
If already registered, Click Here

Registration Process:-

To Set up access for Grammarly, please follow the below steps:

Step 1: go to  (mandatory to sign up from this URL)

Step 2: Fill up the self-service form. Please register using your official email id (

Step 3: After clicking signup, an activation email will be sent to the user’s institutional email ID.

Please Note:

Your @edu credential verification will be activated and an activation email will be sent to the your institutional email ID once you register. You may at times get this in Spam Folder due to mail setting – you are advised to check spam folder in case the link is not received in the INBOX.

Once registered, you will land on the ‘Grammarly Editor’ which is easy to use and can be explored by you.

The MS Word Pluggin can be downloaded from the support page after registration from the link , the same user ID and Password credentials will grant access to use the Plugin to users. The plugin does not work on MAC/IOS devices.