
Resource NamePublisher’s NameAccess through
ACI Materials JournalAmerican Concrete InstituteSelf-Subscribed
ACI Structural Journal American Concrete InstituteSelf-Subscribed
ACM Digital LibraryACM Digital LibraryONOS
ACS JournalsAmerican Chemical SocietyONOS
AIAA JournalsAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsONOS
AIP JournalsAmerican Institute of PhysicsONOS
AMS JournalsAmerican Mathematical SocietyONOS
Annual Reviews JournalsAnnual ReviewsONOS
Applied OpticsOptica Publishing GroupSelf-Subscribed
APS JournalsAmerican Physical SocietyONOS
ASCE Journals OnlineAmerican Society of Civil EngineersONOS
ASM JournalsAmerican Society for MicrobiologyONOS
ASME Journals OnlineAmerican Society of Mechanical EngineersONOS
Bentham Science JournalsBentham Science PublishersONOS
BMJ JournalsBMJ Publishing GroupONOS
Ci – Concrete international Magazine American Concrete InstituteSelf-Subscribed
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press JournalsCold Spring Harbor Laboratory PressONOS
CUP JournalsCambridge University PressONOS
Elsevier ScienceDirect JournalsElsevierONOS
Emerald Insight JournalsEmerald PublishingONOS
ICE Virtual Library JournalsEmerald PublishingONOS
IEEE Xplore JournalsIEEEONOS
IOP Science JournalsInstitute of Physics PublishingONOS
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins JournalsWolters KluwerONOS
MLA International bibliography with full-textEBSCO Information ServicesSelf-Subscribed
Oxford University Press JournalsOxford University PressONOS
PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaSelf-Subscribed
Project Muse Journals Johns Hopkins University PressONOS
RSC Journals PackageRoyal Society of ChemistrySelf-Subscribed
Sage JournalsSAGE PublicationsONOS
ScienceAmerican Association for the Advancement of ScienceONOS
SIAM JournalsSociety for Industrial and Applied MathematicsSelf-Subscribed
SPIE Digital LibrarySociety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)ONOS
Springer Nature JournalsSpringer NatureONOS
Taylor and Francis Online JournalsInforma UKONOS
The Economist (Weekly Newspaper) – Please contact the library at deputylibrarian@iiti.ac.in for access credentials.The Economist NewspaperSelf-Subscribed
Thieme JournalsThieme GroupONOS
Wiley Online LibraryJohn Wiley & SonsONOS

Indian Open Access Society Journals*