5932 | Radiological Physics and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5933 | Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5934 | RAIN | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
5935 | Rangeland Ecology & Management | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5936 | Rangelands | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5937 | Rangeman's Journal | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
5938 | Rapa Nui Journal | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5939 | Rare Metals | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5940 | RASD Update | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
5941 | Rassegna di Studi Etiopici | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5942 | Reaction Chemistry & Engineering | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5943 | Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5944 | Reactive and Functional Polymers | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5945 | Reading and Writing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5946 | Reading Research Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5947 | Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
5948 | Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5949 | Real-Time Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5950 | Recent Acquisitions (Metropolitan Museum of Art) | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
5951 | Recent Geographical Literature, Maps and Photographs | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
5952 | Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5953 | Reception: Texts, Readers, Audiences, History | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5954 | Recercare | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5955 | Recherche et Applications en Marketing | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5956 | Recherches Économiques de Louvain / Louvain Economic Review | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5957 | Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
5958 | Record of the Museum of Historic Art, Princeton University | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1947 | eSS | E-Journal |
5959 | Records of the Academy (American Academy of Arts and Sciences) | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
5960 | Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
5961 | Records of the Auckland Museum | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
5962 | Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C. | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
5963 | Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5964 | Red Cedar Review | view | Project Muse | 2003 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5965 | Reference & User Services Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5966 | Reflexión | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
5967 | Refractories and Industrial Ceramics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5968 | Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5969 | Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
5970 | Regional Environmental Change | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5971 | Regional Research of Russia | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5972 | Register of Kentucky State Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
5973 | Register of the Kentucky Historical Society | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5974 | Regular and Chaotic Dynamics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5975 | Reis: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
5976 | Reliability Engineering & System Safety | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5977 | Religion & Literature | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5978 | Religion & Literature | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5979 | Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5980 | Religious Studies | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
5981 | Remote Sensing Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5982 | Remote Sensing Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5983 | Renacimiento | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
5984 | Renaissance Drama | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5985 | Renaissance News | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
5986 | Renaissance Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5987 | Renaissance Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5988 | Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5989 | Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5990 | Renewable Energy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5991 | Report (World Congress of Jewish Studies) | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
5992 | Report of Meeting (Association of American Library Schools) | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
5993 | Report on the Progress and Condition of the Royal Gardens at Kew | view | JSTOR | 1861 | 1882 | eSS | E-Journal |
5994 | Reports on Mathematical Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5995 | Reports on Mathematical Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
5996 | Representations | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5997 | Reproductive Health Matters | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
5998 | Reproductive Medicine and Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
5999 | Requirements Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6000 | Res Publica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6001 | RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6002 | Research and Teaching in Developmental Education | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6003 | Research in African Literatures | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6004 | Research in African Literatures | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6005 | Research in Engineering Design | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6006 | Research In Experimental Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
6007 | Research in Higher Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6008 | Research in Higher Education | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6009 | Research in Nondestructive Evaluation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6010 | Research in Outdoor Education | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6011 | Research in Science Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6012 | Research in the Teaching of English | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6013 | Research Intelligence | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
6014 | Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
6015 | Research on Chemical Intermediates | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6016 | Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6017 | Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6018 | Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6019 | Resonance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6020 | Resources for American Literary Study | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6021 | Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6022 | Results in Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6023 | Review (Fernand Braudel Center) | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6024 | Review for Religious: New Series | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6025 | Review of Accounting Studies | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6026 | Review of African Political Economy | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6027 | Review of Agricultural Economics | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6028 | Review of Derivatives Research | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6029 | Review of Economic Design | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6030 | Review of Economics of the Household | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6031 | Review of Educational Research | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6032 | Review of Industrial Organization | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6033 | Review of International Political Economy | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6034 | Review of International Studies | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6035 | Review of Japanese Culture and Society | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6036 | Review of Japanese Culture and Society | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6037 | Review of Managerial Science | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6038 | Review of Middle East Studies | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6039 | Review of Philosophy and Psychology | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6040 | Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6041 | Review of Regional Research | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6042 | Review of Religious Research | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6043 | Review of Religious Research | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6044 | Review of Research in Education | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6045 | Review of Research in Visual and Environmental Education | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6046 | Review of Research in Visual Arts Education | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
6047 | Review of Scientific Instruments | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1930 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
6048 | Review of Social Economy | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6049 | Review of World Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6050 | Review of World Economics / Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6051 | Reviews and Advances in Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6052 | Reviews in American History | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6053 | Reviews in American History | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6054 | Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6055 | Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6056 | Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6057 | Reviews in Fisheries Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6058 | Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture | view | Taylor & Francis | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6059 | Reviews of Infectious Diseases | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
6060 | Reviews of Modern Physics | view | American Physical Society (APS) | 1929 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6061 | Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6062 | Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6063 | Revista Chilena de Derecho | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6064 | Revista Chilena de Literatura | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
6065 | Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6066 | Revista de Antropologia | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6067 | Revista de Arqueología Americana | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6068 | Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6069 | Revista de Estudios Hispánicos | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6070 | Revista de Historia de América | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6071 | Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6072 | Revista de Letras | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6073 | Revista de libros | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
6074 | Revista de libros de la Fundación Caja Madrid | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6075 | Revista de Musicología | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
6076 | Revista del Jardín Botánico Nacional | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6077 | Revista española de la opinión pública | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
6078 | Revista Española de Pedagogía | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6079 | Revista Geográfica | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6080 | Revista Hispánica Moderna | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6081 | Revista Hispánica Moderna | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6082 | Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6083 | Revista Matemática Complutense | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6084 | Revista Mexicana de Sociología | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6085 | Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
6086 | Revue Archéologique | view | JSTOR | 1844 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6087 | Revue belge de Musicologie / Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6088 | Revue d'Assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6089 | Revue d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
6090 | Revue d'histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et des conflits contemporains | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
6091 | Revue d'histoire des doctrines économiques et sociales | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1912 | eSS | E-Journal |
6092 | Revue d'histoire des sciences | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6093 | Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
6094 | Revue d'histoire économique et sociale | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
6095 | Revue d'Histoire littéraire de la France | view | JSTOR | 1894 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6096 | Revue d'histoire moderne | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
6097 | Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (1899-1914) | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1914 | eSS | E-Journal |
6098 | Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine (1954-) | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6099 | Revue de l'histoire des religions | view | JSTOR | 1880 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6100 | Revue de l'Institut International de Statistique / Review of the International Statistical Institute | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
6101 | Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6102 | Revue de Musicologie | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6103 | Revue du Seizième siècle | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 1932 | eSS | E-Journal |
6104 | Revue économique | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
6105 | Revue Européenne de Génie Civil | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6106 | Revue Européenne des Études Hébraïques | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6107 | Revue européenne des sciences sociales | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6108 | Revue Française de Génie Civil | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6109 | Revue française d'études américaines | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6110 | Revue française de pédagogie | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6111 | Revue française de sociologie | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6112 | Revue française de sociologie (English Edition) | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6113 | Revue Francophone des Laboratoires | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6114 | Revue Historique | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6115 | Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Étranger | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6116 | Revue Tiers Monde | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6117 | Rheinisches Museum für Philologie | view | JSTOR | 1832 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6118 | Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie | view | JSTOR | 1827 | 1832 | eSS | E-Journal |
6119 | Rheologica Acta | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6120 | Rhetoric & Public Affairs | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6121 | Rhetoric of Health & Medicine | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6122 | Rhetoric Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6123 | Rhetoric Society Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6124 | Rhetoric, Politics & Culture | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6125 | Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6126 | Rheumatology International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6127 | Rhodora | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6128 | Ricerche di Matematica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6129 | RIdIM/RCMI Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
6130 | Risk Management | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6131 | River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6132 | Rivista della Società Toscana di Orticultura | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1947 | eSS | E-Journal |
6133 | Rivista di ortoflorofrutticoltura italiana | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
6134 | Rivista di Patologia Vegetale | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
6135 | Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6136 | Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6137 | Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali e Discipline Ausiliarie | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1933 | eSS | E-Journal |
6138 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6139 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6140 | Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6141 | Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6142 | Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6143 | Rocky Mountain Review | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6144 | Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
6145 | Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature | view | Project Muse | 1966 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6146 | Rodriguésia | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6147 | Romance Notes | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6148 | Romani Studies | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6149 | Romanische Forschungen | view | JSTOR | 1883 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6150 | Romanticism | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6151 | Roundtable Reports | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
6152 | Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6153 | RQ | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
6154 | RSA Journal | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6155 | RSC Advances | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6156 | RSC Chemical Biology | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6157 | RSC Medicinal Chemistry (previously MedChemComm) | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6158 | RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6159 | Rue Descartes | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6160 | RUSA Update | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
6161 | Russian & East European Finance and Trade | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
