
American Concrete Institute (ACI) Collection Online
Access Note:The ACI Collection of Concrete Codes, Specifications, and Practices is available only on designated computers in the library and is password protected. – Please contact the library at deputylibrarian@iiti.ac.in for access credentials.
 Description:The ACI Collection of Concrete Codes, Specifications, Practices, ACI Materials Journal, ACI Structural Journal, Ci – Concrete international Magazine and ACI Symposium Volumes.
Cambridge Structural Database System (CSDS)
 Description:World repository of small molecule crystal structures
CMIE Consumer Pyramids Dx
Access Note:Each user must register with an official email ID for a personal CMIE Consumer Pyramids Dx account before searching on their PC. Please click this User Guide for Details.
 Description:Consumer Pyramids Dx is a service provided by CMIE (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy) that delivers raw, record-level data on household income and expenses, along with data on household member characteristics and assets/liabilities, alongside tabulations of population estimates of household income and expenses.
CMIE Prowess – IP on Web
Access Note:Each user must register with an official email ID for a personal CMIE Prowess – IP on Web account before searching.
 Description: Prowess – IP on Web, or Prowess for Interactive Querying, is a powerful internet-based application for querying CMIE’s database on the performances of listed and unlisted companies.
CMIE ProwessIQ
Access Note:Each user must register with an official email ID for a personal CMIE ProwessIQ account before searching and Downloading the application on their PC. Please click this User Guide for Details.
 Description: ProwessIQ, or Prowess for Interactive Querying, is a powerful internet-based application for querying CMIE’s database on the performances of listed and unlisted companies.
EPWRF India Times Series
Access Note:Each user must register with an official email ID for a personal EPWRF India Times Series account before searching. Please click this User Guide for Details.
 Description:The EPWRF India Times Series (EPWRFITS), an interactive online database launched in January 2011, is an initiative taken by the EPW Research Foundation (EPWRF) with an aim to provide time series data facilitating research across various sectors of the Indian Economy. Perceiving the indispensable role of and need for authentic time series data in socio-economic research and analysis, the EPW Research Foundation has built the EPWRF India Time Series based on the core values – ACCURACY, TIMELINESS and COMPLETENESS.
Description:Indiastat.com provides secondary level socio-economic statistical information about India, its states, regions and sector. Indiastat.com is a cluster of 56 associate websites wherein 19 websites are sector-specific, 6 are regional websites and 31 websites are state-specific.
 Description:MathSciNet® is an electronic publication offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature..
MLA International bibliography with full-text
 Description:The MLA International Bibliography from the Modern Language Association (MLA) is the definitive index for the study and teaching of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric, writing studies, folklore, film, theater, and other dramatic arts. These tools make it easy for your users to find and use the MLA International Bibliography or MLA International Bibliography with Full Text
SciFinder-n   (Chemical Abstract)                                       
 Access Note:Each user must register with an official email ID for a personal SciFinder account before searching.It’s advisable to check the instructions before registering and choosing a username and password.
 Description:Comprehensive chemical information database. Covers scientific journals, patents, conference proceedings, and technical papers. 1907 – present.
Description:Scopus is a comprehensive abstract and citation database for scientific, technical and medical information, containing approximately 25,600 journal titles from 5,000 publishers, and abstracts going back to 1966
Description:YNOS is India’s leading information and analytics platform with 2,16,000 startups catering to early-stage startups, investors, and researchers. It serves as a valuable resource for the IIT Indore’s community, including faculty, students, and research scholars, offering comprehensive data and insights into the Indian startup ecosystem.
 About YNOS