विद्यार्जन संसाधन केंद्र, भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान इन्दौर
Learning Resource Center, Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Sr.No. | Journal Name | Click Here | Publisher | Access from | Access upto | Subscription Remark | Type |
1 | 14th Century English Mystics Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
2 | 19th-Century Music | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
3 | 291 | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1916 | eSS | E-Journal |
4 | 3 Biotech | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
5 | 3C ON-LINE | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
6 | 3D Research | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
7 | 4OR | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
8 | 4S Review | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
9 | A.A.V. Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
10 | A.I.H.P. Notes | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
11 | a/b: Auto/Biography Studies | view | Project Muse | 2009 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
12 | AA Files | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
13 | AAPS PharmSciTech | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
14 | AATSEEL Journal | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
15 | AAUP Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
16 | AAV Today | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
17 | Ab Imperio | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
18 | ABA Journal | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
19 | ABA Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
20 | ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
21 | Abaco | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
22 | Abdominal Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
23 | Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universitat Hamburg | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
24 | Abstract of Sanitary Reports | view | JSTOR | 1890 | 1895 | eSS | E-Journal |
25 | Abstracta Botanica | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
26 | Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1843 | 1850 | eSS | E-Journal |
27 | Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | view | JSTOR | 1800 | 1837 | eSS | E-Journal |
28 | ACA Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
29 | Academe | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
30 | Academic Psychiatry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
31 | Academy of Management Learning & Education | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
32 | Academy of Management Perspectives | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
33 | Acadiensis | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
34 | Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region / Revue dhistoire de la region atlantique | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
35 | Accident Analysis & Prevention | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
36 | Accounts of Chemical Research | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
37 | Accounts of Materials Research | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
38 | Accreditation and Quality Assurance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
39 | ACM Communications in Computer Algebra | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1967 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
40 | ACM Computing Surveys | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
41 | ACM Inroads | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
42 | ACM Journal of Computer Documentation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
43 | ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
44 | ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1992 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
45 | ACM Lisp Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
46 | ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
47 | ACM SIGACT News | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
48 | ACM SIGAda Ada Letters | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1981 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
49 | ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
50 | ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1993 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
51 | ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1972 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
52 | ACM SIGART Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
53 | ACM SIGBED Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
54 | ACM SIGBIO Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1976 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
55 | ACM SIGBioinformatics Record | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
56 | ACM SIGCAPH Computers and the Physically Handicapped | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
57 | ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
58 | ACM SIGCHI Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1982 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
59 | ACM SIGCHI Bulletin - a supplement to interactions | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
60 | ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
61 | ACM SIGCPR Computer Personnel | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1964 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
62 | ACM SIGCSE Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
63 | ACM SIGCSIM Installation Management Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
64 | ACM SIGCUE Outlook | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1970 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
65 | ACM SIGDA Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
66 | ACM SIGDOC Asterisk Journal of Computer Documentation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1975 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
67 | ACM SIGecom Exchanges | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
68 | ACM SIGEVOlution | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
69 | ACM SIGFORTH Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1989 | 1994 | eSS | E-Journal |
70 | ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
71 | ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1997 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
72 | ACM SIGHIT Record | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2011 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
73 | ACM SIGHPC Connect | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
74 | ACM SIGICE Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
75 | ACM SIGIR Forum | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
76 | ACM SIGITE Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
77 | ACM SIGITE Research in IT | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
78 | ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
79 | ACM SIGLASH Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1976 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
80 | ACM SIGLOG News | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
81 | ACM SIGMAP Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
82 | ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1972 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
83 | ACM SIGMICRO Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
84 | ACM SIGMINI Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1975 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
85 | ACM SIGMIS Database | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
86 | ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
87 | ACM SIGMOD Record | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
88 | ACM SIGMultimedia Records | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
89 | ACM SIGNUM Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1966 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
90 | ACM SIGOA Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1980 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
91 | ACM SIGOIS Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1986 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
92 | ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
93 | ACM SIGPC Notes | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1978 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
94 | ACM SIGPLAN Fortran Forum | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1982 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
95 | ACM SIGPLAN Lisp Pointers | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1987 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
96 | ACM SIGPLAN Notices | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1966 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
97 | ACM SIGPLAN OOPS Messenger | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1990 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
98 | ACM SIGSAC Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1981 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
99 | ACM SIGSAM Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1967 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
100 | ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1971 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
101 | ACM SIGSMALL Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1978 | 1984 | eSS | E-Journal |
102 | ACM SIGSMALL/PC Notes | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1985 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
103 | ACM SIGSOC Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1969 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
104 | ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1976 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
105 | ACM SIGUCCS Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1965 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
106 | ACM SIGUCCS plugged in | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2012 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
107 | ACM SIGWEB Newsletter | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1992 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
108 | ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
109 | ACM Transactions on Algorithms | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
110 | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
111 | ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
112 | ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
113 | ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2002 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
114 | ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
115 | ACM Transactions on Computation Theory | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
116 | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
117 | ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1983 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
118 | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1994 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
119 | ACM Transactions on Computing Education | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
120 | ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
121 | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1976 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
122 | ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1996 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
123 | ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
124 | ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
125 | ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | Current | eSS | E-Journal | |
126 | ACM Transactions on Graphics | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1982 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
127 | ACM Transactions on Information and System Security | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
128 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1983 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
129 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
130 | ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
131 | ACM Transactions on Internet of Things | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
132 | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
133 | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
134 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
135 | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1975 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
136 | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1991 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
137 | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
138 | ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
139 | ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1979 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
140 | ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
141 | ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
142 | ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
143 | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1992 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
144 | ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
145 | ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2004 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
146 | ACM Transactions on Storage | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
147 | ACM Transactions on the Web | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
148 | ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2020 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
149 | Acoustical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
150 | Acoustics Australia | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
151 | Acquisitions (Fogg Art Museum) | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
152 | ACS Agricultural Science & Technology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
153 | ACS Applied Bio Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
154 | ACS Applied Electronic Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
155 | ACS Applied Energy Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
156 | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
157 | ACS Applied Nano Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
158 | ACS Applied Polymer Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
159 | ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
160 | ACS Catalysis | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2011 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
161 | ACS Chemical Biology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
162 | ACS Chemical Health & Safety | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
163 | ACS Chemical Neuroscience | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
164 | ACS Combinatorial Science | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2011 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
165 | ACS Earth and Space Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2017 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
166 | ACS Energy Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
167 | ACS ES&T Engineering | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
168 | ACS ES&T Water | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
169 | ACS Food Science & Technology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
170 | ACS Infectious Diseases | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
171 | ACS Macro Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
172 | ACS Materials Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2019 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
173 | ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2010 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
174 | ACS Nano | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
175 | ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
176 | ACS Photonics | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
177 | ACS Sensors | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
178 | ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
179 | ACS Synthetic Biology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
180 | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
181 | Acta Analytica | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
182 | Acta Applicandae Mathematicae | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
183 | Acta Astronautica | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
184 | Acta Biotheoretica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
185 | Acta Botanica Gallica : Botany Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2015 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
186 | Acta Botanica Venezuelica | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
187 | Acta Classica | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
188 | Acta Criminologica | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
189 | Acta Diabetologica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