6162 | Russian Aeronautics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6163 | Russian Agricultural Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6164 | Russian Chemical Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6165 | Russian Electrical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6166 | Russian Engineering Research | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6167 | Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6168 | Russian Journal of Biological Invasions | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6169 | Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6170 | Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6171 | Russian Journal of Developmental Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6172 | Russian Journal of Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6173 | Russian Journal of Electrochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6174 | Russian Journal of General Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6175 | Russian Journal of Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6176 | Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
6177 | Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6178 | Russian Journal of Marine Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6179 | Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6180 | Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6181 | Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6182 | Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6183 | Russian Journal of Pacific Geology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6184 | Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6185 | Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6186 | Russian Journal of Plant Physiology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6187 | Russian Linguistics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6188 | Russian Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6189 | Russian Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6190 | Russian Metallurgy (Metally) | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6191 | Russian Meteorology and Hydrology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6192 | Russian Microelectronics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6193 | Russian Physics Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6194 | S?dhan? | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6195 | Safety Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6196 | Saint Anselm Journal | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6197 | SAIS Review of International Affairs | view | Project Muse | 1981 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6198 | Salmagundi | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6199 | Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1914 | eSS | E-Journal |
6200 | Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6201 | Sankhy?: The Indian Journal of Statistics (1933-1960) | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
6202 | Sankhy?: The Indian Journal of Statistics (2003-2007) | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
6203 | Sankhy?: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A (1961-2002) | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
6204 | Sankhy?: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A (2008-) | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6205 | Sankhy?: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B (1960-2002) | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
6206 | Sankhy?: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B (2008-) | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6207 | Sankhya A | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6208 | Sankhya B | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6209 | Saothar | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6210 | Savings and Development | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6211 | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6212 | Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6213 | Scandinavian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6214 | Scandinavian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6215 | Scandinavian Studies and Notes | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
6216 | School Mental Health | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6217 | Schools: Studies in Education | view | JSTOR | 2004 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6218 | Science | view | JSTOR | 1880 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6219 | Science & Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6220 | Science & Justice | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6221 | Science & Society | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6222 | Science & Technology Studies | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
6223 | Science and Engineering Ethics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6224 | Science Bulletin | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6225 | Science Bulletin | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6226 | Science Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
6227 | Science China Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6228 | Science China Earth Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6229 | Science China Information Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6230 | Science China Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6231 | Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6232 | Science China Technological Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6233 | Science Fiction Film and Television | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6234 | Science Fiction Studies | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6235 | Science Fiction Studies | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6236 | Science Magazine | view | AAAS | IITI-Self | E-Journal | ||
6237 | Science of Computer Programming | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6238 | Science Studies | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6239 | Science, Technology, & Human Values | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6240 | Scientific and Technical Information Processing | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6241 | Scientometrics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6242 | Scopus | view | Elsevier | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Database |
6243 | Scottish Archaeological Journal | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6244 | Scottish Literary Review | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6245 | Scripta Materialia | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6246 | Seanchas Ardmhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6247 | Section of Antitrust Law | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
6248 | Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
6249 | Section of International and Comparative Law Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
6250 | Seed Technology | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6251 | Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
6252 | Seismic Instruments | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6253 | Seizième Siècle | view | JSTOR | 2005 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6254 | SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6255 | Selbyana | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6256 | Selecta Mathematica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6257 | Selected Addresses Delivered at the Conference on English Education | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
6258 | SeMA Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6259 | Semiconductors | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6260 | Semigroup Forum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6261 | Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6262 | Seminars in Immunopathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6263 | Sensing and Imaging | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6264 | Sensors & Diagnostics | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2022 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6265 | Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6266 | Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6267 | Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6268 | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6269 | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6270 | Seoul Journal of Korean Studies | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6271 | Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6272 | Service Business | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6273 | Service Oriented Computing and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6274 | Set-Valued and Variational Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6275 | Sewage and Industrial Wastes | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
6276 | Sewage Works Journal | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1949 | eSS | E-Journal |
6277 | Sewanee Review | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6278 | Sex Roles | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6279 | Sexuality & Culture | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6280 | Sexuality and Disability | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6281 | Sexuality Research and Social Policy | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6282 | Shakespeare Bulletin | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6283 | Shakespeare Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6284 | Shakespeare Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6285 | Shape Memory and Superelasticity | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6286 | Shaw | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6287 | SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6288 | Shenaton ha-Mishpat ha-Ivri: Annual of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6289 | Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6290 | Shock Waves | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6291 | Shofar | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6292 | Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies | view | Project Muse | 1990 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6293 | SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6294 | SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6295 | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6296 | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6297 | SIAM Journal on Computing | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6298 | SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6299 | SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6300 | SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6301 | SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6302 | SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6303 | SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6304 | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6305 | SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6306 | SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6307 | SIAM Journal on Optimization | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6308 | SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6309 | SIAM Review | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6310 | SIAM Review | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6311 | SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6312 | Siberian Advances in Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6313 | Siberian Mathematical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6314 | SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6315 | SIDA, Contributions to Botany | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
6316 | Sidra: A Journal for the Study of Rabbinic Literature | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
6317 | Sig | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2012 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
6318 | Sigma Xi Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 1942 | eSS | E-Journal |
6319 | Sign Language Studies | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6320 | Signal Processing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6321 | Signal Processing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6322 | Signal Processing: Image Communication | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6323 | Signal Processing: Image Communication | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6324 | Signal, Image and Video Processing | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6325 | Signs | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6326 | SIGSPATIAL Special | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6327 | Silicon | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6328 | Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6329 | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6330 | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6331 | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6332 | Sir W. J. Hooker's Report on Kew Gardens | view | JSTOR | 1855 | 1858 | eSS | E-Journal |
6333 | Sirena: poesia, arte y critica | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6334 | Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
6335 | Skeletal Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6336 | Slavic Review | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6337 | Slavonic and East European Review | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6338 | Sleep and Breathing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6339 | Small Axe | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6340 | Small Business Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6341 | Small Business Economics | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6342 | Small-scale Forestry | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6343 | Smart Health | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6344 | Smithsonian Studies in American Art | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
6345 | Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6346 | Social and Economic Studies | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6347 | Social Choice and Welfare | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6348 | Social Choice and Welfare | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6349 | Social Forces | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6350 | Social Forces | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6351 | Social History | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6352 | Social Indicators Research | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6353 | Social Indicators Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6354 | Social Justice | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6355 | Social Justice Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6356 | Social Network Analysis and Mining | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6357 | Social Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6358 | Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6359 | Social Problems | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6360 | Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6361 | Social Psychology | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
6362 | Social Psychology of Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6363 | Social Psychology Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6364 | Social Research | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6365 | Social Research: An International Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6366 | Social Science | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
6367 | Social Science History | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6368 | Social Science History | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6369 | Social Science Japan Journal | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6370 | Social Science Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6371 | Social Scientist | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6372 | Social Service Review | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6373 | Social Studies of Science | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6374 | Social Text | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
6375 | Social Text | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6376 | Social Thought & Research | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6377 | Social Work | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6378 | Social Work (1939-1970) | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
6379 | Social Work Journal | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
6380 | Social Work Research | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6381 | Society | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6382 | Society and Economy | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6383 | Sociological Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
6384 | Sociological Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6385 | Sociological Focus | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6386 | Sociological Forum | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6387 | Sociological Methodology | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6388 | Sociological Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6389 | Sociological Practice | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
6390 | Sociological Theory | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6391 | Sociologický ?asopis / Czech Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6392 | Sociologie du Travail | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6393 | Sociologisk Forskning | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6394 | Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6395 | Sociology of Education | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6396 | Sociology of Religion | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6397 | Sociometry | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
6398 | Soft Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6399 | Soft Matter | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6400 | Software - Concepts & Tools | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
6401 | Software and Systems Modeling | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6402 | Software Quality Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6403 | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6404 | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6405 | Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6406 | Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6407 | Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6408 | Solar Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6409 | Solar System Research | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6410 | Solid Fuel Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6411 | Solid State Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6412 | Solid State Ionics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6413 | Solid State Ionics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6414 | Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6415 | Solid-State Electronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6416 | Solid-State Electronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6417 | Sophia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6418 | Soundings: A journal of politics and culture | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6419 | Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6420 | Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6421 | Source: Notes in the History of Art | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6422 | Sources of the History of Oregon | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1899 | eSS | E-Journal |
