Resource Name | Publisher’s Name | Access through |
ACI Materials Journal | American Concrete Institute | Self-Subscribed |
ACI Structural Journal | American Concrete Institute | Self-Subscribed |
ACM Digital Library | ACM Digital Library | ONOS |
ACS Journals | American Chemical Society | ONOS |
AIAA Journals | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics | ONOS |
AIP Journals | American Institute of Physics | ONOS |
AMS Journals | American Mathematical Society | ONOS |
Annual Reviews Journals | Annual Reviews | ONOS |
Applied Optics | Optica Publishing Group | Self-Subscribed |
APS Journals | American Physical Society | ONOS |
ASCE Journals Online | American Society of Civil Engineers | ONOS |
ASM Journals | American Society for Microbiology | ONOS |
ASME Journals Online | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | ONOS |
Bentham Science Journals | Bentham Science Publishers | ONOS |
BMJ Journals | BMJ Publishing Group | ONOS |
Ci – Concrete international Magazine | American Concrete Institute | Self-Subscribed |
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Journals | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press | ONOS |
CUP Journals | Cambridge University Press | ONOS |
Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals | Elsevier | ONOS |
Emerald Insight Journals | Emerald Publishing | ONOS |
ICE Virtual Library Journals | Emerald Publishing | ONOS |
IOP Science Journals | Institute of Physics Publishing | ONOS |
JSTOR | ITHAKA | Self-Subscribed |
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journals | Wolters Kluwer | ONOS |
MLA International bibliography with full-text | EBSCO Information Services | Self-Subscribed |
Oxford University Press Journals | Oxford University Press | ONOS |
PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) | National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | Self-Subscribed |
Project Muse Journals | Johns Hopkins University Press | ONOS |
RSC Journals Package | Royal Society of Chemistry | Self-Subscribed |
Sage Journals | SAGE Publications | ONOS |
Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | ONOS |
SIAM Journals | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | Self-Subscribed |
SPIE Digital Library | Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) | ONOS |
Springer Nature Journals | Springer Nature | ONOS |
Taylor and Francis Online Journals | Informa UK | ONOS |
The Economist (Weekly Newspaper) – Please contact the library at for access credentials. | The Economist Newspaper | Self-Subscribed |
Thieme Journals | Thieme Group | ONOS |
Wiley Online Library | John Wiley & Sons | ONOS |