190 | Acta Endoscopica | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
191 | acta ethologica | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
192 | Acta Geochimica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
193 | Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
194 | Acta Geophysica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
195 | Acta Geotechnica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
196 | Acta Informatica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
197 | Acta Koreana | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
198 | Acta Materialia | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
199 | Acta Mathematica Hungarica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
200 | Acta Mathematica Scientia | view | Springer Nature | 2019 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
201 | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
202 | Acta Mathematica Vietnamica | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
203 | Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
204 | Acta Mechanica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
205 | Acta Mechanica Sinica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
206 | Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
207 | Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
208 | Acta Musicologica | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
209 | Acta Musicologica | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
210 | Acta Neurochirurgica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
211 | Acta Neurologica Belgica | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
212 | Acta Neuropathologica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
213 | Acta Oceanologica Sinica | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
214 | Acta Oeconomica | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
215 | Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
216 | Acta Parasitologica | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
217 | Acta Physica Hungarica B) Quantum Electronics | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
218 | Acta Physica Hungarica Series A, Heavy Ion Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
219 | Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
220 | Acta Sociologica | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
221 | Acta Turistica | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
222 | Ad Hoc Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
223 | Ad Hoc Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
224 | Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
225 | Additive Manufacturing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
226 | ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
227 | adhesion ADHESIVES + SEALANTS | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
228 | Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
229 | Administrative Law Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
230 | Administrative Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
231 | Administrative Science Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
232 | Administrative Theory & Praxis | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
233 | Adolescent Research Review | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
234 | Adoption & Culture | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
235 | Adsorption | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
236 | Advanced Composite Materials | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
237 | Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials | view | Springer Nature | 2018 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
238 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
239 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
240 | Advanced Fiber Materials | view | Springer Nature | 2019 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
241 | Advanced Robotics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
242 | Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
243 | Advances in Applied Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
244 | Advances in Applied Probability | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
245 | Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
246 | Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2018 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
247 | Advances in Atmospheric Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
248 | Advances in Building Energy Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
249 | Advances in Colloid and Interface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
250 | Advances in Colloid and Interface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
251 | Advances in Computational Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
252 | Advances in Data Analysis and Classification | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
253 | Advances in Engineering Software | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
254 | Advances in Engineering Software | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
255 | Advances in Gerontology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
256 | Advances in Health Sciences Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
257 | Advances in Horticultural Science | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
258 | Advances in Life Course Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
259 | Advances in Manufacturing | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
260 | Advances in Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
261 | Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders | view | Springer Nature | 2017 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
262 | Advances in Physics | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
263 | Advances in Sex Research | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
264 | Advances in Space Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
265 | Advances in Traditional Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
266 | Advertising & Society Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
267 | Advocate of Peace (1847-1884) | view | JSTOR | 1847 | 1884 | eSS | E-Journal |
268 | Advocate of Peace through Justice | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 1932 | eSS | E-Journal |
269 | Aegyptus | view | JSTOR | 1920 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
270 | Aequationes mathematicae | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
271 | Aequatoria | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
272 | Aerobiologia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
273 | Aerosol Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
274 | Aerospace Science and Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
275 | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
276 | Aevum | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
277 | Afers Internacionals | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
278 | Africa Spectrum | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
279 | Africa Today | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
280 | Africa Today | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
281 | Africa: Journal of the International African Institute | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
282 | Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
283 | Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
284 | African Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
285 | African American Review | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
286 | African American Review | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
287 | African Archaeological Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
288 | African Arts | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
289 | African Arts | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
290 | African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
291 | African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
292 | African Economic History | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
293 | African Economic History | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
294 | African Economic History Review | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
295 | African Historical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
296 | African Issues | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
297 | African Journal of Aquatic Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
298 | African Journal of Herpetology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
299 | African Journal of Marine Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
300 | African Journal of Political Economy / Revue Africaine d'Economie Politique | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
301 | African Journal of Political Science / Revue Africaine de Science Politique | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
302 | African Journal of Range & Forage Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
303 | African Journal of Reproductive Health / La Revue Africaine de la Sante Reproductive | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
304 | African Languages and Cultures | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
305 | African Languages and Cultures. Supplement | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
306 | African Music | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
307 | African Review of Money Finance and Banking | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
308 | African Studies Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
309 | African Studies Review | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
310 | African Studies Review | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
311 | African Zoology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
312 | Afrika Matematika | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
313 | Afro-Hispanic Review | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
314 | Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
315 | Ageing International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
316 | Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
317 | Aging Clinical and Experimental Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
318 | Agni | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
319 | Agricultural History | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
320 | Agricultural Research | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
321 | Agriculture and Human Values | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
322 | Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
323 | Agroforestry Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
324 | Agronomy for Sustainable Development | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
325 | AI & SOCIETY | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
326 | AI Matters | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
327 | AIBS Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
328 | AIDS and Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
329 | AIHA Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
330 | AIHAJ - American Industrial Hygiene Association | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | 2001 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
331 | Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
332 | AJAS | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
333 | AJS Review | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
334 | AJS Review: The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
335 | Al-Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
336 | ALA Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
337 | Alabama Review | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
338 | Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
339 | Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
340 | Alei Sefer: Studies in Bibliography and in the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
341 | Aleph | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
342 | Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
343 | Algebra and Logic | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
344 | Algebra universalis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
345 | Algebras and Representation Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
346 | ALGOL Bulletin | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1959 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
347 | Algorithmica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
348 | Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
349 | All Ireland Review | view | JSTOR | 1900 | 1902 | eSS | E-Journal |
350 | Allertonia | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
351 | Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives | view | Project Muse | 2021 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
352 | Alpine Botany | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
353 | Alternatives: Global, Local, Political | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
354 | Ambio | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
355 | Ambio | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
356 | Ambio Special Report | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
357 | Ambix | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
358 | American Academy Notes | view | JSTOR | 1881 | 1881 | eSS | E-Journal |
359 | American Advocate of Peace (1834-1836) | view | JSTOR | 1834 | 1836 | eSS | E-Journal |
360 | American Advocate of Peace (1892-1893) | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1893 | eSS | E-Journal |
361 | American Annals of the Deaf | view | Project Muse | 1980 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
362 | American Anthropologist | view | JSTOR | 1888 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
363 | American Antiquity | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
364 | American Art | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
365 | American Art Illustrated | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1886 | eSS | E-Journal |
366 | American Art News | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
367 | American Bar Association Journal | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
368 | American Bar Foundation Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
369 | American Book Review | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
370 | American Catholic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
371 | American Economic Association Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1910 | eSS | E-Journal |
372 | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
373 | American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
374 | American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
375 | American Economic Journal: Microeconomics | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
376 | American Educational Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
377 | American Ethnologist | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
378 | American Fern Journal | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
379 | American Imago | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
380 | American Indian Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
381 | American Indian Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
382 | American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1999 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
383 | American Jewish Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
384 | American Jewish History | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
385 | American Jewish History | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
386 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
387 | American Journal of Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
388 | American Journal of Botany | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
389 | American Journal of Criminal Justice | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
390 | American Journal of Dance Therapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
391 | American Journal of Education | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
392 | American Journal of Irish Studies | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
393 | American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
394 | American Journal of Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1878 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
395 | American Journal of Mathematics | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
396 | American Journal of Philology | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
397 | American Journal of Physics | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
398 | American Journal of Political Science | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
399 | American Journal of Potato Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
400 | American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