6423 | South Atlantic Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
6424 | South Atlantic Review | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6425 | South Central Review | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6426 | South Central Review | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6427 | South East Asia Research | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6428 | South: a scholarly journal | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6429 | Southeast Asian Affairs | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6430 | Southeast Asian Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6431 | Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
6432 | Southeast Asian Journal of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
6433 | Southeast Asian Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6434 | Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6435 | Southeastern Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6436 | Southeastern Geographer | view | Project Muse | 1961 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6437 | Southeastern Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6438 | Southern African Journal of Demography | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6439 | Southern California Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6440 | Southern California Quarterly | view | Project Muse | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
6441 | Southern Cultures | view | Project Muse | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6442 | Southern Economic Journal | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6443 | Southern Review | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6444 | Southern Review of Public Administration | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
6445 | Southwestern Historical Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6446 | Southwestern Journal of Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
6447 | Soviet and Eastern European Foreign Trade | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
6448 | Soviet Studies | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
6449 | Soziale Welt | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6450 | Soziales Recht | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6451 | Space Science Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6452 | Spatial Demography | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6453 | Spatial Statistics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6454 | Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6455 | Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6456 | Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6457 | Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6458 | Speculum | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6459 | Speech Communication | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6460 | Speech Communication | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6461 | Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6462 | Sport Sciences for Health | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6463 | Sports Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6464 | Staff Papers (International Monetary Fund) | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
6465 | StandardView | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1993 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
6466 | Stanford Intramural Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
6467 | Stanford Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6468 | State & Local Government Review | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6469 | State Crime Journal | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6470 | State Politics & Policy Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6471 | State, Culture, and Society | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
6472 | Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6473 | Statistical Methods & Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6474 | Statistical Papers | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6475 | Statistical Science | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6476 | Statistics & Probability Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6477 | Statistics and Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6478 | Statistics in Biosciences | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6479 | Steel in Translation | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6480 | Steinbeck Review | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6481 | Steinbeck Studies | view | Project Muse | 2004 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6482 | Stem Cell Reviews and Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6483 | Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6484 | Stochastic Processes and their Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6485 | Storytelling, Self, Society | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6486 | Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6487 | Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6488 | Strahlentherapie und Onkologie | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6489 | Strategic Management Journal | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6490 | Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6491 | Strength of Materials | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6492 | Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6493 | Structural Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6494 | Structural Safety | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6495 | Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6496 | Studi della Scuola Papirologica | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
6497 | Studi di Sociologia | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6498 | Studi Storici | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6499 | Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6500 | Studia Hibernica | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6501 | Studia Islamica | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6502 | Studia Leibnitiana | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6503 | Studia Logica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6504 | Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6505 | Studia Musicologica | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6506 | Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
6507 | Studia Rosenthaliana | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6508 | Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6509 | Studien zur Musikwissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6510 | Studies in American Fiction | view | Project Muse | 1973 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6511 | Studies in American Humor | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6512 | Studies in American Indian Literatures | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6513 | Studies in American Indian Literatures | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6514 | Studies in American Jewish Literature | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6515 | Studies in American Jewish Literature (1975-1979) | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
6516 | Studies in American Jewish Literature (1981-) | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6517 | Studies in American Naturalism | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6518 | Studies in Art Education | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6519 | Studies in Bibliography | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
6520 | Studies in Bibliography | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6521 | Studies in Bibliography and Booklore | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
6522 | Studies in Comparative International Development | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6523 | Studies in Conservation | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6524 | Studies in East European Thought | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6525 | Studies in East European Thought | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6526 | Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture | view | Project Muse | 1972 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6527 | Studies in English | view | JSTOR | 1911 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
6528 | Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6529 | Studies in Family Planning | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6530 | Studies in Latin American Popular Culture | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6531 | Studies in Philology | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6532 | Studies in Philology | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6533 | Studies in Philosophy and Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6534 | Studies in Popular Culture | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6535 | Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6536 | Studies in Romanticism | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6537 | Studies in Romanticism | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6538 | Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6539 | Studies in Soviet Thought | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
6540 | Studies in the Age of Chaucer | view | Project Muse | 1979 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6541 | Studies in the American Renaissance | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
6542 | Studies in the Decorative Arts | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6543 | Studies in the Fantastic | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6544 | Studies in the Literary Imagination | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6545 | Studies in the Novel | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6546 | Studies in the Novel | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6547 | Studies in the Renaissance | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6548 | Studies in World Christianity | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6549 | Studies on Russian Economic Development | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6550 | Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6551 | Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6552 | Style | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6553 | SubStance | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6554 | SubStance | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6555 | Subtropics | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6556 | Sudan Notes and Records | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6557 | Sudanic Africa | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
6558 | Sudhoffs Archiv | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6559 | Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1933 | eSS | E-Journal |
6560 | Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
6561 | Sugar Tech | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6562 | Summary of Proceedings: Officers, Committees (American Bar Association. Section of Family Law) | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
6563 | Sung Studies Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
6564 | Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6565 | Supplement to the Geographical Journal: Recent Geographical Literature, Maps, and Photographs Added to the Society's Collections | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 1935 | eSS | E-Journal |
6566 | Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1947 | eSS | E-Journal |
6567 | Supplementary Papers of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 1908 | eSS | E-Journal |
6568 | Supportive Care in Cancer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6569 | Supreme Court Economic Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6570 | Surface and Coatings Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6571 | Surface Coatings International Part B: Coatings Transactions | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
6572 | Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6573 | Surface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6574 | Surface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6575 | Surface Science Reports | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6576 | Surface Science Reports | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6577 | Surface Science Spectra | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6578 | Surfaces and Interfaces | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6579 | Surgery Today | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6580 | Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6581 | Surgical Endoscopy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6582 | Surveys in Geophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6583 | Sustainability Science | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6584 | Sustainable Cities and Society | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6585 | Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6586 | Sustainable Energy & Fuels | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6587 | Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6588 | Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6589 | Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6590 | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6591 | Sustainable Materials and Technologies | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6592 | Sustainable Production and Consumption | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6593 | Sustainable Water Resources Management | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6594 | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6595 | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6596 | Swarm and Evolutionary Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6597 | Swarm Intelligence | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6598 | Swiss Journal of Geosciences | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
6599 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
6600 | Süddeutsche Juristen-Zeitung | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
6601 | Syllecta Classica | view | Project Muse | 1989 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6602 | Symbiosis | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6603 | Symbolic Interaction | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6604 | symplok? | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6605 | symploke | view | Project Muse | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6606 | Synthese | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6607 | Synthese | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6608 | Synthesis | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
6609 | Synthetic Reaction Updates | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IITI-Self | Literature Updating Services | ||
6610 | Syria | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6611 | Systematic Biology | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6612 | Systematic Botany | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6613 | Systematic Botany Monographs | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6614 | Systematic Parasitology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6615 | Systematic Zoology | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
6616 | Systematics and Geography of Plants | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6617 | Systemic Practice and Action Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6618 | Systems & Control Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6619 | T'oung Pao | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6620 | Ta?rsadalom e?s gazdasa?g Ko?ze?p- e?s Kelet-Euro?pa?ban / Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
6621 | Talanta | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6622 | Tampa Review | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6623 | Tang Studies | view | Project Muse | 1983 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6624 | TAPA | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6625 | Tarbiz | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6626 | Tax Policy and the Economy | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6627 | Taxon | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6628 | TDR (1967-1968) | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
6629 | TDR (1988-) | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6630 | TDR: The Drama Review | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6631 | Teacher Education Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6632 | Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal | view | Project Muse | 2013 | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6633 | Teaching Children Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6634 | Teaching Geography | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6635 | Teaching Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6636 | Technical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6637 | Technical Physics Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6638 | Techniques in Coloproctology | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6639 | Technology and Culture | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6640 | Technology and Culture | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6641 | Technology and Practice Guide | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
6642 | Technology and Society | view | IEEE | 1977 | 1981 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6643 | Technology, Knowledge and Learning | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6644 | Technometrics | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6645 | TechTrends | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6646 | Telecommunication Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6647 | Telecommunications Policy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6648 | Telematics and Informatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6649 | Tempo | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6650 | Tennessee Historical Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1937 | eSS | E-Journal |
6651 | Tennessee Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6652 | Tenso | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6653 | TESOL Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6654 | TEST | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6655 | Tetrahedron | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6656 | Tetrahedron Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6657 | Teuthonista | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
6658 | Texas Studies in English | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1958 | eSS | E-Journal |
6659 | Texas Studies in Literature and Language | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6660 | Texas Studies in Literature and Language | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6661 | Text | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
6662 | Textual Cultures | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6663 | Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6664 | Thalès | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
6665 | The AAPS Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6666 | The Academy of Management Executive (1987-1989) | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
6667 | The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005) | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
6668 | The Academy of Management Journal | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6669 | The Academy of Management Review | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6670 | The Accounting Historians Journal | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6671 | The Accounting Review | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6672 | The Advocate of Peace (1837-1845) | view | JSTOR | 1837 | 1845 | eSS | E-Journal |
6673 | The Advocate of Peace (1894-1920) | view | JSTOR | 1894 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
6674 | The Advocate of Peace and Universal Brotherhood | view | JSTOR | 1846 | 1846 | eSS | E-Journal |
6675 | The African Archaeological Review | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6676 | The African Music Society Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
6677 | The Agni Review | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
6678 | The Agricultural History Review | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6679 | The Aldine | view | JSTOR | 1871 | 1879 | eSS | E-Journal |
6680 | The Aldine Press | view | JSTOR | 1868 | 1870 | eSS | E-Journal |
6681 | The American Advocate of Peace and Arbitration | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 1892 | eSS | E-Journal |
6682 | The American Archivist | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6683 | The American Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
6684 | The American Art Journal (1866-1867) | view | JSTOR | 1866 | 1867 | eSS | E-Journal |
6685 | The American Art Review | view | JSTOR | 1879 | 1881 | eSS | E-Journal |
6686 | The American Biology Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6687 | The American Catholic Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
6688 | The American College Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
6689 | The American Economic Review | view | JSTOR | 1911 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6690 | The American Economist | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6691 | The American Historical Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1902 | eSS | E-Journal |
6692 | The American Historical Magazine and Tennessee Historical Society Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1902 | eSS | E-Journal |
6693 | The American Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6694 | The American Indian Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6695 | The American Jewish Year Book | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
6696 | The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts | view | JSTOR | 1885 | 1896 | eSS | E-Journal |
6697 | The American Journal of Bioethics | view | Project Muse | 2001 | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6698 | The American Journal of Comparative Law | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6699 | The American Journal of Economics and Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6700 | The American Journal of International Law | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6701 | The American Journal of Legal History | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6702 | The American Journal of Nursing | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6703 | The American Journal of Philology | view | JSTOR | 1880 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6704 | The American Journal of Police Science | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 1932 | eSS | E-Journal |
6705 | The American Journal of Psychology | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6706 | The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
6707 | The American Journal of Theology | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
6708 | The American Law Register (1852-1891) | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 1891 | eSS | E-Journal |
6709 | The American Law Register (1898-1907) | view | JSTOR | 1898 | 1907 | eSS | E-Journal |
6710 | The American Law Register and Review | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1897 | eSS | E-Journal |
6711 | The American Magazine of Art | view | JSTOR | 1916 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
6712 | The American Mathematical Monthly | view | JSTOR | 1894 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6713 | The American Midland Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1909 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6714 | The American Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1867 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6715 | The American Poetry Review | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6716 | The American Political Science Review | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6717 | The American Review of Soviet and Eastern European Foreign Trade | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
6718 | The American Scholar | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6719 | The American Slavic and East European Review | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
6720 | The American Sociologist | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6721 | The American Sociologist | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6722 | The American Statistician | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6723 | The Americas | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6724 | The Americas | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6725 | The Analyst | view | JSTOR | 1874 | 1883 | eSS | E-Journal |
6726 | The Analysts Journal | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
6727 | The Annals of Applied Probability | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6728 | The Annals of Applied Statistics | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6729 | The Annals of Mathematical Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
6730 | The Annals of Probability | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6731 | The Annals of Regional Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6732 | The Annals of Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6733 | The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6734 | The Annual of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
6735 | The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6736 | The Annual of the British School at Athens | view | JSTOR | 1894 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6737 | The Anthropological Review | view | JSTOR | 1863 | 1870 | eSS | E-Journal |
6738 | The Anti-Union | view | JSTOR | 1798 | 1799 | eSS | E-Journal |
6739 | The Antioch Review | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6740 | The Arab Studies Journal | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6741 | The Archaeological Review | view | JSTOR | 1888 | 1889 | eSS | E-Journal |
6742 | The Arithmetic Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
6743 | The Arkansas Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6744 | The Art Amateur | view | JSTOR | 1879 | 1891 | eSS | E-Journal |
6745 | The Art Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6746 | The Art Collector | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1899 | eSS | E-Journal |
6747 | The Art Critic | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1894 | eSS | E-Journal |
6748 | The Art Institute of Chicago Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
6749 | The Art Journal (1875-1887) | view | JSTOR | 1875 | 1880 | eSS | E-Journal |
6750 | The Art News | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1897 | eSS | E-Journal |
6751 | The Art News (1923-) | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
6752 | The Art Review | view | JSTOR | 1870 | 1871 | eSS | E-Journal |
6753 | The Art Union | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 1885 | eSS | E-Journal |
6754 | The Art World | view | JSTOR | 1916 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
6755 | The Artist: An Illustrated Monthly Record of Arts, Crafts and Industries (American Edition) | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1901 | eSS | E-Journal |
6756 | The Asa Gray Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1901 | eSS | E-Journal |
6757 | The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6758 | The Assurance Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1851 | 1852 | eSS | E-Journal |
6759 | The Assurance Magazine, and Journal of the Institute of Actuaries | view | JSTOR | 1853 | 1866 | eSS | E-Journal |
6760 | The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6761 | The Athenian Agora | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6762 | The Auk | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6763 | The Australian Educational Researcher | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6764 | The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
6765 | The Australian Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
6766 | The Bangladesh Development Studies | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6767 | The Bangladesh Economic Review | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6768 | The Belfast Magazine and Literary Journal | view | JSTOR | 1825 | 1825 | eSS | E-Journal |
6769 | The Belfast Monthly Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1808 | 1814 | eSS | E-Journal |
6770 | The Bell Journal of Economics | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
6771 | The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6772 | The Bell System Technical Journal | view | IEEE | 1922 | 1983 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6773 | The Biblical Archaeologist | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
6774 | The Biblical World | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
6775 | The Black Perspective in Music | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
6776 | The Black Scholar | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6777 | The Botanical Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6778 | The British Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6779 | The British Journal for the History of Science | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6780 | The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6781 | The British Journal of Criminology | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6782 | The British Journal of Delinquency | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
6783 | The British Journal of Social Work | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6784 | The British Journal of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
6785 | The British Medical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1857 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
6786 | The British Museum Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
6787 | The British School at Athens. Supplementary Papers | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
6788 | The British School at Athens. Supplementary Volumes | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6789 | The Brookings Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
6790 | The Brookings Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
6791 | The Bryologist | view | JSTOR | 1898 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6792 | The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2009 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6793 | The Bulletin of Historical Research in Music Education | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
6794 | The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
6795 | The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
6796 | The Bulletin of the College Art Association | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 1913 | eSS | E-Journal |
6797 | The Bulletin of the College Art Association of America | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
6798 | The Bulletin of the Decorative Arts Society 1890-1940 | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
6799 | The Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
6800 | The Bulletin of the Museum of Modern Art | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
6801 | The Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6802 | The Burlington Gazette | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 1903 | eSS | E-Journal |
6803 | The Burlington Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6804 | The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 1947 | eSS | E-Journal |
6805 | The Business History Review | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6806 | The Business Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6807 | The Business Lawyer Update | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
6808 | The Byron Journal | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6809 | The Cactus and Succulent Journal of Great Britain | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
6810 | The Cactus Journal | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 1939 | eSS | E-Journal |
6811 | The Cambridge Historical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
6812 | The Cambridge Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1921 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6813 | The Cambridge Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6814 | The Cambro-Briton | view | JSTOR | 1819 | 1822 | eSS | E-Journal |
6815 | The Canadian Historical Review | view | Project Muse | 1920 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6816 | The Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue canadienne d'Economique | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6817 | The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science / Revue canadienne d'Economique et de Science politique | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
6818 | The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6819 | The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6820 | The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de linguistique | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6821 | The Canadian Journal of Sociology | view | Project Muse | 2004 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6822 | The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6823 | The Canadian Journal of Statistics / La Revue Canadienne de Statistique | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6824 | The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne des langues vivantes | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6825 | The Carleton Drama Review | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
6826 | The Catholic Biblical Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6827 | The Catholic Historical Review | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6828 | The Catholic Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6829 | The Catholic Layman | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 1858 | eSS | E-Journal |
6830 | The Celtic Review | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1916 | eSS | E-Journal |
6831 | The Cerebellum | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6832 | The Chaucer Review | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6833 | The Chaucer Review | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6834 | The China Journal | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6835 | The China Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6836 | The Choral Journal | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6837 | The Christian Scholar | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
6838 | The Classical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6839 | The Classical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6840 | The Classical Review | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6841 | The Classical Weekly | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
6842 | The Classical World | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6843 | The Clearing House | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6844 | The Coleopterists Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6845 | The Collector | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 1892 | eSS | E-Journal |
6846 | The Collector and Art Critic | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1907 | eSS | E-Journal |
6847 | The College Mathematics Journal | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6848 | The Commonwealth Forestry Review | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
6849 | The Comparatist | view | Project Muse | 1992 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6850 | The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6851 | The Compass | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1947 | eSS | E-Journal |
6852 | The Compleat Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
6853 | The Concord Saunterer | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6854 | The Condor | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6855 | The Connoisseur | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1888 | eSS | E-Journal |
6856 | The Conradian | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6857 | The Contemporary Pacific | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6858 | The Contemporary Pacific | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6859 | The Coordinator | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
6860 | The Cork Review | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
6861 | The Cormac McCarthy Journal | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6862 | The Course of Study | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 1901 | eSS | E-Journal |
6863 | The Crane Bag | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
6864 | The Crayon | view | JSTOR | 1855 | 1861 | eSS | E-Journal |
6865 | The Decorator and Furnisher | view | JSTOR | 1882 | 1897 | eSS | E-Journal |
6866 | The Drama Review: TDR | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
6867 | The Dublin Literary Gazette | view | JSTOR | 1830 | 1830 | eSS | E-Journal |
6868 | The Dublin Penny Journal | view | JSTOR | 1832 | 1836 | eSS | E-Journal |
6869 | The Econometrics Journal | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6870 | The Economic Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1910 | eSS | E-Journal |