401 | American Journal of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1895 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
402 | American Journal of Theology & Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
403 | American Journal of Theology & Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
404 | American Law and Economics Review | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
405 | American Libraries | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
406 | American Literary History | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
407 | American Literary History | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
408 | American Literary Realism | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
409 | American Literary Realism | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
410 | American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
411 | American Literary Scholarship | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
412 | American Literature | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
413 | American Literature | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
414 | American Marketing Journal | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1936 | eSS | E-Journal |
415 | American Music | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
416 | American Music | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
417 | American Periodicals | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
418 | American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
419 | American Philosophical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
420 | American Political Thought | view | JSTOR | 2012 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
421 | American Presbyterians | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
422 | American Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
423 | American Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
424 | American Religion | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
425 | American Scientist | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
426 | American Secondary Education | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
427 | American Sociological Review | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
428 | American Speech | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
429 | American Speech | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
430 | American Statistical Association Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1938 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
431 | American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
432 | American Studies | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
433 | American Studies International | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2004 | eSS | E-Journal |
434 | American Zoologist | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
435 | Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal | view | Project Muse | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
436 | Amerikastudien / American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
437 | Amino Acids | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
438 | AMS Review | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
439 | Amtliche Berichte aus den Koniglichen Kunstsammlungen | view | JSTOR | 1880 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
440 | Amtliche Berichte aus den Preuszischen Kunstsammlungen | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
441 | An Sionnach: A Journal of Literature, Culture, and the Arts | view | Project Muse | 2009 | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
442 | Analecta Hibernica | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
443 | Anales de la literatura espanola contemporanea | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
444 | Anales de la narrativa espanola contemporanea | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
445 | Anales de la novela de posguerra | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
446 | Anales Galdosianos | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
447 | Analise Social | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
448 | Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
449 | Analysis | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
450 | Analysis and Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
451 | Analysis Mathematica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
452 | Analyst | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1876 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
453 | Analytic Methods in Accident Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
454 | Analytica Chimica Acta | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
455 | Analytical Abstracts | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IITI-Self | Literature Updating Services | ||
456 | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
457 | Analytical Biochemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
458 | Analytical Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
459 | Analytical Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
460 | Analytical Methods | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
461 | Anatolian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
462 | Anatomical Science International | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
463 | Angiogenesis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
464 | Anglican and Episcopal History | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
465 | Angol Filologiai Tanulmanyok / Hungarian Studies in English | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
466 | Animal Biotechnology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
467 | Animal Cognition | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
468 | Annalen der Philosophie | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
469 | Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1929 | eSS | E-Journal |
470 | Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien | view | JSTOR | 1886 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
471 | Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie A fur Mineralogie und Petrographie, Geologie und Palaontologie, Anthropologie und Prihistorie | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
472 | Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie B fur Botanik und Zoologie | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
473 | Annales Aequatoria | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
474 | Annales Botanici Fennici | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
475 | Annales d'Economie et de Statistique | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
476 | Annales d'histoire economique et sociale | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
477 | Annales d'histoire sociale (1939-1941) | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
478 | Annales d'histoire sociale (1945) | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
479 | Annales de Geographie | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
480 | Annales de l'insee | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
481 | Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.) : International Journal of Entomology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
482 | Annales de la Societe d'ethnographie francaise | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
483 | Annales Henri Poincare | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
484 | Annales historiques de la Revolution francaise | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
485 | Annales mathematiques du Quebec | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
486 | Annales revolutionnaires | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
487 | Annales sociologiques. Serie A. Sociologie generale | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
488 | Annales sociologiques. Serie B. Sociologie religieuse | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
489 | Annales sociologiques. Serie C. Sociologie juridique et morale | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
490 | Annales sociologiques. Serie D. Sociologie economique | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
491 | Annales sociologiques. Serie E. Morphologie sociale, langage, technologie, esthetique | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 1942 | eSS | E-Journal |
492 | Annales Zoologici Fennici | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
493 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
494 | Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales (French Edition) | view | Project Muse | 2014 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
495 | ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITA' DI FERRARA | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
496 | Annali di Economia | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
497 | Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -) | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
498 | Annali di scienze politiche | view | JSTOR | 1928 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
499 | Annals of Behavioral Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
500 | Annals of Biomedical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
501 | Annals of Botany | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
502 | Annals of Combinatorics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
503 | Annals of Data Science | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
504 | Annals of Dyslexia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
505 | Annals of Dyslexia | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
506 | Annals of Economics and Statistics | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
507 | Annals of Finance | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
508 | Annals of Forest Science | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2021 | eSS | E-Journal |
509 | Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
510 | Annals of Hematology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
511 | Annals of Mathematics | view | JSTOR | 1884 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
512 | Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
513 | Annals of Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
514 | Annals of Nuclear Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
515 | Annals of Operations Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
516 | Annals of PDE | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
517 | Annals of Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
518 | Annals of Pure and Applied Logic | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
519 | Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2020 | eSS | E-Journal |
520 | Annals of Surgical Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
521 | Annals of Telecommunications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
522 | Annals of the Association of American Geographers | view | JSTOR | 1911 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
523 | Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
524 | Annals of the History of Computing | view | IEEE | 1979 | 1991 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
525 | Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
526 | Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
527 | Annuaire historique pour l'annee ... | view | JSTOR | 1837 | 1863 | eSS | E-Journal |
528 | Annuaire-Bulletin de la Societe de l'histoire de France | view | JSTOR | 1863 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
529 | Annual Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of International and Comparative Law) | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1942 | eSS | E-Journal |
530 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California | view | JSTOR | 1905 | 1934 | eSS | E-Journal |
531 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California (1888) | view | JSTOR | 1888 | 1888 | eSS | E-Journal |
532 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California (1891) | view | JSTOR | 1891 | 1891 | eSS | E-Journal |
533 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1904 | eSS | E-Journal |
534 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register, Los Angeles | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1901 | eSS | E-Journal |
535 | Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1896 | eSS | E-Journal |
536 | Annual Report (Fogg Art Museum) | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
537 | Annual Report (Harvard University Art Museums) | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
538 | Annual Report of the Dante Society, with Accompanying Papers | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
539 | Annual Report of the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art | view | JSTOR | 1871 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
540 | Annual Reports of the Dante Society | view | JSTOR | 1882 | 1954 | eSS | E-Journal |
541 | Annual Review of Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
542 | Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
543 | Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
544 | Annual Review of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
545 | Annual Reviews in Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
546 | Anthropologica | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
547 | Anthropologica | view | Project Muse | 2014 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
548 | Anthropological Linguistics | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
549 | Anthropological Linguistics | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
550 | Anthropological Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
551 | Anthropological Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
552 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
553 | Anthropology & Education Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
554 | Anthropology Design Series | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1931 | eSS | E-Journal |
555 | Anthropology Leaflet | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
556 | Anthropology Now | view | JSTOR | 2009 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
557 | Anthropology Today | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
558 | Anthropology, Memoirs | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
559 | Anthropos | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
560 | Antike Kunst | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
561 | Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
562 | Antipodes | view | Project Muse | 2018 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
563 | Antisemitism Studies | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
564 | Antitrust Law Journal | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
565 | Antonie van Leeuwenhoek | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
566 | Anuario | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
567 | Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
568 | Anuario Interamericano de Investigacion Musical | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
569 | ANY: Architecture New York | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
570 | Apidologie | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
571 | Apoptosis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
572 | Appalachian Journal | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
573 | Appalachian Review | view | Project Muse | 1973 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
574 | Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
575 | Applicable Analysis : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
576 | Applications of Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
577 | Applied Acoustics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
578 | Applied Acoustics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
579 | Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
580 | Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
581 | Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
582 | Applied Biological Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
583 | Applied Categorical Structures | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
584 | Applied Clay Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
585 | Applied Composite Materials | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
586 | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
587 | Applied Energy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
588 | Applied Entomology and Zoology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
589 | Applied Ergonomics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
590 | Applied Ergonomics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
591 | Applied Geomatics | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
592 | Applied Geophysics | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
593 | Applied Intelligence | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