6871 | The Economic History Review | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6872 | The Economic Journal | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6873 | The Edgar Allan Poe Review | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6874 | The Edgar Allan Poe Review | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6875 | The Eighteenth Century | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6876 | The Eighteenth Century | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6877 | The Electricity Journal | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6878 | The Elementary English Review | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
6879 | The Elementary School Journal | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6880 | The Elementary School Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1914 | eSS | E-Journal |
6881 | The Elementary School Teacher and Course of Study | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1902 | eSS | E-Journal |
6882 | The Emily Dickinson Journal | view | Project Muse | 1992 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6883 | The Energy Journal | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6884 | The English Folk-Dance Society's Journal | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 1915 | eSS | E-Journal |
6885 | The English Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6886 | The English Journal | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6887 | The Eugene O'Neill Review | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6888 | The European Journal of Health Economics | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6889 | The European Journal of Health Economics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6890 | The European Journal of Social Quality | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
6891 | The European Physical Journal A | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6892 | The European Physical Journal B | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6893 | The European Physical Journal D | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6894 | The European Physical Journal E | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6895 | The European Physical Journal H | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6896 | The European Physical Journal Plus | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6897 | The European Physical Journal Special Topics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6898 | The Executive | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
6899 | The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6900 | The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6901 | The Family Coordinator | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
6902 | The Family Law Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
6903 | The Family Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
6904 | The Family Life Coordinator | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
6905 | The Far Eastern Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
6906 | The Faulkner Journal | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6907 | The Florida Buggist | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
6908 | The Florida Entomologist | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6909 | The Florida Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6910 | The Florida Historical Society Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1937 | eSS | E-Journal |
6911 | The Folk-Lore Journal | view | JSTOR | 1883 | 1889 | eSS | E-Journal |
6912 | The Folk-Lore Record | view | JSTOR | 1878 | 1882 | eSS | E-Journal |
6913 | The Forum (Section of Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law, American Bar Association) | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
6914 | The French Review | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6915 | The French Review | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6916 | The French Review. Special Issue | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
6917 | The Furrow | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6918 | The Future of Children | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
6919 | The Future of Children | view | Project Muse | 2005 | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6920 | The Galpin Society Journal | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6921 | The Garden History Society Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
6922 | The Geographical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6923 | The Geographical Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1926 | eSS | E-Journal |
6924 | The Georgia Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6925 | The Georgia Review | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6926 | The German Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6927 | The Global South | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6928 | The Global South | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6929 | The Good Society | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6930 | The Good Society | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6931 | The GPA Irish Arts Review Yearbook | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
6932 | The Great Basin Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
6933 | The Great Circle | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6934 | The Great Lakes Review | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
6935 | The Harp | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
6936 | The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6937 | The Harvard Theological Review | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6938 | The Hastings Center Report | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6939 | The Hastings Center Studies | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
6940 | The Hebrew Student | view | JSTOR | 1882 | 1883 | eSS | E-Journal |
6941 | The Hemingway Review | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6942 | The Henry James Review | view | Project Muse | 1979 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6943 | The High School Journal | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6944 | The High School Journal | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6945 | The Hispanic American Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
6946 | The Historical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6947 | The Historical Society of Southern California Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
6948 | The History Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
6949 | The Hopkins Review | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6950 | The Hudson Review | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6951 | The Huntington Library Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 1937 | eSS | E-Journal |
6952 | The Illustrated Magazine of Art | view | JSTOR | 1853 | 1854 | eSS | E-Journal |
6953 | The Illustrated Wood Worker | view | JSTOR | 1879 | 1879 | eSS | E-Journal |
6954 | The Incorporated Statistician | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
6955 | The Indian Journal of Political Science | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6956 | The Indiana Quarterly Magazine of History | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 1913 | eSS | E-Journal |
6957 | The Innes Review | view | Project Muse | 2007 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6958 | The International and Comparative Law Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6959 | The International Forestry Review | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
6960 | The International History Review | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
6961 | The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6962 | The International Journal of African Historical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6963 | The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6964 | The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6965 | The International Journal of Social Quality | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6966 | The International Law Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
6967 | The International Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6968 | The International Migration Digest | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
6969 | The International Migration Review | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6970 | The Iowa Review | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6971 | The Irish Church Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1917 | eSS | E-Journal |
6972 | The Irish Journal of Education / Iris Eireannach an Oideachais | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6973 | The Irish Monthly | view | JSTOR | 1873 | 1954 | eSS | E-Journal |
6974 | The Irish Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
6975 | The Irish Naturalists' Journal | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6976 | The Irish Penny Journal | view | JSTOR | 1840 | 1841 | eSS | E-Journal |
6977 | The Irish Review (1986-) | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6978 | The Irish Review (Dublin) | view | JSTOR | 1911 | 1914 | eSS | E-Journal |
6979 | The J. Paul Getty Museum Journal | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
6980 | The Jewish Quarterly Review | view | JSTOR | 1888 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6981 | The Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.) Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
6982 | The Journal of Aesthetic Education | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6983 | The Journal of Aesthetic Education | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
6984 | The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6985 | The Journal of African American History | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6986 | The Journal of African History | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6987 | The Journal of American Folklore | view | JSTOR | 1888 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6988 | The Journal of American History | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6989 | The Journal of American-East Asian Relations | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
6990 | The Journal of Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1870 | 1871 | eSS | E-Journal |
6991 | The Journal of Arachnology | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
6992 | The Journal of Arizona History | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6993 | The Journal of Asian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6994 | The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
6995 | The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
6996 | The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
6997 | The Journal of Business | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
6998 | The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
6999 | The Journal of California Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
7000 | The Journal of Chemical Physics | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1933 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
7001 | The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7002 | The Journal of Classroom Interaction | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7003 | The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7004 | The Journal of Conflict Resolution | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7005 | The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-) | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7006 | The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
7007 | The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
7008 | The Journal of Developing Areas | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7009 | The Journal of Developing Areas | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7010 | The Journal of East Asian Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
7011 | The Journal of Economic Abstracts | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
7012 | The Journal of Economic Education | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7013 | The Journal of Economic History | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7014 | The Journal of Economic Inequality | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7015 | The Journal of Economic Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
7016 | The Journal of Education | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7017 | The Journal of Educational Research | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7018 | The Journal of Educational Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
7019 | The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) / Revue de la Pensée Éducative | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7020 | The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7021 | The Journal of English and Germanic Philology | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7022 | The Journal of Ethics | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7023 | The Journal of Ethics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7024 | The Journal of Experimental Education | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7025 | The Journal of Finance | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7026 | The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7027 | The Journal of General Education | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7028 | The Journal of General Education | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7029 | The Journal of Geology | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7030 | The Journal of Geometric Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7031 | The Journal of Germanic Philology | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1902 | eSS | E-Journal |
7032 | The Journal of Hellenic Studies | view | JSTOR | 1880 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7033 | The Journal of Higher Education | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7034 | The Journal of Higher Education | view | Project Muse | 2002 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7035 | The Journal of Human Resources | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7036 | The Journal of Hygiene | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
7037 | The Journal of Individual Psychology | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7038 | The Journal of Industrial Economics | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7039 | The Journal of Infectious Diseases | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7040 | The Journal of Insurance | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
7041 | The Journal of Interdisciplinary History | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7042 | The Journal of International Relations | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1922 | eSS | E-Journal |
7043 | The Journal of Irish Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7044 | The Journal of Japanese Studies | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7045 | The Journal of Japanese Studies | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7046 | The Journal of Korean Studies (1979-) | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7047 | The Journal of Land & Public Utility Economics | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1947 | eSS | E-Journal |
7048 | The Journal of Law & Economics | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7049 | The Journal of Legal Studies | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7050 | The Journal of Library History (1966-1972) | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
7051 | The Journal of Library History (1974-1987) | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
7052 | The Journal of Machine Learning Research | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7053 | The Journal of Mathematical Behavior | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7054 | The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7055 | The Journal of Membrane Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7056 | The Journal of Military History | view | Project Muse | 2003 | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7057 | The Journal of Modern African Studies | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7058 | The Journal of Modern History | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7059 | The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7060 | The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7061 | The Journal of Museum Education | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
7062 | The Journal of Musicology | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7063 | The Journal of Mycology | view | JSTOR | 1885 | 1908 | eSS | E-Journal |
7064 | The Journal of Narrative Technique | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
7065 | The Journal of Negro Education | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7066 | The Journal of Negro History | view | JSTOR | 1916 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
7067 | The Journal of Nietzsche Studies | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7068 | The Journal of Nursery Education | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
7069 | The journal of nutrition, health & aging | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7070 | The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7071 | The Journal of Organic Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
7072 | The Journal of Pacific History | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7073 | The Journal of Parasitology | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7074 | The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7075 | The Journal of Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1921 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7076 | The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
7077 | The Journal of Physical Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7078 | The Journal of Physical Chemistry A | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
7079 | The Journal of Physical Chemistry B | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
7080 | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
7081 | The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
7082 | The Journal of Physiological Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
7083 | The Journal of Politics | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7084 | The Journal of Presbyterian History (1997-) | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7085 | The Journal of Race Development | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
7086 | The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7087 | The Journal of Religion | view | JSTOR | 1921 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7088 | The Journal of Religious Ethics | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7089 | The Journal of Risk and Insurance | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7090 | The Journal of Roman Studies | view | JSTOR | 1911 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7091 | The Journal of Sex Research | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7092 | The Journal of Social Forces | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1925 | eSS | E-Journal |
7093 | The Journal of Southern History | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7094 | The Journal of Speculative Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1867 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
7095 | The Journal of Speculative Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7096 | The Journal of Strategic Information Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7097 | The Journal of Supercomputing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7098 | The Journal of Supercritical Fluids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7099 | The Journal of Symbolic Logic | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7100 | The Journal of Technology Transfer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7101 | The Journal of the Academy of Management | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
7102 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7103 | The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1872 | 1906 | eSS | E-Journal |
7104 | The Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
7105 | The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7106 | The Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1865 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
7107 | The Journal of the Civil War Era | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7108 | The Journal of the Decorative Arts Society 1850 - the Present | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7109 | The Journal of the Decorative Arts Society 1890-1940 | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
7110 | The Journal of the English Folk Dance Society | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
7111 | The Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (1869-1870) | view | JSTOR | 1869 | 1870 | eSS | E-Journal |
7112 | The Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7113 | The Journal of the Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1868 | 1869 | eSS | E-Journal |
7114 | The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7115 | The Journal of The Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.) | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
7116 | The Journal of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society | view | JSTOR | 1856 | 1867 | eSS | E-Journal |
7117 | The Journal of the Learning Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7118 | The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
7119 | The Journal of the Operational Research Society | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7120 | The Journal of the Polynesian Society | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7121 | The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7122 | The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
7123 | The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1834 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
7124 | The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1831 | 1880 | eSS | E-Journal |
7125 | The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1870 | 1889 | eSS | E-Journal |
7126 | The Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7127 | The Journal of the Society of Arts | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 1908 | eSS | E-Journal |
7128 | The Journal of the Society of Cinematologists | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
7129 | The Journal of the Southern Appalachian Botanical Club | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 1937 | eSS | E-Journal |
7130 | The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7131 | The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
7132 | The Journal of the Walters Art Museum | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
7133 | The Journal of the Wilson Ornithological Chapter of the Agassiz Association | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1893 | eSS | E-Journal |
7134 | The Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis) | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
7135 | The Journal of Value Inquiry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7136 | The Journal of Wildlife Management | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7137 | The Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
7138 | The Journal-Newsletter of the Association of Teachers of Japanese | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
7139 | The Junior High Clearing House (1920-1921) | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
7140 | The Junior High Clearing House (1928-1929) | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1929 | eSS | E-Journal |
7141 | The Junior High School Clearing House | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
7142 | The Jurist: Studies in Church Law and Ministry | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7143 | The Justice System Journal | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7144 | The Kansas Journal of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
7145 | The Kenyon Review | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7146 | The Knight Errant | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1893 | eSS | E-Journal |
7147 | The Labor Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7148 | The Latin Americanist | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7149 | The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7150 | The Library: The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7151 | The Linen Hall Review | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
7152 | The Lion and the Unicorn | view | Project Muse | 1977 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7153 | The Lotus Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
7154 | The Mark Twain Annual | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7155 | The Mark Twain Annual | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7156 | The Massachusetts Review | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7157 | The Massachusetts Review | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7158 | The Mathematical Gazette | view | JSTOR | 1894 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7159 | The Mathematical Intelligencer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7160 | The Mathematics Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7161 | The Maynooth Review / Revieú Mhá Nuad | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
7162 | The Medieval Globe | view | Project Muse | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
7163 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7164 | The Micropaleontologist | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1954 | eSS | E-Journal |
7165 | The Middle East Journal | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7166 | The Midland Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1909 | 1909 | eSS | E-Journal |
7167 | The Midwest Sociologist | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
7168 | The Midwestern Archivist | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
7169 | The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
7170 | The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1933 | eSS | E-Journal |
7171 | The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
7172 | The Milbank Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7173 | The Mississippi Valley Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
7174 | The Missouri Review | view | Project Muse | 1978 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7175 | The Modern Language Journal | view | JSTOR | 1916 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7176 | The Modern Language Quarterly (1897) | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1897 | eSS | E-Journal |
7177 | The Modern Language Quarterly (1900-1904) | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 1904 | eSS | E-Journal |
7178 | The Modern Language Review | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7179 | The Modern Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7180 | The Modern Quarterly of Language and Literature | view | JSTOR | 1898 | 1899 | eSS | E-Journal |
7181 | The Monist | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7182 | The Montana Magazine of History | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
7183 | The Monthly Illustrator | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 1895 | eSS | E-Journal |
7184 | The Moving Image | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7185 | The Moving Image: The Journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7186 | The Murrelet | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
7187 | The Musical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7188 | The Musical Times | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7189 | The Musical Times and Singing Class Circular | view | JSTOR | 1844 | 1903 | eSS | E-Journal |
7190 | The National Cactus and Succulent Journal | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
7191 | The National Interest | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7192 | The National Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1830 | 1831 | eSS | E-Journal |
7193 | The Netherlands Journal of Housing and Environmental Research | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
7194 | The New England Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7195 | The New Path | view | JSTOR | 1863 | 1865 | eSS | E-Journal |
7196 | The New Phytologist | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7197 | The New York Latin Leaflet | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 1907 | eSS | E-Journal |
7198 | The News Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
7199 | The Newsletter of PEGS | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
7200 | The North American Review | view | JSTOR | 1821 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7201 | The North Carolina High School Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1917 | eSS | E-Journal |
7202 | The North Carolina Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7203 | The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal | view | JSTOR | 1815 | 1821 | eSS | E-Journal |
7204 | The Nucleus | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7205 | The Numismatic Chronicle (1838-1842) | view | JSTOR | 1838 | 1841 | eSS | E-Journal |
7206 | The Numismatic Chronicle (1966-) | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7207 | The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society | view | JSTOR | 1842 | 1903 | eSS | E-Journal |
7208 | The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
7209 | The Numismatic Journal | view | JSTOR | 1836 | 1837 | eSS | E-Journal |
7210 | The Nyasaland Journal | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
7211 | The Old and New Testament Student | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 1892 | eSS | E-Journal |
7212 | The Old Testament Student | view | JSTOR | 1883 | 1889 | eSS | E-Journal |
7213 | The Opera Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7214 | The Oral History Review | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7215 | The Ornithologists' and Oologists' Semi-Annual | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 1890 | eSS | E-Journal |
7216 | The Pacific Northwest Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7217 | The Pacific Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
7218 | The Pakistan Development Review | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7219 | The Past: The Organ of the Uí Cinsealaigh Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
7220 | The Peninsular Papers | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
7221 | The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography | view | JSTOR | 1877 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7222 | The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7223 | The Personalist Forum | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
7224 | The Phi Beta Kappa Key | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
7225 | The Phi Delta Kappan | view | JSTOR | 1916 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7226 | The Philadelphia Museum Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
7227 | The Philosophical Quarterly (1950-) | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7228 | The Philosophical Review | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7229 | The Phylon Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
7230 | The Physics Teacher | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7231 | The Plant Cell | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7232 | The Plant World | view | JSTOR | 1898 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
7233 | The Pluralist | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7234 | The Pluralist | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7235 | The Poetry Ireland Review | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7236 | The Polish Review | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7237 | The Protein Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7238 | The Public Health Journal | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1928 | eSS | E-Journal |
7239 | The Public Historian | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7240 | The Public Historian | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7241 | The Public Opinion Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7242 | The Punjab University Economist | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
7243 | The Quarterly Illustrator | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1895 | eSS | E-Journal |
7244 | The Quarterly Journal of Economics | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7245 | The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
7246 | The Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Association | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
7247 | The Quarterly of Film Radio and Television | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
7248 | The Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 1926 | eSS | E-Journal |
7249 | The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1912 | eSS | E-Journal |
7250 | The Quarterly Review of Biology | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7251 | The Quarterly: Historical Society of Southern California | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 1949 | eSS | E-Journal |
7252 | The Radical Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7253 | The Ramanujan Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7254 | The RAND Journal of Economics | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7255 | The Reading Teacher | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7256 | The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7257 | The Review of Austrian Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7258 | The Review of Black Political Economy | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
7259 | The Review of Economic Studies | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7260 | The Review of Economics and Statistics | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7261 | The Review of English Studies | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7262 | The Review of Financial Studies | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7263 | The Review of Higher Education | view | Project Muse | 1977 | 1977 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7264 | The Review of Insurance Studies | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
7265 | The Review of International Organizations | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7266 | The Review of Metaphysics | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7267 | The Review of Metaphysics | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7268 | The Review of Politics | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7269 | The Review of Socionetwork Strategies | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7270 | The Rijksmuseum Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
7271 | The Russian Review | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7272 | The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
7273 | The Scandinavian Journal of Economics | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7274 | The School Counselor | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
7275 | The School Review | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
7276 | The Science of Nature | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7277 | The Scientific Monthly | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
7278 | The Scottish Antiquary, or, Northern Notes and Queries | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 1903 | eSS | E-Journal |
7279 | The Scottish Historical Review | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7280 | The Scottish Historical Review | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7281 | The Scriblerian and the Kit-Cats | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7282 | The Semi-Annual (Agassiz Association. Department of the Wilson Chapter) | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 1891 | eSS | E-Journal |
7283 | The Sewanee Review | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7284 | The Shakespeare Association Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1949 | eSS | E-Journal |
7285 | The Shaw Review | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
7286 | The Sixteenth Century Journal | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7287 | The Slavic and East European Journal | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7288 | The Slavonic and East European Review | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7289 | The Slavonic and East European Review. American Series | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 1944 | eSS | E-Journal |
7290 | The Slavonic Review | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1927 | eSS | E-Journal |
7291 | The Slavonic Year-Book. American Series | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
7292 | The Society of Malawi Journal | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7293 | The Sociological Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7294 | The Soil | view | JSTOR | 1916 | 1917 | eSS | E-Journal |
7295 | The South African Archaeological Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7296 | The South Atlantic Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7297 | The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
7298 | The South Carolina Historical Magazine | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7299 | The South Central Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
7300 | The Southern Literary Journal | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7301 | The Southern Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7302 | The Southwestern Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7303 | The Southwestern Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7304 | The Southwestern Political and Social Science Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
7305 | The Southwestern Political Science Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
7306 | The Southwestern Social Science Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
7307 | The State and Local Tax Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
7308 | The State and Local Tax Lawyer. Symposium Edition | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7309 | The Steinbeck Review | view | JSTOR | 2004 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7310 | The Supreme Court Review | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7311 | The Swedish Journal of Economics | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