594 | Applied Magnetic Resonance | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
595 | Applied Mathematical Modelling | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
596 | Applied Mathematical Modelling | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
597 | Applied Mathematics & Optimization | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
598 | Applied Mathematics and Computation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
599 | Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
600 | Applied Mathematics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
601 | Applied Mathematics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
602 | Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
603 | Applied Mechanics Reviews | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
604 | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
605 | Applied Numerical Mathematics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
606 | Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
607 | Applied Ocean Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
608 | Applied Physics A | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
609 | Applied Physics B | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
610 | Applied Physics Letters | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1962 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
611 | Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
612 | Applied Radiation and Isotopes | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
613 | Applied Research in Quality of Life | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
614 | Applied Soft Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
615 | Applied Soft Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
616 | Applied Solar Energy | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
617 | Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
618 | Applied Spectroscopy Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
619 | Applied Surface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
620 | Applied Surface Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
621 | Applied Thermal Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
622 | Applied Vegetation Science | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
623 | APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
624 | AQ: Australian Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
625 | Aquaculture Economics & Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
626 | Aquaculture International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
627 | Aquatic Ecology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
628 | Aquatic Geochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
629 | Aquatic Insects : International Journal of Freshwater Entomology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
630 | Aquatic Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
631 | Arab Law Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
632 | Arab Studies Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
633 | Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
634 | Arabian Journal of Geosciences | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
635 | Arabica | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
636 | Arbeit und Recht | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
637 | Arboricultural Journal : The International Journal of Urban Forestry | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
638 | Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
639 | Archaeological Method and Theory | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
640 | Archaeological Report (Egypt Exploration Fund) | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 1911 | eSS | E-Journal |
641 | Archaeological Reports | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
642 | Archaeologies | view | Springer Nature | 2005 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
643 | Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
644 | Archaeology & Physical Anthropology in Oceania | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
645 | Archaeology in Oceania | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
646 | Archaeology Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
647 | Archaeology of Eastern North America | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
648 | Architectural Engineering and Design Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
649 | Architectural History | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
650 | Architectural Science Review | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
651 | Archiv der Mathematik | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
652 | Archiv des Volkerrechts | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
653 | Archiv fur die civilistische Praxis | view | JSTOR | 1818 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
654 | Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1928 | eSS | E-Journal |
655 | Archiv fur Keilschriftforschung | view | JSTOR | 1923 | 1924 | eSS | E-Journal |
656 | Archiv fur Musikwissenschaft | view | JSTOR | 1918 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
657 | Archiv fur Orientforschung | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
658 | Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie | view | JSTOR | 1933 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
659 | Archiv fur Rechts- und Wirtschaftsphilosophie | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1933 | eSS | E-Journal |
660 | Archival Issues | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
661 | Archival Science | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
662 | Archivaria | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
663 | Archive for History of Exact Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
664 | Archive for History of Exact Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
665 | Archive for Mathematical Logic | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
666 | Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
667 | Archive of Applied Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
668 | Archives and Museum Informatics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
669 | Archives de sciences sociales des religions | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
670 | Archives de sociologie des religions | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
671 | Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
672 | Archives of American Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
673 | Archives of Animal Nutrition | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
674 | Archives of Asian Art | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
675 | Archives of Asian Art | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
676 | Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
677 | Archives of Dermatological Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
678 | Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
679 | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
680 | Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
681 | Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
682 | Archives of Microbiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
683 | Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
684 | Archives of Osteoporosis | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
685 | Archives of Pharmacal Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
686 | Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
687 | Archives of Sexual Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
688 | Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
689 | Archives of Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
690 | Archives of Virology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
691 | Archives of Women's Mental Health | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
692 | Archivium Hibernicum | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
693 | Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
694 | Arctic | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
695 | Arctic and Alpine Research | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
696 | Arctic Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
697 | Arctic Anthropology | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
698 | Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
699 | Area | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
700 | Arethusa | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
701 | Argumentation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
702 | Arid Ecosystems | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
703 | Arid Land Research and Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
704 | Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
705 | ariel: A Review of International English Literature | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
706 | Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
707 | Arion: A Journal of the Humanities and the Classics | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
708 | Arizona and the West | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
709 | Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
710 | Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies | view | Project Muse | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
711 | Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory | view | Project Muse | 1988 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
712 | Arizoniana | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
713 | ARLIS/NA Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
714 | Arms Control Today | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
715 | Arnold Mathematical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
716 | Arnoldia | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
717 | Arris | view | Project Muse | 1989 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
718 | Ars Islamica | view | JSTOR | 1934 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
719 | Ars Judaica The Bar Ilan Journal of Jewish Art | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
720 | Ars Orientalis | view | JSTOR | 1954 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
721 | ARSP: Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie / Archives for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
722 | Art & Life | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1920 | eSS | E-Journal |
723 | Art and Progress | view | JSTOR | 1909 | 1915 | eSS | E-Journal |
724 | Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
725 | Art Education | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
726 | Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
727 | Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
728 | Arthropod-Plant Interactions | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
729 | Arthurian Interpretations | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
730 | Arthuriana | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
731 | Arthuriana | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
732 | Artibus Asiae | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
733 | Artibus Asiae. Supplementum | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
734 | Artibus et Historiae | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
735 | Artificial Intelligence | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
736 | Artificial Intelligence | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
737 | Artificial Intelligence and Law | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
738 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
739 | Artificial Intelligence Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
740 | Artificial Life and Robotics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
741 | Artivate | view | Project Muse | 2012 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
742 | Arts & Decoration (1910-1918) | view | JSTOR | 1910 | 1918 | eSS | E-Journal |
743 | Arts et traditions populaires | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
744 | ASA Review of Books | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
745 | ASAP/Journal | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
746 | ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering | view | American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
747 | ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2015 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
748 | ASEAN Economic Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
749 | Asia Europe Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
750 | Asia Major | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
751 | Asia Pacific Education Review | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
752 | Asia Pacific Journal of Management | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
753 | Asia Policy | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
754 | Asia-Pacific Financial Markets | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
755 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
756 | Asian Affairs | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
757 | Asian Bioethics Review | view | Project Muse | 2008 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
758 | Asian Ethnology | view | JSTOR | 2008 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
759 | Asian Folklore Studies | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2007 | eSS | E-Journal |
760 | Asian Journal of Business Ethics | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
761 | Asian Journal of Criminology | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
762 | Asian Journal of English Language Teaching | view | Project Muse | 2013 | 2014 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
763 | Asian Journal of Social Science | view | JSTOR | 2001 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
764 | Asian Music | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
765 | Asian Music | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
766 | Asian Perspective | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
767 | Asian Perspective | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
768 | Asian Perspectives | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
769 | Asian Survey | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
770 | Asian Theatre Journal | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
771 | Asian Theatre Journal | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
772 | ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control | view | American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) | 2021 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
773 | Assemblage | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 2000 | eSS | E-Journal |
774 | Assistive Technology : The Official Journal of RESNA | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
775 | Association Medical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1853 | 1856 | eSS | E-Journal |
776 | AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
777 | AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
778 | Astronomy and Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
779 | Astronomy and Computing | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
780 | Astronomy Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
781 | Astronomy Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
782 | Astroparticle Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
783 | Astrophysical Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
784 | Astrophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
785 | Astrophysics and Space Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
786 | AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal | view | IEEE | 1984 | 1984 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
787 | AT&T Technical Journal | view | IEEE | 1985 | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
788 | Atlantic Economic Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
789 | Atlantis | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
790 | Atmosphere-Ocean | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
791 | Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
792 | Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
793 | Atomic Energy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
794 | Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
795 | AUDEM: The International Journal of Higher Education and Democracy | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2013 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
796 | Audio Visual Communication Review | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
797 | Aula | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 1992 | eSS | E-Journal |
798 | Aula-Historia Social | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
799 | Australasian Historical Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
800 | Australasian Journal of American Studies | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