7312 | The Tax Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7313 | The Thirties Society Journal | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
7314 | The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review | view | Project Muse | 1941 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7315 | The Thoreau Society Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7316 | The Threepenny Review | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7317 | The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7318 | The Torah U-Madda Journal | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7319 | The Town Planning Review | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7320 | The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy | view | JSTOR | 1787 | 1906 | eSS | E-Journal |
7321 | The Transatlantic Review | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
7322 | The Trollopian | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1949 | eSS | E-Journal |
7323 | The Tulane Drama Review | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
7324 | The Two-Year College Mathematics Journal | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
7325 | The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis | view | Project Muse | 2014 | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7326 | The University Journal of Business | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1927 | eSS | E-Journal |
7327 | The University of Chicago Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
7328 | The University of Miami Inter-American Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7329 | The University of Texas Studies in English | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
7330 | The University of Toronto Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7331 | The Urban Lawyer | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7332 | The Urban Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7333 | The Velvet Light Trap | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7334 | The Vergilian Digest | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1958 | eSS | E-Journal |
7335 | The Virginia Law Register | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 1928 | eSS | E-Journal |
7336 | The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7337 | The Visual Computer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7338 | The VLDB Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7339 | The VLDB Journal — The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1992 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7340 | The Volume of the Walpole Society | view | JSTOR | 1911 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7341 | The Washington Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 1935 | eSS | E-Journal |
7342 | The Washington Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7343 | The Western Political Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
7344 | The William and Mary Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7345 | The William and Mary Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7346 | The Wilson Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1894 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
7347 | The Wilson Journal of Ornithology | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7348 | The Wilson Quarterly (1892) | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1892 | eSS | E-Journal |
7349 | The Wilson Quarterly (1976-) | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7350 | The Wisconsin Magazine of History | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7351 | The Women's Review of Books | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7352 | The Workshop | view | JSTOR | 1868 | 1881 | eSS | E-Journal |
7353 | The World Bank Economic Review | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7354 | The World Bank Research Observer | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7355 | The World of Music | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7356 | The World Today | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7357 | The Yale Journal of Criticism | view | Project Muse | 1996 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7358 | The Yale Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7359 | The Yale Review | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7360 | The Yale University Library Gazette | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
7361 | The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7362 | The Yearbook of Comparative Literature | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7363 | The Yearbook of English Studies | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7364 | The Yearbook of English Studies | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7365 | The Yearbook of the National Council on Measurement in Education | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
7366 | The Yearbook of the National Council on Measurements Used in Education | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
7367 | The Yorkshire Cactus Journal | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
7368 | Theater | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7369 | Theatre History Studies | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7370 | Theatre Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
7371 | Theatre Journal | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7372 | Theatre Journal | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7373 | Theatre Notebook | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7374 | Theatre Symposium | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7375 | Theatre Topics | view | Project Muse | 1991 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7376 | Theoretical & Applied Ethics | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7377 | Theoretical and Applied Climatology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7378 | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7379 | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7380 | Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7381 | Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7382 | Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7383 | Theoretical Chemistry Accounts | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7384 | Theoretical Computer Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7385 | Theoretical Computer Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7386 | Theoretical Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7387 | Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7388 | Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7389 | Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7390 | Theory & Event | view | Project Muse | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7391 | Theory and Decision | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7392 | Theory and Practice | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7393 | Theory and Society | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7394 | Theory and Society | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7395 | Theory in Biosciences | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7396 | Theory Into Practice | view | Project Muse | 2003 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7397 | Theory into Practice | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7398 | Theory of Computing Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7399 | Theory of Probability & Its Applications | view | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7400 | Thermal Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7401 | Thermal Science and Engineering Progress | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7402 | Thermochimica Acta | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7403 | Thermophysics and Aeromechanics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7404 | Thin Solid Films | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7405 | Thin-Walled Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7406 | Third World Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7407 | Tijdschrift der Vereeniging voor Noord-Nederlands Muziekgeschiedenis | view | JSTOR | 1882 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
7408 | Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7409 | Tijdschrift van de Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
7410 | Tijdschrift voor Filosofie | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7411 | Tijdschrift voor Philosophie | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
7412 | Tikkun | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7413 | Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7414 | Tobacco Control | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7415 | Tolkien Studies | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7416 | TOP | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7417 | TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7418 | Topics in Catalysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7419 | Topics in Current Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7420 | Topoi | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7421 | Topology and its Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7422 | Toronto Journal of Theology | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7423 | Torreya | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
7424 | Tort & Insurance Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
7425 | Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7426 | Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7427 | Traditio | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7428 | Traditio | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7429 | Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7430 | Tradition: Zeitschrift für Firmengeschichte und Unternehmerbiographie | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
7431 | Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7432 | Trama & Texturas | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7433 | Trans-Humanities Journal | view | Project Muse | 2009 | 2017 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7434 | Transactions & Miscellanies (Jewish Historical Society of England) | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
7435 | Transactions (Institute of British Geographers) | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1939 | eSS | E-Journal |
7436 | Transactions (Jewish Historical Society of England) | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
7437 | Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers) | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
7438 | Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
7439 | Transactions and Proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1887 | eSS | E-Journal |
7440 | Transactions of the American Art-Union | view | JSTOR | 1844 | 1849 | eSS | E-Journal |
7441 | Transactions of the American Entomological Society (1867-1877) | view | JSTOR | 1867 | 1877 | eSS | E-Journal |
7442 | Transactions of the American Entomological Society (1890-) | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
7443 | Transactions of the American Entomological Society and Proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1878 | 1889 | eSS | E-Journal |
7444 | Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers | view | IEEE | 1884 | 1951 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7445 | Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part I: Communication and Electronics | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7446 | Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Part II: Applications and Industry | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1963 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7447 | Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Part III: Power Apparatus and Systems | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1962 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7448 | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7449 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Society | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
7450 | Transactions of the American Philological Association (1869-1896) | view | JSTOR | 1869 | 1896 | eSS | E-Journal |
7451 | Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-) | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7452 | Transactions of the American Philosophical Society | view | JSTOR | 1769 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7453 | Transactions of the Annual Meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science | view | JSTOR | 1881 | 1899 | eSS | E-Journal |
7454 | Transactions of the Anthropological Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1863 | 1863 | eSS | E-Journal |
7455 | Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington | view | JSTOR | 1879 | 1883 | eSS | E-Journal |
7456 | Transactions of the Apollo Association for the Promotion of the Fine Arts in the United States | view | JSTOR | 1839 | 1842 | eSS | E-Journal |
7457 | Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7458 | Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7459 | Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7460 | Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1861 | 1869 | eSS | E-Journal |
7461 | Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
7462 | Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society | view | JSTOR | 1859 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
7463 | Transactions of the Gold Coast & Togoland Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
7464 | Transactions of the Grotius Society | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
7465 | Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7466 | Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Electronic Computers | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7467 | Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7468 | Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7469 | Transactions of the Institute of Radio Engineers Professional Group on Nuclear Science | view | IEEE | 1954 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7470 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics | view | IEEE | 1953 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7471 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Airborne Electronics | view | IEEE | 1951 | 1952 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7472 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Antennas and Propagation | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1955 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7473 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Audio | view | IEEE | 1953 | 1955 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7474 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Broadcast and Television Receivers | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7475 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Circuit Theory | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7476 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Communications Systems | view | IEEE | 1953 | 1955 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7477 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Component Parts | view | IEEE | 1954 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7478 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Electron Devices | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7479 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Engineering Management | view | IEEE | 1954 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7480 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Industrial Electronics | view | IEEE | 1953 | 1953 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7481 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Information Theory | view | IEEE | 1953 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7482 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Instrumentation | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7483 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Medical Electronics | view | IEEE | 1953 | 1953 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7484 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques | view | IEEE | 1953 | 1955 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7485 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Quality Control | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7486 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Radio Telemetry and Remote Control | view | IEEE | 1954 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7487 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Reliability and Quality Control | view | IEEE | 1954 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7488 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Ultrasonic Engineering | view | IEEE | 1954 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7489 | Transactions of the IRE Professional Group on Vehicular Communications | view | IEEE | 1952 | 1954 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7490 | Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1872-1880) | view | JSTOR | 1872 | 1879 | eSS | E-Journal |
7491 | Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science (1903-) | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7492 | Transactions of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society | view | JSTOR | 1849 | 1853 | eSS | E-Journal |
7493 | Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 1884 | eSS | E-Journal |
7494 | Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1857 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
7495 | Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1824 | 1834 | eSS | E-Journal |
7496 | Transactions of the Royal Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1872 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7497 | Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce | view | JSTOR | 1783 | 1843 | eSS | E-Journal |
7498 | Transactions of Tianjin University | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7499 | Transformation Groups | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7500 | Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7501 | Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7502 | Transgenic Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7503 | Transition | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7504 | Transition | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7505 | Transition Metal Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7506 | Translation and Literature | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7507 | Translation and Literature | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7508 | Translational Behavioral Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