801 | Australasian Journal of Engineering Education | view | Taylor & Francis | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
802 | Australasian Journal of Environmental Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
803 | Australasian Journal of Water Resources | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
804 | Australasian Plant Disease Notes | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
805 | Australasian Plant Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
806 | Australian Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
807 | Australian Forestry | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
808 | Australian Journal of Civil Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
809 | Australian Journal of Earth Sciences : An International Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of Australia | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
810 | Australian Journal of Environmental Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2002 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
811 | Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
812 | Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
813 | Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
814 | Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
815 | Australian Surveyor | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
816 | Austrian Studies | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
817 | Austrian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
818 | Austrobaileya | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
819 | Automated Software Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
820 | Automatic Control and Computer Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
821 | Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
822 | Automatica | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
823 | Automation and Remote Control | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
824 | Automation in Construction | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
825 | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
826 | Autonomous Robots | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
827 | Autophagy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
828 | AV Communication Review | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
829 | Avian Diseases | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
830 | Avian Pathology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
831 | Axiomathes | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
832 | Ayer | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
833 | Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
834 | Écoscience | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
835 | B.B.A.A. Boletin Bibliografico de Antropologia Americana | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
836 | Bach | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
837 | BACH: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
838 | Background | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
839 | Background on World Politics | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
840 | Bar-Ilan Law Studies | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
841 | Bartonia | view | JSTOR | 1908 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
842 | Basic Research in Cardiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
843 | Bealoideas | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
844 | Bears: Their Biology and Management | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1997 | eSS | E-Journal |
845 | Bee World | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
846 | Before I Forget...: Journal of the Poyntzpass and District Local History Society | view | JSTOR | 1987 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
847 | Behavior and Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
848 | Behavior Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
849 | Behavior Research Methods | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
850 | Behavioral Disorders | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
851 | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
852 | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
853 | Behavioral Science & Policy | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
854 | Behaviorism | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
855 | Behaviour | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
856 | Behaviour & Information Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
857 | Behaviour. Supplement | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
858 | Beit Mikra: Journal for the Study of the Bible and Its World | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
859 | Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
860 | Beitrage zur biblischen Landes- und Altertumskunde | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
861 | Beitrage zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawischen Sprachen | view | JSTOR | 1858 | 1876 | eSS | E-Journal |
862 | Belgian Journal of Botany | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
863 | Bell Labs Technical Journal | view | IEEE | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
864 | Berkeley Journal of Sociology | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
865 | Berliner Museen | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
866 | Bernoulli | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
867 | Best of ABA Sections: General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
868 | Beyond Behavior | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
869 | Bibliotheque d'Humanisme et Renaissance | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
870 | Biennial Review of Anthropology | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
871 | Big Data Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
872 | Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
873 | Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
874 | Bilingual Review / La Revista Bilingue | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
875 | Bioacoustics : The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
876 | Biochemical Genetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
877 | Biochemical Systematics and Ecology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
878 | Biochemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
879 | Biochemistry (Moscow) | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
880 | Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
881 | Biochemistry (Moscow), Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
882 | BioChip Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
883 | Bioconjugate Chemistry | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
884 | BioControl | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
885 | Biocontrol Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
886 | Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
887 | Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
888 | Biodegradation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
889 | Biodiversity | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
890 | Biodiversity and Conservation | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
891 | Biodiversity Letters | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
892 | Bioelectrochemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
893 | BioEnergy Research | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
894 | Biofouling : The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
895 | Biofuels | view | Taylor & Francis | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
896 | Biogeochemistry | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
897 | Biogeochemistry | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
898 | Biogerontology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
899 | Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
900 | Biography | view | Project Muse | 1978 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
901 | Biointerphases | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
902 | Biologia Plantarum | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2018 | eSS | E-Journal |
903 | Biological Agriculture & Horticulture : An International Journal for Sustainable Production Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
904 | Biological Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
905 | Biological Cybernetics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
906 | Biological Invasions | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
907 | Biological Rhythm Research | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
908 | Biological Theory | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
909 | Biological Trace Element Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
910 | Biology & Philosophy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
911 | Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | view | JSTOR | 1993 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
912 | Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
913 | Biology and Fertility of Soils | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
914 | Biology Bulletin | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
915 | Biology Bulletin Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
916 | Biomacromolecules | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
917 | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
918 | Biomaterials | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
919 | Biomaterials Science | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
920 | Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
921 | Biomedical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
922 | Biomedical Engineering Letters | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
923 | Biomedical Microdevices | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
924 | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
925 | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
926 | BioMetals | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
927 | Biometrics | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
928 | Biometrics Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
929 | Biometrika | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
930 | Biomolecular NMR Assignments | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
931 | BioNanoScience | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
932 | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
933 | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
934 | Bioorganic Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
935 | Biophysical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
936 | Biophysical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
937 | Biophysical Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
938 | Biophysics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
939 | Bioprinting | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
940 | Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
941 | Bioremediation Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
942 | Bios | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
943 | BioScience | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
944 | Biosemiotics | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
945 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
946 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
947 | Biosystems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
948 | Biosystems Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
949 | Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
950 | Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
951 | Biotechnology Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
952 | Biotechnology Techniques | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
953 | Biotribology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
954 | Biotropica | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
955 | Bird Study | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
956 | Bird-Banding | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
957 | BIT Numerical Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
958 | Black American Literature Forum | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
959 | Black Camera | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
960 | Black Camera | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
961 | Black History Bulletin | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
962 | Black Music Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
963 | Black Music Research Journal | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
964 | Black Women, Gender & Families | view | Project Muse | 2009 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
965 | Black Women, Gender + Families | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
966 | Blatter der DGVFM | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
967 | BMJ: British Medical Journal | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
968 | BMS: Bulletin of Sociological Methodology / Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
969 | Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Botanica | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
970 | Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
971 | Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana (1937-1948) | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
972 | Boletín Bibliográfico de Antropología Americana (1973-1979) | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
973 | Boletín de Antropología Americana | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
974 | Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
975 | Boletin de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
976 | Boletín Informativo Sobre Estudios Latinoamericanos en Europa | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
977 | BOMB | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
978 | Bonplandia | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
979 | Book History | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
980 | Book History | view | Project Muse | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
981 | Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
982 | Books Abroad | view | JSTOR | 1927 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
983 | Books Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
984 | Boom: A Journal of California | view | JSTOR | 2011 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
985 | Boston Museum Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
986 | Botanical Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1875 | 1876 | eSS | E-Journal |
987 | Botanical Gazette | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
988 | Botanical Journal of Scotland | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2006 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
989 | Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
990 | Botanical Review | view | JSTOR | 1935 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
991 | Botany Letters | view | Taylor & Francis | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
992 | Botswana Notes and Records | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
993 | boundary 2 | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
994 | boundary 2 | view | Project Muse | 1999 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
995 | Boundary-Layer Meteorology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
996 | Bouwsteenen | view | JSTOR | 1869 | 1874 | eSS | E-Journal |
997 | Bradley, His Book | view | JSTOR | 1896 | 1897 | eSS | E-Journal |
998 | Brain Imaging and Behavior | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
999 | Brain Structure and Function | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1000 | Brain Topography | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1001 | Brain Tumor Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1002 | Brain-Computer Interfaces | view | Taylor & Francis | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1003 | Brazilian Journal of Botany | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1004 | Brazilian Journal of Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1005 | Breast Cancer | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1006 | Breast Cancer Research and Treatment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1007 | Bridges | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1008 | Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2011 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1009 | Britannia | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1010 | British Actuarial Journal | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1011 | British Cactus & Succulent Journal | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
1012 | British Educational Research Journal | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1013 | British Journal for the History of Mathematics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1014 | British Journal of Canadian Studies | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1015 | British Journal of Educational Studies | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1016 | British Journal of Ethnomusicology | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
1017 | British Journal of Industrial Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1944 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
1018 | British Journal of International Studies | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
1019 | British Journal of Law and Society | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
1020 | British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1021 | British Journal of Political Science | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1022 | British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1023 | British Journal of Psychiatric Social Work | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
1024 | British Journal of Social Medicine | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
1025 | British Journal of Sociology of Education | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1026 | British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition) | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1988 | eSS | E-Journal |
1027 | British Poultry Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1028 | British School at Athens Studies | view | JSTOR | 1995 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1029 | British Society for the History of Mathematics. Newsletter | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1030 | Brittonia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1031 | Brittonia | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1032 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
1033 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1034 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Microeconomics | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
1035 | Brookings Papers on Education Policy | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1036 | Brookings Papers on Education Policy | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1037 | Brookings Trade Forum | view | JSTOR | 1998 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
1038 | Brookings Trade Forum | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1039 | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1040 | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1041 | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2009 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1042 | Browning Institute Studies | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
1043 | Brush and Pencil | view | JSTOR | 1897 | 1907 | eSS | E-Journal |
1044 | BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | 2018 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1045 | Buddhist-Christian Studies | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1046 | Buddhist-Christian Studies | view | Project Muse | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1047 | Buffalo Criminal Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1997 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1048 | Building and Environment | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1049 | Building Material | view | JSTOR | 1999 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1050 | Building Simulation | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1051 | Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1052 | Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1053 | Built Environment (1972-1975) | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
1054 | Built Environment (1978-) | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1055 | Built Environment Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 1978 | eSS | E-Journal |
1056 | Bulletin (Archives of American Art) | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
1057 | Bulletin (Association for Tropical Biology) | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
1058 | Bulletin (British Association for American Studies) | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
1059 | Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies) | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1990 | eSS | E-Journal |
1060 | Bulletin (Canadian Archaeological Association) | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
1061 | Bulletin (Linguistic Society of America) | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1969 | eSS | E-Journal |
1062 | Bulletin (Shaw Society of America) | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1958 | eSS | E-Journal |
1063 | Bulletin (St. Louis Art Museum) | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
1064 | Bulletin annuel de l'Institut français d'histoire sociale | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
1065 | Bulletin d'études orientales | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1066 | Bulletin d'Information (International Association of Music Libraries) | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
1067 | Bulletin de l'Institut de Recherches Économiques | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
1068 | Bulletin de l'Institut de Recherches Économiques et Sociales | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
1069 | Bulletin de l'Institut des Sciences Économiques | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1937 | eSS | E-Journal |
1070 | Bulletin de la Société d'Études Philosophiques du Sud-Est | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1927 | eSS | E-Journal |
1071 | Bulletin de la Société de Botanique de Belgique | view | JSTOR | 1862 | 1862 | eSS | E-Journal |
1072 | Bulletin de la Société de l'histoire de France | view | JSTOR | 1834 | 1861 | eSS | E-Journal |
1073 | Bulletin de la Société française de musicologie | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
1074 | Bulletin de la Société préhistorique de France | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1963 | eSS | E-Journal |
1075 | Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1076 | Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. Comptes rendus des séances mensuelles | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1077 | Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. Études et travaux | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1078 | Bulletin de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique / Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Botanische Vereniging | view | JSTOR | 1862 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
1079 | Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1080 | Bulletin du Jardin botanique de l'État a Bruxelles | view | JSTOR | 1902 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
1081 | Bulletin du Jardin botanique National de Belgique / Bulletin van de Nationale Plantentuin van België | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 1999 | eSS | E-Journal |
1082 | Bulletin of African Studies in Canada / Bulletin des Études Africaines au Canada | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1966 | eSS | E-Journal |
1083 | Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1084 | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1085 | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1086 | Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1087 | Bulletin of Friends Historical Association | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
1088 | Bulletin of Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 1923 | eSS | E-Journal |
1089 | Bulletin of International News | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
1090 | Bulletin of Latin American Research | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1091 | Bulletin of Materials Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1092 | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1093 | Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1094 | Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) | view | JSTOR | 1887 | 1941 | eSS | E-Journal |
1095 | Bulletin of Popular Information (Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University) | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
1096 | Bulletin of Sung and Yüan Studies | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 1989 | eSS | E-Journal |
1097 | Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1098 | Bulletin of the American Art-Union | view | JSTOR | 1849 | 1853 | eSS | E-Journal |
1099 | Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Italian | view | JSTOR | 1924 | 1925 | eSS | E-Journal |
1100 | Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages | view | JSTOR | 1947 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
1101 | Bulletin of the American Association of Teachers of Slavonic and East European Languages | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
1102 | Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors (1915-1955) | view | JSTOR | 1915 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
1103 | Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors (2010-) | view | JSTOR | 2010 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1104 | Bulletin of the American Geographical Society | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1915 | eSS | E-Journal |
1105 | Bulletin of the American Group. International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
1106 | Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1975 | eSS | E-Journal |
1107 | Bulletin of the American Library Association | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
1108 | Bulletin of the American Musicological Society | view | JSTOR | 1936 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
1109 | Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
1110 | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research | view | JSTOR | 1921 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1111 | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Supplementary Studies | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
1112 | Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago (1907-1951) | view | JSTOR | 1907 | 1951 | eSS | E-Journal |
1113 | Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago (1973-1982) | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
1114 | Bulletin of the Associates in Fine Arts at Yale University | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1957 | eSS | E-Journal |
1115 | Bulletin of the Association for Preservation Technology | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1986 | eSS | E-Journal |
1116 | Bulletin of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History | view | JSTOR | 1962 | 1962 | eSS | E-Journal |
1117 | Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1118 | Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1961 | eSS | E-Journal |
1119 | Bulletin of the Business Historical Society | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
1120 | Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1121 | Bulletin of the City Art Museum of St. Louis | view | JSTOR | 1914 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
1122 | Bulletin of the Comediantes | view | Project Muse | 1949 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1123 | Bulletin of the Committee on Canadian Labour History / Bulletin du Comité sur l'Histoire Ouvrière Canadienne | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 1980 | eSS | E-Journal |
1124 | Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club | view | JSTOR | 1899 | 1899 | eSS | E-Journal |
1125 | Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1126 | Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1127 | Bulletin of the Detroit Institute of Arts of the City of Detroit | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1948 | eSS | E-Journal |
1128 | Bulletin of the Detroit Museum of Art | view | JSTOR | 1904 | 1919 | eSS | E-Journal |
1129 | Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1130 | Bulletin of the Fogg Art Museum | view | JSTOR | 1931 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
1131 | Bulletin of the Gray Memorial Botanical Chapter of the Agassiz Association | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1893 | eSS | E-Journal |
1132 | Bulletin of the History of Medicine | view | Project Muse | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1133 | Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1134 | Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts | view | JSTOR | 1926 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
1135 | Bulletin of the National Association for Nursery Education | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1956 | eSS | E-Journal |
1136 | Bulletin of the New England Art Union | view | JSTOR | 1852 | 1852 | eSS | E-Journal |
1137 | Bulletin of the Northeastern Bird-Banding Association | view | JSTOR | 1925 | 1929 | eSS | E-Journal |
1138 | Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club | view | JSTOR | 1876 | 1883 | eSS | E-Journal |
1139 | Bulletin of the Orton Society | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 1981 | eSS | E-Journal |
1140 | Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Museum | view | JSTOR | 1903 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
1141 | Bulletin of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1945 | eSS | E-Journal |
1142 | Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1143 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London | view | JSTOR | 1940 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1144 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London | view | JSTOR | 1917 | 1940 | eSS | E-Journal |
1145 | Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club | view | JSTOR | 1870 | 1996 | eSS | E-Journal |
1146 | Bulletin of Volcanology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1147 | Bulletin van het Rijksmuseum | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2008 | eSS | E-Journal |
1148 | Bulletins from the Ecological Research Committee/NFR | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
1149 | Bullettino della R. Società Toscana di Orticultura | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 1938 | eSS | E-Journal |
1150 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1151 | Business & Professional Ethics Journal | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1152 | Business Ethics Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1153 | Business Law Memo | view | JSTOR | 1980 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
1154 | Business Law Today | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1155 | Butler University Botanical Studies | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1964 | eSS | E-Journal |
1156 | C&EN Global Enterprise | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 2016 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1157 | Ça Parle | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
1158 | CAA Slides & Photographs Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1973 | eSS | E-Journal |
1159 | CactusWorld | view | JSTOR | 2006 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1160 | Cahiers d'ethnomusicologie | view | JSTOR | 2007 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1161 | Cahiers d'Études Africaines | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1162 | Cahiers d'histoire de la guerre | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 1950 | eSS | E-Journal |
1163 | Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1164 | Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1987 | eSS | E-Journal |
1165 | Cahiers du Monde russe | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1166 | Cahiers du Monde russe et soviétique | view | JSTOR | 1959 | 1993 | eSS | E-Journal |
1167 | Cahiers du Séminaire d'Économétrie | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 1985 | eSS | E-Journal |
1168 | Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1169 | Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
1170 | Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1971 | eSS | E-Journal |
1171 | Calcified Tissue International | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1172 | Calcolo | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1173 | Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1174 | Caldasia | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
1175 | Calendar of the Art Institute of Chicago | view | JSTOR | 1965 | 1972 | eSS | E-Journal |
1176 | California Folklore Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 1946 | eSS | E-Journal |
1177 | California Historical Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1178 | California Historical Society Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1922 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
1179 | California History | view | JSTOR | 1978 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1180 | California Journal of Teacher Education | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 1983 | eSS | E-Journal |
1181 | California Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1912 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1182 | California Studies in Classical Antiquity | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 1979 | eSS | E-Journal |
1183 | Calíope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1184 | Callaloo | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1185 | Callaloo | view | Project Muse | 1995 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1186 | Cambridge Opera Journal | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1187 | Camera Obscura | view | Project Muse | 2000 | 2004 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1188 | Canadian Electrical Engineering Journal | view | IEEE | 1976 | 1988 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1189 | Canadian Ethnic Studies | view | Project Muse | 2007 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1190 | Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1191 | Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1192 | Canadian Journal of Archaeology / Journal Canadien d'Archéologie | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1193 | Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice | view | Project Muse | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1194 | Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1195 | Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | view | IEEE | 1988 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1196 | Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne d'études cinématographiques | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1197 | Canadian Journal of Health History | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1198 | Canadian Journal of History | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1199 | Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2021 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1200 | Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
1201 | Canadian Journal of Law and Society | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1202 | Canadian Journal of Philosophy | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1203 | Canadian Journal of Philosophy | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1204 | Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1205 | Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1206 | Canadian Journal of Public Health / Revue Canadienne de Santé Publique | view | JSTOR | 1943 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1207 | Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing : Journal canadien de télédétection | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1208 | Canadian Journal of Social Work Education / Revue canadienne d'éducation en service social | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 1982 | eSS | E-Journal |
1209 | Canadian Journal of Women and the Law | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1210 | Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement | view | Project Muse | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1211 | Canadian Public Health Journal | view | JSTOR | 1929 | 1942 | eSS | E-Journal |
1212 | Canadian Public Policy | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1213 | Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques | view | JSTOR | 1975 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1214 | Canadian Review of American Studies | view | Project Muse | 1970 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1215 | Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée | view | Project Muse | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1216 | Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne des Slavistes | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1217 | Canadian Social Work Review / Revue canadienne de service social | view | JSTOR | 1983 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1218 | Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1219 | Canadian Theatre Review | view | Project Muse | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1220 | Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1221 | Cancer and Metastasis Reviews | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1222 | Cancer Causes & Control | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1223 | Cancer Causes & Control | view | JSTOR | 1990 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1224 | Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1225 | Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1226 | Cancer Microenvironment | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2019 | eSS | E-Journal |
1227 | Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1228 | Caravelle (1963-1965) | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 1965 | eSS | E-Journal |
1229 | Caravelle (1988-) | view | JSTOR | 1988 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1230 | Carbohydrate Polymers | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1231 | Carbohydrate Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1232 | Carbonates and Evaporites | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1233 | Cardiac Electrophysiology Review | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | 2003 | eSS | E-Journal |
1234 | CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1235 | Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1236 | Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1237 | Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics | view | Springer Nature | 2010 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1238 | Cardiovascular Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1239 | Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature | view | JSTOR | 1989 | 2001 | eSS | E-Journal |
1240 | Caribbean Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
1241 | Caribbean Studies | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1242 | Caribbean Studies | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1243 | Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1244 | Cartography | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1245 | Cartography and Geographic Information Science | view | Taylor & Francis | 1999 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1246 | Cartography and Geographic Information Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1998 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1247 | Case Studies on Transport Policy | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1248 | Castanea | view | JSTOR | 1937 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1249 | Catalysis in Industry | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1250 | Catalysis Letters | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1251 | Catalysis Reviews : Science and Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1252 | Catalysis Science & Technology | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1253 | Catalysis Surveys from Asia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1254 | Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv | view | JSTOR | 1976 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1255 | CEA Critic | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1256 | CEAS Aeronautical Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1257 | CEAS Space Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1258 | Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1259 | Cell and Tissue Banking | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1260 | Cell and Tissue Biology | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1261 | Cell and Tissue Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1262 | Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1263 | Cell Biology and Toxicology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1264 | Cell Cycle | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1265 | Cell Stress & Chaperones | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1266 | Cell Stress and Chaperones | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1267 | Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1268 | Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1269 | Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1270 | Cellular Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1271 | Cellulose | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1272 | Cement and Concrete Composites | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1273 | Cement and Concrete Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1274 | CEN Case Reports | view | Springer Nature | 2012 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1275 | Center House Bulletin | view | JSTOR | 1971 | 1974 | eSS | E-Journal |
1276 | Central European History | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1277 | Central European Journal of Operations Research | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1278 | Cereal Research Communications | view | JSTOR | 1973 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1279 | Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1280 | Ceska literatura | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1281 | Cesky lid | view | JSTOR | 1892 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1282 | Challenge | view | JSTOR | 1952 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1283 | CHANCE | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1284 | Change | view | JSTOR | 1970 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1285 | Change in Higher Education | view | JSTOR | 1969 | 1970 | eSS | E-Journal |
1286 | Change Over Time | view | Project Muse | 2011 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1287 | Chaos, Solitons & Fractals | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1288 | Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science | view | American Institute of Physics (AIP) | 1991 | Current | eSS and IITI Archive | E-Journal |
1289 | Charity Organisation Review | view | JSTOR | 1893 | 1921 | eSS | E-Journal |
1290 | Chasqui | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1291 | Chemical and Petroleum Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1292 | Chemical Communications | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1996 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1293 | Chemical Data Collections | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1294 | Chemical Engineering Communications | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1295 | Chemical Hazards in Industry | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | IITI-Self | Literature Updating Services | ||
1296 | Chemical Health & Safety | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1994 | 1998 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1297 | Chemical Health & Safety | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1999 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1298 | Chemical Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1299 | Chemical Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1300 | Chemical Physics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1301 | Chemical Physics Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1302 | Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1303 | Chemical Research in Toxicology | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1304 | Chemical Reviews | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1305 | Chemical Science | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 2010 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1306 | Chemical Society Reviews | view | Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | 1972 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1307 | Chemistry and Ecology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1308 | Chemistry and Physics of Lipids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1309 | Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1310 | Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1311 | Chemistry of Materials | view | American Chemical Society (ACS) | 1996 | IITI-Self | E-Journal | |
1312 | Chemistry of Natural Compounds | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1313 | Chemoecology | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1314 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1315 | Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1316 | Chemosensory Perception | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1317 | ChemTexts | view | Springer Nature | 2014 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1318 | Chesapeake Science | view | JSTOR | 1960 | 1977 | eSS | E-Journal |
1319 | Chicago Review | view | JSTOR | 1946 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1320 | Chicana/Latina Studies | view | JSTOR | 2004 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1321 | Child & Youth Care Forum | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1322 | Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1323 | Child Development | view | JSTOR | 1930 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1324 | Child Indicators Research | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1325 | Child Psychiatry & Human Development | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1326 | Child's Nervous System | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1327 | Children's Environments | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 1995 | eSS | E-Journal |
1328 | Children's Environments Quarterly | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 1991 | eSS | E-Journal |
1329 | Children's Literature | view | Project Muse | 1972 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1330 | Children's Literature Association Quarterly | view | Project Muse | 1976 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1331 | Children's Literature in Education | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1332 | Children, Youth and Environments | view | JSTOR | 2003 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1333 | Children, Youth and Environments | view | Project Muse | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1334 | China Communications | view | IEEE | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1335 | China Foundry | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1336 | China Ocean Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1337 | China Review | view | JSTOR | 1991 | 2016 | eSS | E-Journal |
1338 | China Review | view | Project Muse | 2013 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1339 | China Review International | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1340 | China Review International | view | Project Muse | 1994 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1341 | China-EU Law Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2011 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1342 | China: An International Journal | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1343 | Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1344 | Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1345 | Chinese Chemical Letters | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1346 | Chinese Geographical Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1347 | Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1348 | Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
1349 | Chinese Journal of Physics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1350 | Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1351 | Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) | view | JSTOR | 1979 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1352 | CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature | view | Project Muse | 1969 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1353 | Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures | view | Project Muse | 2016 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1354 | Christian Education | view | JSTOR | 1919 | 1952 | eSS | E-Journal |
1355 | Christianity & Literature | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1356 | Christoffel | view | JSTOR | 1955 | 1958 | eSS | E-Journal |
1357 | Chromatographia | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1358 | Chromosoma | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1359 | Chromosome Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1360 | Chronology of International Events | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 1955 | eSS | E-Journal |
1361 | Chronology of International Events and Documents | view | JSTOR | 1945 | 1953 | eSS | E-Journal |
1362 | Chungara: Revista de Antropología Chilena | view | JSTOR | 1972 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1363 | Church History | view | JSTOR | 1932 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1364 | Chymia | view | JSTOR | 1948 | 1967 | eSS | E-Journal |
1365 | CIM Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2020 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1366 | Cina | view | JSTOR | 1956 | 2002 | eSS | E-Journal |
1367 | Cinéaste | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1368 | Cinema Journal | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1369 | Circa | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 2010 | eSS | E-Journal |
1370 | Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1371 | CIRP Annals | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1372 | CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1373 | Cités | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1374 | Cityscape | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1375 | Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1998 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1376 | Civil Engineering Systems | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 1997 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1377 | Civil War History | view | Project Muse | 1955 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1378 | Civilisations | view | JSTOR | 1951 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1379 | CLA Journal | view | Project Muse | 2017 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1380 | Classical Antiquity | view | JSTOR | 1982 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1381 | Classical Journal | view | Project Muse | 2019 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1382 | Classical Philology | view | JSTOR | 1906 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1383 | Classical World | view | Project Muse | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1384 | Classics Ireland | view | JSTOR | 1994 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1385 | Classroom Interaction Newsletter | view | JSTOR | 1966 | 1976 | eSS | E-Journal |
1386 | Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1387 | Cleveland Studies in the History of Art | view | JSTOR | 1996 | 2005 | eSS | E-Journal |
1388 | Climate Dynamics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1389 | Climate Policy | view | Taylor & Francis | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1390 | Climatic Change | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1391 | Clinical & Experimental Metastasis | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1392 | Clinical and Experimental Medicine | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1393 | Clinical and Experimental Nephrology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1394 | Clinical and Translational Oncology | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1395 | Clinical Autonomic Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1396 | Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1397 | Clinical Infectious Diseases | view | JSTOR | 1992 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1398 | Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1399 | Clinical Neuroradiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1400 | Clinical Oral Investigations | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1401 | Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® | view | Springer Nature | 2016 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
1402 | Clinical Research in Cardiology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1403 | Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1404 | Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism | view | Springer Nature | 2002 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1405 | Clinical Rheumatology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1406 | Clinical Social Work Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1407 | Cliometrica | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1408 | Clogher Record | view | JSTOR | 1953 | 2012 | eSS | E-Journal |
1409 | Cluster Computing | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1410 | Coal Preparation | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2007 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1411 | Coastal Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1412 | Coastal Engineering Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1413 | Coastal Management | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1414 | CoDesign : International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts | view | Taylor & Francis | 2005 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1415 | Coenoses | view | JSTOR | 1986 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
1416 | Cognition and Emotion | view | Taylor & Francis | 2012 | 2012 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1417 | Cognition and Instruction | view | JSTOR | 1984 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1418 | Cognition, Technology & Work | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1419 | Cognitive Computation | view | Springer Nature | 2009 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1420 | Cognitive Neurodynamics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1421 | Cognitive Processing | view | Springer Nature | 2004 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1422 | Cognitive Systems Research | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1423 | Cognitive Therapy and Research | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1424 | Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1425 | Coke and Chemistry | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1426 | Coleopterists Society Monographs. Patricia Vaurie Series | view | JSTOR | 2002 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1427 | Collaborative Anthropologies | view | Project Muse | 2008 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1428 | Collectanea Hibernica | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2006 | eSS | E-Journal |
1429 | Collectanea Mathematica | view | Springer Nature | 2008 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1430 | Collective Intelligence | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | Current | eSS | E-Journal | |
1431 | College Art Journal | view | JSTOR | 1941 | 1960 | eSS | E-Journal |
1432 | College Composition and Communication | view | JSTOR | 1950 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1433 | College English | view | JSTOR | 1939 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1434 | College Literature | view | JSTOR | 1974 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1435 | College Literature | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1436 | College Music Symposium | view | JSTOR | 1961 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1437 | College Student Affairs Journal | view | Project Muse | 2015 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1438 | College Teaching | view | JSTOR | 1985 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1439 | Colloid and Polymer Science | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1440 | Colloid Journal | view | Springer Nature | 2000 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1441 | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1442 | Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1443 | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1444 | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1445 | Colonial Waterbirds | view | JSTOR | 1981 | 1998 | eSS | E-Journal |
1446 | Colorado Review | view | Project Muse | 2009 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1447 | Columbia Law Review | view | JSTOR | 1901 | 2017 | eSS | E-Journal |
1448 | Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2014 | eSS | E-Journal |
1449 | Combinatorica | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1450 | Combustion and Flame | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1451 | Combustion Science and Technology | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1452 | Combustion Theory and Modelling | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1453 | Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1454 | Comhar | view | JSTOR | 1942 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1455 | Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1456 | Comments on Inorganic Chemistry : A Journal of Critical Discussion of the Current Literature | view | Taylor & Francis | 2004 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1457 | Comments on Toxicology | view | Taylor & Francis | 2002 | 2003 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1458 | Common Knowledge | view | Project Muse | 2002 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1459 | Communication Design Quarterly Review | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1460 | Communications in Algebra | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1461 | Communications in Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1462 | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1463 | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1464 | Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1465 | Communications in Partial Differential Equations | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1466 | Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1467 | Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1468 | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1469 | Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2000 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1470 | Communications of the ACM | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1958 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1471 | Communications Society | view | IEEE | 1973 | 1976 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1472 | Community Ecology | view | JSTOR | 2000 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1473 | Community Literacy Journal | view | Project Muse | 2010 | 2020 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1474 | Community Mental Health Journal | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1475 | Comparative Clinical Pathology | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1476 | Comparative Critical Studies | view | Project Muse | 2006 | 2008 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1477 | Comparative Drama | view | JSTOR | 1967 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1478 | Comparative Drama | view | Project Muse | 1967 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1479 | Comparative Education | view | JSTOR | 1964 | 2009 | eSS | E-Journal |
1480 | Comparative Education Review | view | JSTOR | 1957 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1481 | Comparative Literature | view | JSTOR | 1949 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1482 | Comparative Literature Studies | view | JSTOR | 1963 | 2013 | eSS | E-Journal |
1483 | Comparative Literature Studies | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1484 | Comparative Politics | view | JSTOR | 1968 | 2015 | eSS | E-Journal |
1485 | Comparative Studies in Society and History | view | JSTOR | 1958 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1486 | Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East | view | Project Muse | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1487 | Comparative Technology Transfer and Society | view | Project Muse | 2003 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1488 | Complex Analysis and Operator Theory | view | Springer Nature | 2007 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1489 | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations : An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1490 | Complex Variables, Theory and Application: An International Journal | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | 2005 | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1491 | Composite Interfaces | view | Taylor & Francis | 2000 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1492 | Composite Structures | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1493 | Composites Part B: Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1494 | Composites Science and Technology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1495 | Compost Science & Utilization | view | Taylor & Francis | 2006 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1496 | Computational and Applied Mathematics | view | Springer Nature | 2013 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1497 | Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1498 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1499 | Computational and Theoretical Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1500 | Computational Biology and Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1501 | Computational Biology and Chemistry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1502 | computational complexity | view | Springer Nature | 1998 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1503 | Computational Condensed Matter | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1504 | Computational Economics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1505 | Computational Geometry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1506 | Computational Geometry | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1507 | Computational Geosciences | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1508 | Computational Linguistics | view | Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) | 1980 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1509 | Computational Management Science | view | Springer Nature | 2003 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1510 | Computational Materials Science | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1511 | Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics | view | Springer Nature | 2006 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1512 | Computational Mathematics and Modeling | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1513 | Computational Mechanics | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1514 | Computational Methods and Function Theory | view | Springer Nature | 2001 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1515 | Computational Optimization and Applications | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1516 | Computational Statistics | view | Springer Nature | 1999 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1517 | Computational Statistics & Data Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1518 | Computational Statistics & Data Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1519 | Computational Statistics & Data Analysis | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1520 | Computational Toxicology | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1521 | Computer | view | IEEE | 1970 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1522 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1523 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1524 | Computer Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1525 | Computer Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1526 | Computer Law & Security Review | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1527 | Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1528 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1529 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1530 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1531 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering | view | Taylor & Francis | 1997 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1532 | Computer Music Journal | view | JSTOR | 1977 | 2011 | eSS | E-Journal |
1533 | Computer Music Journal | view | Project Muse | 2001 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1534 | Computer Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1535 | Computer Networks | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1536 | Computer Physics Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1537 | Computer Physics Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1538 | Computer Physics Communications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1539 | Computer Science Review | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1540 | Computer Standards & Interfaces | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1541 | Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) | view | Springer Nature | 1997 | Current | eSS | E-Journal |
1542 | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1543 | Computer Vision and Image Understanding | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1544 | Computer-Aided Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1545 | Computer-Aided Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1546 | Computer-Aided Design | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1547 | Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1548 | Computers & Chemical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1549 | Computers & Electrical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1550 | Computers & Electrical Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1551 | Computers & Fluids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1552 | Computers & Fluids | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1553 | Computers & Geosciences | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1554 | Computers & Graphics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1555 | Computers & Graphics | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1556 | Computers & Industrial Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1557 | Computers & Industrial Engineering | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |
1558 | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | view | Elsevier/ ScienceDirect | 2014 | Current | IITI-Self | E-Journal |