7509 | Translational Stroke Research | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7510 | Transport in Porous Media | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7511 | Transportation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7512 | Transportation Geotechnics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7513 | Transportation in Developing Economies | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7514 | Transportation Journal | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7515 | Transportation Journal | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7516 | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7517 | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7518 | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7519 | Transportation Science | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7520 | Tree Genetics & Genomes | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7521 | Trees | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7522 | Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7523 | Trends in Organized Crime | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7524 | Tribology International | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7525 | Tribology Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7526 | Trimonthly Report. Ohio Herpetological Society | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
7527 | Tropical Animal Health and Production | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7528 | Tropical Plant Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
7529 | Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7530 | Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7531 | Tumor Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
7532 | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7533 | Twentieth Century Architecture | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7534 | Twentieth Century Literature | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7535 | Twentieth-Century China | view | Project Muse | 1975 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7536 | Twentieth-Century Literature | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7537 | U.S. Catholic Historian | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7538 | U.S. Catholic Historian | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7539 | U.S.-Japan Women's Journal | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7540 | Ubiquity | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7541 | Ukrainian Mathematical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7542 | Ulbandus Review | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
7543 | Ulster Journal of Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1853 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7544 | Ultramicroscopy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7545 | Ultrasonics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7546 | Universal Access in the Information Society | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7547 | Universal Human Rights | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
7548 | University College Review | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
7549 | University of Pennsylvania Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7550 | University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1944 | eSS | E-Journal |
7551 | University of Toronto Law Journal | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7552 | University of Toronto Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 1932 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7553 | University Resources in the United States and Canada for the Study of Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
7554 | University Review | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
7555 | Updates in Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7556 | Urban Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
7557 | Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7558 | Urban Ecosystems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7559 | Urban Forum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7560 | Urban History Review | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7561 | Urolithiasis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7562 | Ursus | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7563 | US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7564 | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7565 | Utopian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7566 | Utopian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7567 | Vacuum | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7568 | Vegetatio | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
7569 | Vegetation History and Archaeobotany | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7570 | Vegetation History and Archaeobotany | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7571 | Vehicular Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7572 | Vehicular Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7573 | Ventunesimo Secolo | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7574 | Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7575 | Verge: Studies in Global Asias | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7576 | Vergilius (1959-) | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
7577 | Vestnik St. Petersburg University, Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7578 | Veterinary Research Communications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7579 | Vetus Testamentum | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7580 | Vibrational Spectroscopy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7581 | Victorian Literature and Culture | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7582 | Victorian Periodicals Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
7583 | Victorian Periodicals Review | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7584 | Victorian Periodicals Review | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7585 | Victorian Poetry | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7586 | Victorian Poetry | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7587 | Victorian Review | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7588 | Victorian Review | view | Project Muse | 1990 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7589 | Victorian Studies | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7590 | Victorian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7591 | Victorians: A Journal of Culture and Literature | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7592 | Vienna Yearbook of Population Research | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7593 | Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
7594 | Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
7595 | Vietnam Journal of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7596 | Vietnam Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
7597 | Vigiliae Christianae | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7598 | Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7599 | Virchows Archiv | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7600 | Virginia Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7601 | Virginia Quarterly Review | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7602 | Virologica Sinica | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7603 | Virtual Reality | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7604 | Virus Genes | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7605 | VirusDisease | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7606 | Visual Arts Research | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7607 | Visual Arts Research | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7608 | Vivarium | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7609 | Vocations and Learning | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7610 | Voces: A Journal of Chicana/Latina Studies | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
7611 | Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7612 | VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7613 | Vox Guyanae | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1959 | eSS | E-Journal |
7614 | VSWG: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7615 | Wallace Stevens Journal | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7616 | Washington History | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
7617 | Waste and Biomass Valorization | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7618 | Water Environment Research | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7619 | Water History | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7620 | Water Resources | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7621 | Water Resources Management | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7622 | Water, Air, & Soil Pollution | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7623 | Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7624 | Watson's Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1867 | 1868 | eSS | E-Journal |
7625 | Wave Motion | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7626 | Wave Motion | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7627 | Wear | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7628 | Weed Science | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7629 | Weed Technology | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7630 | Weeds | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
7631 | Weekly Abstract of Sanitary Reports | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 1890 | eSS | E-Journal |
7632 | Welding in the World | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7633 | Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv | view | JSTOR | 1913 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
7634 | West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7635 | West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7636 | Western American Literature | view | Project Muse | 1966 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7637 | Western Folklore | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7638 | Western Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7639 | Western Journal of Agricultural Economics | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
7640 | Western North American Naturalist | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7641 | Wetlands | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7642 | Wetlands Ecology and Management | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7643 | Wicazo Sa Review | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7644 | Wicazo Sa Review | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7645 | Wide Angle | view | Project Muse | 1996 | 1999 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7646 | Wiener klinische Wochenschrift | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7647 | Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7648 | Wildlife Monographs | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7649 | Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006) | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
7650 | Wildlife Society Bulletin (2011-) | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7651 | Willdenowia | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7652 | Willdenowia. Beiheft | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
7653 | William Carlos Williams Review | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7654 | Winterthur Portfolio | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7655 | Wireless Networks | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7656 | Wireless Personal Communications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7657 | Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
7658 | WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7659 | Woman's Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7660 | Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7661 | Women in French Studies | view | Project Muse | 1993 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7662 | Women in German Yearbook | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7663 | Women's Studies International | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
7664 | Women's Studies Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
7665 | Women's Studies Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7666 | Women, Gender, and Families of Color | view | JSTOR | 2013 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7667 | Women, Gender, and Families of Color | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7668 | Wood Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7669 | World Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7670 | World Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
7671 | World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7672 | World Journal of Pediatrics | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7673 | World Journal of Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7674 | World Journal of Urology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7675 | World Literature Today | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7676 | World Literature Today | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7677 | World Patent Information | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7678 | World Patent Information | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7679 | World Policy Journal | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7680 | World Policy Journal | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7681 | World Politics | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7682 | World Politics | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7683 | World Wide Web | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7684 | Writing Ulster | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
7685 | WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7686 | Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
7687 | XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7688 | Yale Art Gallery Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
7689 | Yale French Studies | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7690 | Yale Law & Policy Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7691 | Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7692 | YC Young Children | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7693 | Yearbook (Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers) | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
7694 | Yearbook for Traditional Music | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7695 | Yearbook of Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
7696 | Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers | view | Project Muse | 1935 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
7697 | Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
7698 | Young Children | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
7699 | ZDM – Mathematics Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7700 | Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) | view | JSTOR | 1878 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
7701 | Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-) | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7702 | Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie / Journal for General Philosophy of Science | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
7703 | Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7704 | Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
7705 | Zeitschrift für Deutsche Mundarten | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
7706 | Zeitschrift für deutsches Alterthum | view | JSTOR | 1841 | 1875 | eSS | E-Journal |
7707 | Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum und deutsche Literatur | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7708 | Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7709 | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft / Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics | view | JSTOR | 1844 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
7710 | Zeitschrift für die religiösen Interessen des Judenthums | view | JSTOR | 1844 | 1844 | eSS | E-Journal |
7711 | Zeitschrift für Ethnologie | view | JSTOR | 1869 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7712 | Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur | view | JSTOR | 1889 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
7713 | Zeitschrift für hochdeutsche Mundarten | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 1905 | eSS | E-Journal |
7714 | Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7715 | Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7716 | Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
7717 | Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
7718 | Zeitschrift für Mundartforschung | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1968 | eSS | E-Journal |
7719 | Zeitschrift für neufranzösische Sprache und Literatur | view | JSTOR | 1879 | 1888 | eSS | E-Journal |
7720 | Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
7721 | Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
7722 | Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten (Pflanzenpathologie) und Pflanzenschutz | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
7723 | Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Gallenkunde | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1925 | eSS | E-Journal |
7724 | Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1928 | eSS | E-Journal |
7725 | Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz / Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
7726 | Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7727 | Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
7728 | Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
7729 | Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
7730 | Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
7731 | Zeitschrift für Psycho-somatische Medizin | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
7732 | Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalyse | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
7733 | Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
7734 | Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7735 | Zeitschrift für Social- und Wirthschaftsgeschichte | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1900 | eSS | E-Journal |
7736 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
7737 | Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte / Journal of Business History | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7738 | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
7739 | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der Indogermanischen Sprachen | view | JSTOR | 1877 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
7740 | Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen und Lateinischen | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 1874 | eSS | E-Journal |
7741 | Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Biologie. Abteilung E. Planta | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
7742 | Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen: ZögU / Journal for Public and Nonprofit Services | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7743 | Zion | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7744 | Zion: Me'asef ha-Hevra ha-erets-yisre'elit le-Historyah ve-Etnografyah | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1933 | eSS | E-Journal |
7745 | Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
7746 | Zoological Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1899 | eSS | E-Journal |
7747 | Zoomorphology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
7748 | Österreichische Botanische Zeitschrift | view | JSTOR | 1858 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |